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The Lavastorm Mountains are a very active volcanic mountain range to the Northeast of the Nektulos Forest. Forged of sheer granite and cobalt stone, its ridged peaks are desolate and utterly devoid of flora–a dark gray wasteland of stone and magma.

It is rumored that some of the creatures who roam this barren region are not natural in their origins. Rather, many of the elementals and the fire crawlers…are thought to be the summoned creations of the conjuror Najena, who has inhabited the abandoned temple carved into the face of Lavastorm’s most robust peak.

In this region are also Nagafen's Lair, home to Lord Nagafen, Solusek's Eye, inhabited by a great host of fire goblins and an enterprising group of gnomes, and later the Temple of Solusek Ro.

File:Lavastorm view.jpg
The barren wasteland of stone and magma
Level of Monsters: 10-19, 25-30
Types of Monsters: Fire Drake, Fire Elemental, Fire Sprite, Lava Crawler, Rock Dervish, Fire Imp, Lava Basilisk, Firescale Crocodile, Fire Goblin Scouts, Goblin Warriors, Shadowed Men, Thoughteater
Notable NPC's: Gypsies at camp, Druid merchant, Deep Lava Basilisk, Eejag, Hykallen, Nightmare, Sir Lindeal, Warbone Monk, Warbone Spearman
Adjacent Zones: The Nektulos Forest, Solusek's Eye, Nagafen's Lair, The Temple of Solusek Ro, Najena
Name in /who: lavastorm
ZEM Value: 1
Type Outdoor
Expansion Classic (revamped February 15, 2005 with Dragons of Norrath release)


The Lavastorm Mountains

  • 1. Druid Ring with Druid Merchant selling Druid Spells
  • 2. Fire Goblin Camp
  • 3. Gypsy Camp selling Combine Weapons, Fine Steel Weapons, Compasses and Earrings of Fire Reflection
  • 4. Stone Obelisk
  • 5. Goblin Camp where Hykallen appears
  • 6. Stone Obelisk with Shadowed Men

Safe/Evac Spot

Information needed.


Lavastorm is a good stepping stone for hunting through the teens, as it is filled with monsters at those levels.. There is no monster here than can be attacked by someone of less than 12th level or so (although some people with pets can do so), while adventurers 16th-18th will be able to hunt well, and higher level adventurers will be hard pressed to find anything to occupy themselves. The main dangers are the creatures within the zone. Of all the creatures above, only a handful are aggressive, and that includes the goblins, the fire elementals, the fire imp, and the shadowed men. Of these, the ones that are extraordinarily dangerous are the fire imp and the shadowed men. The fire imp is one of those monsters that /con's much lower than they actually are. Fighting a green aggressive one at level 17 as a ranger with both fire and magic protection over 50%, I was killed rather easily because this creature casts a rather powerful fire-based spell throughout battle. The shadowed men are a special case, as they come in a rather large group and don't wander, and are well-known to be both fast on the ground and lethal in combat, regularly tearing apart larger groups of more powerful characters. They are also approximately 30th level, which makes them the most powerful creatures in the zone to date.

The other danger is the terrain itself. The harsh rock outcroppings and ravines can hide drops that will cause you damage (especially if taken quickly), pits of lava, or aggressive monsters. Travelling slowly and with care, or quickly with levitate, are the safest ways to get through the zone.


As a ranger who prefers to hunt outdoors, I enjoy hunting in this zone to most of the dungeons around. The monsters are relatively scattered so you can control exactly what you fight. All of the creatures spawn items that are worth a fair amount of money. They are all also extremely cool creatures, nowhere else can you hear the sounds of the rock dervish as its many rocks slam into your armor in rapid unison, or hunt the manner of creatures that are seen here.

There are some more practical benefits to hunting in the zone as well. The good races can sell at the gypsies located along the west wall, and the evil races (dark elves at least) can sell to the druid merchant at the druid ring in the northwest corner (don't ask me why that makes sense). Also, there are many higher level druid spells for sale there. There are *four* dungeons accessible from this zone, making it a crossroads of higher level characters to and from hunting grounds within the various dungeons.

Traveling To and From

Lavastorm can be reached by passing through the Nektulos Forest. Exits to Najena lie in the southeast corner of the zone, behind a massive set of shattered doors. Entrances to Solusek's Eye A and B lie along the southern edge of Solusek's Eye, and the Temple of Solusek Ro lies along its northern edge.

Garden Variety's Glorious Adventures and Travel Guide

Information Needed.

Forageable Items

Bestiarum Vocabulum

Found 0 NPC's that spawn in The Lavastorm Mountains.

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Found 0 items that spawn in The Lavastorm Mountains.

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Found 0 quests that start in The Lavastorm Mountains.

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