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Highpass Hold lies along the main travel route from Qeynos to Freeport, and is a mountain pass guarded as well as possible by the valiant guards of Highpass Keep. Orcs and gnolls have patrols that run up to the foot of the Keep itself, and the brave Highpass citizens have carved out their homes out of the gulleys and nooks.

Level of Monsters: 12-22
Types of Monsters: Gnolls of various types, Gnolls, Gnoll Soothsayers, Gnoll Flamepaws, Gnoll Shamans, Orc Soldier, Orc Conscript, Orc Warriors, Orc Medics, Orc Acolytes, Orc Scout, Orc Mercenary, Orc Fanatic, Orc Shamans
Notable NPC's: Dyllin Starshine, Hagnis Shralock (named Orc), Vexven Mucktail, Grenix Mucktail, many named NPC's in towns
Adjacent Zones: Eastern Plains of Karana, Kithicor Forest, High Keep
Name in /who: highpass
ZEM Value: 1.06
Type Outdoor
Expansion Classic (1st revamp 19 September 2006)


High Pass Hold

  • 1 Gnolls with Grenix Mucktail who drops Polished Granite Tomahawk (Common)
  • 2 The Golden Rooster, with Brewing Supplies, Alcohol, and Miscellaneous Items
  • 3 Shop with Kiln, Pottery Wheel, Goods, Food, and Pottery Sketches
  • 4 Tiger's Roar, with Alcohol, Brew Barrel, Oven, and Brewing Supplies
  • 5 Bandit Camp
  • 6 Serpent Supply, with Kiln, Pottery Wheel, Food, Forge, and Tailoring Supplies
  • 7 Lumberyard, with Brew Barrel and Alcohol
  • 8 Greenbanes' Weapons, with Weapons, Clay, and Firing Sheets, Forge Outside
  • 9 Orcs with Hagnis Shralok who drops Shiny Brass Halberd (Common), Shralok Pack (Rare), and Shiny Brass Idol (Common)

Note that there is an additional area not shown in the map above. Passing into the water near area 4 and through a narrow tunnel (not the one that leads to the other pond) leads to an area filled with smugglers and equipment necessary for trade skills.

Safe/Evac Spot

Information needed.


Highpass Hold is dangerous to lower level adventurers because of the high level gnolls and orcs that are frequently found just inside either entrance. The orcs control the southern entrance and are more powerful than the gnolls that command the northern entrance. Rarely do the guards venture this far out in order to keep their area safe, so the traveller must either travel invisibly or quickly, or hope that some other adventurers are hunting these creatures to keep the area safe.

The other danger to the zone is a group of NPC's that have set up a camp in a small nook directly out from the gates of the city. They are highly aggressive to any traveller, although for some reason the guards of the city turn a blind eye to their presence. There is also a secret area of bandits that can be found if you swim under the bridge by the Tiger's Roar. These are mostly bandits interested in only their own dealings, and are generally not hostile.


This zone's biggest attraction is as a stopping off point for people traveling from one end of Antonica to the other. Most of the people here are either just passing through or on their way to the Keep for some rare item or spell.

There is also something of an economy here at the foot of the Keep. Out of the six buildings, three of them contain bars (there apparently isn't much to do up here except drink) and there is also good support for a variety of trade skills, especially brewing and pottery, as all the equipment and materials for these can be found here. There are also several good inns in the area.

Traveling To and From

Coming from Freeport an adventurer reaches Kithicor Forest before passing into the southern edge of Highpass Hold. Out of the eastern edge of Highpass Hold lies Highpass Keep. From the northern edge of the Hold one passes into Eastern Plains of Karana and winds their way down a long, narrow gorge until finally reaches the Plains of Karana.

Garden Variety's Glorious Adventures and Travel Guide

Information Needed.

Forageable Items


Bestiarum Vocabulum

Found 0 NPC's that spawn in Highpass Hold.

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Found 0 items that spawn in Highpass Hold.

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Found 0 quests that start in Highpass Hold.

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