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During the Age of Enlightenment, many Erudites skilled in the magic arts had come to dominate their schools in skill and power. One such person was Al'Kabor, who over the years had proven to be the most powerful of the Wizards. Much of his research had given birth to the most powerful spells harnessed by man. Seemingly one of the chosen of Druzzil Ro, Godess of Magic, his skill had few equals and his spells had become standard training among the mystic. Much like Miragul he strove for knowledge, not to overcome, but to understand that which was the universe. To this end he spent countless hours in the Great Library at Erudin until its tomes could serve him no longer. Much to his disdain at leaving his long time home, he would have to travel Norrath to find what he sought. The young races, those of man, had very little knowledge of magic that was not documented or discovered by the Erudites and so he must seek out those of the Ancient Kingdoms and peoples.

Both the Kedge and the Combine Empire held the most mystery as little was known about these two peoples. It was with the Kedge that he would start his research as they were the older of the two. Though the race was known by minor reference in some historical texts, no one had ever seen one and so it was widely believed that they had succumbed to the wrath of the Gods much as other races had during the Age of Blood. Al'Kabor began his search by first writing to the other schools of magic across Norrath asking for any information they might have locked away. He received a response from the foremost school of magic outside of Erudin, the Academy of the Arcane in Freeport on the east coast of Antonica. The letter said that they had received word from one of their roaming scholars that he had discovered an ancient scroll that contained some information about the Kedge but would need to be brought back for deciphering as it was very old. The scholar was supposed to have arrived a week ago, but they had just learned his ship had gone down in the Ocean of Tears and only one sailor had made it back to the city. They instructed Al'Kabor to find the only surviving sailor, Tillerman Janck as he might know the ships fate and where the scroll might now lie.

The great wizard immediately set sail for Antonica from the Erudine port on Odus. His first stop was the human port city of Qeynos. There he acquired maps and supplies and hired a group of mercenaries, as disdainful as it was, to guard and guide him on the journey across Antonica. He hoped to glean some information about the continent as he traveled and perhaps uncover clues about lost civilizations. He and his party traveled for a week across Antonica and eventually came to the commons not far from Freeport. Here they learned from a local merchant that he had seen the sailor they were looking for and he gave them a place to start looking. They set out and eventually discovered the jittery sailor. Tillerman had traveled to the commons to settle down, as he had given up the sea. The incident with the ship had so terrified him that he was a sailor afraid of the ocean. He told of a great disaster befalling the ship. He had been on watch and the boat had suddenly been struck as if on the rocks. However, they were in the middle of the ocean with no rocks to be seen. The ship began to rock violently and many men were thrown into the water, Tillerman included. He had swam for his life and never looked back. None of his fellow sailors had survived to his knowledge. He was overcome with guilt at being the only one among his friends to make it back alive. After Al'Kabor explained what they were looking for, Tillerman told them he was pretty sure where the ship had gone down and that he would show them the way so that his friends deaths would not be in vane.

In the ocean of tears, the adventurers, accompanied by Tillerman Janck found the sunken ship. The great ship was in pieces and barely visible above the water. A druid among the mercenaries enabled them all to breath the sea water and they ventured into the ship. What was unbeknownst to them and Tillerman, was that a water elemental had been responsible for dragging the ship into the deep and was still amid it's remains, guarding the the treasures it had taken. The group didn't spot the elemental within the water until it was in their midst. Great magics were thrown by the mercenaries and Tillerman cowered behind Al'Kabor. Tired of the great beast's interruption, Al'Kabor summoned a magic more powerful than any had seen outside of the inner circle of Erudine. He called forth the power of E'Ci, God of the Ice, from the realm of water and summoned a great frozen comet which formed in the water before him and rocketed toward the elemental. The warriors jumped clear just in time to watch the elemental freeze and explode into a thousand shards, a threat no longer. The party set camp on a nearby island and took shifts searching through the wreckage. A few hours into the search, one of the men reported they had found the captain's strongbox, where any important papers might have been kept. They dragged the box from the ocean's grip and onto the shore where Al'Kabor carefully examined it. Tillerman explained that a captain's strongbox was lined with oiled canvas and the seal lined with wax, that the salt air and water would not harm any important documents within. Heartened by this news, Al'Kabor summoned a minor bolt of energy and burned the lock off the chest. He carefully opened the chest and, true to the sailor's description, the papers inside were in tact and dry. He carefully sorted through the stack of documents and finally uncovered what he sought, a parchment in the ancient tongue of the kedge. It would take time to decipher, but the knowledge was now safely in his grasp. He paid each of his party for services rendered and began the incantation that would take him to his study in Erudine to ponder what answers the parchment would give about a race long dead.


Since The Battle of the Shattered Spear, the dwarven clerics of Brell have always had one called "The Seeker". Duskan Stonegrinder was the current chosen Seeker and he had traveled long and hard throughout the knooks and crannies of Dagnor's Cauldron trying to find a holy relic that the dwarven priests had long been searching for. Finally, believing he had found it's trail, he had been viciously attacked by a band of aqua goblins, which were common on the shores of the desolate landscape of the Cauldron.

A group of adventurers in the area discovered him hiding amid some rocks, trying to recover from grave wounds. They immediately bandaged and healed him enough that he would not succumb to them. Duskan told them he must be taken to King Kazon in Kaladim on a matter of great import that could not wait. They prepared a litter and set off for Kaladim to return the dwarf to his people. One of the group went ahead to inform the city of the approaching party and the wounded dwarf. Upon hearing Duskan's name the guards rushed into the city and soon, several priests and a royal guardsmen came out to receive them. Duskan was rushed to the temple where his fellow priests expertly tended him and brought him to full health again. While he was there the king came to see him and ensure that he was well and hear what news he was told the dwarf had. Duskan whispered into the king's ear and Kazon's eyes went wide. Upon seeing this several of the priests' eyes widened in anticipation of something. The king summoned three of his best guardsmen and had supplies prepared. He offered reward to the group that had brought Duskan home if they would escort him back the cauldron and help him complete his task. The group journeyed back to the cauldron and traveled along the shoreline until they were approaching the Estate of Unrest. Many of them began to get nervous at the thought they might be going in and dealing with the unholy creatures that lie within. Duskan directed them to set camp outside and then turned his attention to the water. He spent many hours examining apparent clues with his magic that none of the others could see. Satisfied this was indeed where what he sought could be found he took off his heavy armor pieces and directed the group to do the same as what they sought was under the water. Though wary, they were getting paid and the guards were complying without question.

Gauging the importance of this item, the group followed suit and beneath the waters they went. As they approached the bottom of the cauldron they could see something moving below and swam cautiously forward. Expecting trouble, the shamans and druids in the group cast spells on the party allowing them to breath in the water. As they got closer, their fears were realized as a large group of Aqua Goblins swam up to meet them. Whatever was here, they did not want it found. The Goblin leader was imense and swam with great speed. Soon the battle was engaged and the party fought fiercely to defeat them. Just as the tide was beginning to turn, another creature appeared beneath the goblins at the gates of some ancient building carved into the rock at the base of the cauldron's side beneath the water. A virtual giant compared to the party members, a finned creature appread crying "I am Phinigel, last of the Kedge, you have come too soon" and entered into the battle on the side of the Goblins. Soon the goblins had been defeated but none seemed able to harm Phinigel. His magics were great and his skill at underwater combat unmatched. Seeing how ineffective they were, the group was sure they would meet a watery grave.

Suddenly, without reason, Phinigel said "I am sorry to have had to waylay you brave ones. But secrets such as mine must be revealed only when there are ears ready to hear them". Then, just as suddenly as he had appeared, he vanished in a swirl of water. Searching the bottom of the Cauldron beneath the battle site they found a large locked chest with a strange seal that Duskan and the guards seemed to recognize immediately. They motioned the group to the surface and soon made preparations to return to Kaladim with their discovery. Despite the questioning of the group, the dwarves were tight-lipped about their find and would say nothing about it's possible contents. The group headed along the shore of the Cauldron and soon, up the canyon that led to the Butcherblock mountains. As they emerged into the mountain valleys, a group of Dark Elves led by one of the D'Vinn, ambushed them and a battle ensued. The expert warriors of the Dark Elves seemed to have no match and quickly dispatched most of the party with the exception of a few and only losing one or two of their own. Fenric was one of the surviving dwarves and laid perfectly still as he was too wounded to fight and wished to know what the dark elves had planned.

The dark elves' wizard had been slain in the battle and they no longer had a means of gating back to Neriak and avoiding the dwarvish lands with their prize. They decided they would rendezvous with a dark elf emissary that was in Crushbone with there allies the Orcs. The emissary was a wizard and would be able to take them back on such an important mission. They set off immediately with Fenric gathering others along the way and those that had survived the battle close behind. Meanwhile in Crushbone, Seza, the dark elf wizard, received a dark elf messenger that told her the dark elf warriors were coming with a prize of great import and must be taken to Neriak immediately upon arrival. Seza, upon hearing the news, asked for an emergency audience with Grak, cousin to Emperor Crush, currently responsible for fending off attacks against their great stonghold. The orcs launched an offensive to clear a path to the orcish land so the dark elves could get there with their prize unmolested. The party of dark elf warriors finally arrived at Crushbone after traveling at a maddening pace only to discover that both Grak and Seza had been slain in order to ensure their safe arrival. Seeing no means of escape the dark elves made fortifications and awaited the arrival of the dwarves and their party. A furious battle ensued and soon the dark elves were defeated by an overwhelming force Fenric had gathered while crossing the dwarvish lands and their allies the elves.

The party recovered the stolen chest and made haste back to King Kazon. The king and his clerics examined the chest and determined that to open it without a special key would cause the destruction of what lie within. They received word from the king's informants that one of the dark elves had indeed escaped. He was on his way back to the coast of Antonica using a small ship they had apparently used to get to Faydwer originally and was most assuredly making his way toward Neriak and would most likely contact a Captain N'Varre of the dark elven army at their closest outpost the dwarves knew of. They were sure the key would soon be in the captain's hands and they must find him before he could make it back to Neriak and its near impenetrable defenses. Having lost two of his trusted guard, King Kazon named Grundel, the remaining dwarf, Champion of Brell and set him to the task of seeking out this Captain N'Varre in the Nektulos forest and retrieving the key. The group yet again resupplied and made haste to the port of Faydwer and set sail for Antonica. They were sure they could catch up to the dark elf as their ship was much more sure of sail and could make up some of their lost time. Upon arrival at Freeport on the east coast of Antonica, they reinforced their group with hirelings and made way to the Nektulos forest and Captain N'Varre's outpost. Sure enough, as they arrived the Captain was making ready to leave and they intercepted him and his personal escort and slayed them outright, taking the key they sought.

Again, they returned to Kaladim in hopes that the great mystery of the chest would be revealed to them. Kazon ceremoniously slid the key into the lock and lifted the lid. His hands trembling, he reached inside and drew forth a great hammer. It's power washed over the group and they knew it's magic divine. The hand of Brell himself had touched it, all could be sure. The King told that long ago, when King Grummly had risen an army to fight the ogres, the High Priest of Brell prayed to their god that he give them the strength to defeat this horrible foe and protect the home of the dwarves. In answer to his prayer, Brell appeared to the priest in the temple and gave unto him the Butcherblock Hammer to wield in defense of the dwarven homeland from that day forward. The high priest fought by the king's side and was slain in defense of Grimmly from Dagnor's minions in the final battle. In memory of the hammer's purpose, as ordained by Brell, Kazon gave the Butcherblock Hammer to his new champion Grundel to wield in defense of the dwarvish kingdom and their people.


Long had the Prince of Hate waited to visit his revenge upon the elves for destroying his plans for them. Long had he dreamt from his twisted city on the plan of hate how the would fall to his power for their betrayal. His devoted priestess, that had spirited his dark creations to safety during the rebellion, had been the foundation of his will to destroy them. It was her that gave birth to his unholy child that would one day embody his power on the physical plane. The time had come to introduce his daughter to the world. To complete the tasks what would bring her to power. Innoruuk called upon one of his faithful, Laarthik, one of his old guard, to find those who would rally to the banner of hate and bring his daughter to power. In a vision he spoke to him and bid him complete this task or suffer his dark God's anger. Laarthik immediately jumped out of bed and donned his armor. He took to the streets shouting the day of the dark elves had come and that Innoruuk was sending his daughter to lead his people to victory over the light races. Many of his dark brothers and sisters gathered to hear what must be done. The bitter medicine of being cast out had never let it taste escape their lips.

Lanys T'Vyl, Mistress of Envy, and daughter of hate appeared before them and Laarthik swore fealty to her and her father, that they may lead the dark elves to their rightful place in Norrath. Lanys explained to the gathering that for her to come into her full powers, they must retrieve for her the sacred armor of her father, the Armor of Darkness, long ago entrusted to the keeping of the Crimson Teir'dal, his near fanatical warriors. Long ago when the dark elves had been cast out, he had selected them to keep his dark secrets on Norrath and made them near immortal to guard them into the centuries. Lanys must vanquish each keeper of the pieces that she may prove her worth and accept the mantle her father had prepared. Lanys left the city with Laarthik what followers they had gathered to Befallen, lost capital of the ancient elves, where she knew the first of the Crimson Teir'dal guarded his prize. The followers spread out through the ruins to seek out the warrior and eventually he was found by Lanys herself. No words were spoken, only a nodded understanding, and the two engaged in furious combat. Lanys's rage showed no bounds and she struck him down and licked his blood from her blade. From his arms she took what she had come for, the bracers. She returned to the city with Laarthik and her followers and spent many days in prayer and sacrifice to her father for their success. After this small respite, Laarthik again came to the people and bid them to heed his call. The next of the pieces must be found. This day they would journey to Najena, another fallen city, and face the next of the Crimson Teir'dal.

Once the crowd had gathered, Lanys again appeared to them and they made the journey. Upon arriving, once again the spread into the dungeon to find the elusive foe. Soon, he was discovered but this one seemed much more powerful than the first and had harnessed some power dark magics. On each side flew an imp companion that taunted those foolish enough to harm their master. The battled ensued and it seemed that this Crimson Teir'dal could not be defeated. In a fit of anger and frustration at the seeming stalemate, Lanys called down her father's power with a dark prayer and comsumed the area with his powerful hatred. The imps railed against the assault and now she knew she had one. While her minions kept the dark one busy, she unleashed her power on the imps. As the last of the two fell, the Crimson Teir'dal visibly drooped and the weapons of her followers made contact and drew blood. She renewed her assault upon him and soon he was slain. She kicked the dark boots from his feet and stole them away, soon disappearing again to pay homage to her father. Once again Laarthik appeared in the commons of Neriak and began to call those faithful of hate to his side. Laarthik and Lanys were well known in the dark city now and the dark elves had seen Lanys grow in power with the donning of each piece and gathered in hopes that she would fulfil their destiny as rulers of Norrath. Lanys appread to them for a third time and this time the group made journey to Solusek's Eye, where Lanys said the final of the Crimson Teir'dal awaited. As they entered the lands of lavastorm a high elf assassin leaped from the canyon rocks and attacked Lanys. The high elf had learned of her and feared that she might be a real threat. Lanys and her near fanatical followers made short work of the assassin who couldn't hope to capture the element of surprise with so many who were expert in it's use. Lanys and her brood traveled deep into the bowls of Solusek's eye and followed the pull toward her final foe. They came upon a gateway guarded by four clockwork sentries that had apparently been comandeered by the Crimson Teir'dal and the battle was engaged. Many of Lanys's followers were slain as the fight progressed, soon the Crimson Teir'dal appeared, only this time he wasn't alone. This time he had a fellow guard with him and they joined the battle with such fierceness that many of Lany's followers ran in fear, but those who were true stayed and fought on. Those the casualties were heavy, they defeated the clockworks, leaving only the two Crimson Teir'dal. The armor that Lanys had already recovered had made her much stronger and her dark magics and fierce attacks brought the two to there knees with the aid of Laarthik and her followers. As she put on the final pieces of the Armor of Darkness, a seething darkness poured from her and across those in her pressence. It was barely standable. Hatred, anger, rage, envy, jealousy, and revenge overcame them all and they were caught in a hateful haze. Now, none could deny. Innoruuk would be denied no longer. His flesh was among us!


Long had the mines of High Keep produced usable ore, but nothing too valuable other than common minerals and iron. Nurgal, a Pickclaw goblin that worked in the mines beneath the keep found a strange stone while he was digging. Knowing that the dark elf ambassador to the keep paid the best for such things, he brought the stone to her hoping to a gain a high payment for his toil. The dark elf ambassador had never seen such a stone and immediately realized through her arcane training that it had magical properties. In an attempt to test the stone's power she nearly wrecked her room and barely escaped death. Realizing that the stone was something entirely unique she saw her opportunity. She had waited a long time to find a way out of her post and the keep and away from the ignorant stinking humans that infested it. This would be her ticket out of a backwater assignment and back into the circles of power in Neriak. She set out immediately for Neriak to deliver the stone personally in hopes that she would gain enough favor with her superiors to get posted back home.

Realizing the value of the stone and the possibility that more such stones existed, the ambassador took Nargul with her and hired orc bodyguards to help her in the journey to Neriak. Along the way she enlisted the aid of other dark elves she could find and avoided contact with those of the "light" races who might try to take the stone from her and deprive her of this opportunity. Upon arrival in the Nektulos forest the ambassador made contact with Laarthink thinking that Lanys T'Vyl, Daughter of Hate, would be the best person to unleash it's power and wanting to curry her favor. Laarthik, upon seeing the stone, knew that is was a major artifact. To the Ambassador's dismay, he ordered her and her party back to the keep immediately to seek out more of the powerful stones. Little did they know that a high elf lurked in the bushes and rocks listening to their exchange. Upon hearing the knews that the Ambassador would be returning to High Keep he left for pass immediately to set a trap for her. Upon arrival, he quietly gathered those travelers he could find that were opposed to the dark ones and set his plan in motion to stop her from ever reaching High Keep again. The Ambassador headed back toward the keep. This time, in the company of dark elf warriors as her new task was of great import. As they entered the Kithicor woods on the slopes of the Serpent's Spine, they high elf and his men attacked. The high elf, knowing the woods far better than the under-dwelling dark elves caught them completely off-guard and the Ambassador and her escort were slain. The high elf check her body for any information she might be carrying and discovered a letter. He insisted that the letter be brought immediately to Lord Tethys in High Keep and so the men escorted him safely to it. Upon arrival at the keep, he turned the letter over to the high elf Ambassador, Lord Tethys. Upon reading the letter he seemed very distressed and informed all that it was the most dire news. He hurried away to make plans, leaving the group to wonder what could cause him such distress.


An elven child was seen playing in the woods of Kelethin. She sang an old song concerning a strange maiden and an wonderous beast. A local drunk well known in the area wandered past the child as she played. When he heard the song she was singing, he showed obvious discomfort and left very quickly for the nearest tavern mumbling that he needed a drink badly. A stranger appeared in Kelethin. She was a warrior maiden who seemed unfamiliar with the town or area even though she was a high elf whose home would normally be in nearby Felwithe. As she passed through the town she was seemingly amazed by all she saw; she in turn amazed others as she was accompanied by serveral of the normally shy and reclusive fairies of the Faydark. Eventually finding herself in the same tavern as the drunk who had earlier come across the elven child, the maiden heard the drunk mumbling the song the child had been singing. As she listened a strange feeling overcame the maiden. Though she could not say why, the song seemed to be about her and when the drunk mumbled about the beast of silver, she knew without knowing why that she must find this beast. Unfortunately before she could get much information out of the drunk he passed out and it was apparent that it would be some time before he recovered enough to answer further questions. The maiden was compelled by a force she did not understand to seek out the beast, so she asked all she could find if they knew of such a beast and its whereabouts. The maidens questions uncovered that the beast sounded like a unicorn and several adventureres reported having seen a unicorn in the forests of lesser Faydark. The maiden pleaded wth those adventurers so earnestly and so intensely that they agreed to take her to the forest and help her find the unicorn so that she could see if this was the beast she sought. After much searching in the forests of lesser Faydark the maiden and those with her found the unicorn, but it would not let the party approach. Finally the maiden alone stepped forward and approached the unicorn. To the surprise of all, the unicorn let the maiden approach it. As the maiden put out her hand to gently touch the unicorn there was an immense flash of light that passed between beast and man. Throughout the world the word "Yesss" was heard by all and a bond was formed between unicorn and maiden as the tears of Tunare rained upon the world.


Carson Macabe and Lord Tethys called together all the ambassadors of the good races in Highkeep. It was revealed that the letter taken from the body of the dark elf ambassador revealed a plan for a dark elf army to attack Highkeep, capturing that fortress and cutting Antonica in half. Once this was accomplished, the elves would have an easy time of overcoming Rivervale and Freeport. The lords met and tried to make plans for countering the dark elf plan. However due to internal concerns there would be no help from Qeynos, Erudin or even Freeport. The dwarven ambassador indicated that help from the dwarves was also unlikely. Galeth Verdeth of the paladins of Tunare appeared, accompanied by his pupil Firiona Vie. Galeth indicated that the king of Felwithe had authorized the paladins to assist in the defense of Highkeep but the rest of the Felwithe forces had to stay at home in order to keep the orcs of Crushbone in check.


Firiona Vie accompanied by Equestrielle, her unicorn companion, received word from Galeth Verdeth her teacher that he would like her to meet him in Felwithe. Galeth gave no reason but would not take "no" for an answer. Firiona and Equestrielle head to Felwithe but upon arrival the unicorn refused to enter the city. Firiona reluctantly agreed to leave her companion behind, but as if by magic, other creatures appeared and accompanied her in the unicorn's stead. Firiona entered the town accompanied by a wolf and several fairies and other animals. As she made her way through the city, several merchants came out of the stores complaining about the smell and pressence of the animals near their place of business. Galeth appeared and calmed the merchants, inviting them and Firiona to accompany him to the King who was throwing a city-wide celebration. Firiona and Galeth arrived at the party being thrown by the king. Firiona felt a bit awkward in a large crowded city and kept to herself and out of the center of things while Galeth went to join the King. A bard, hired by Galeth, asked permission to sing a song for the gathering. Upon being given permission, the bard sang a song of a child, who had been abandoned as a baby, who was raised by another upon the death of her mother. During the song the King became more and more agitated, as the bard sang of the child being the chosen of Tunare, the King could stand no more. He struck the bard and ordered her to be silent, that he would hear no more of these prophecies of "the child". A chill wind passed through the party. Silence fell and a spectral form appeared. Galeth immediately recognized the form as that of the dead queen. The spectral shape approached the King. It spoke to him of their daughter and his betrayal. The spectre of the dead queen told the King that their child lived and that he could no longer fail to recognize her, that Tunare herself demanded that he find and recognize his lost daugher, with that the ghost departed as mysteriously as it had arrived. The shaken King shouted that his lost daughter must be found. At this point Galeth called forth Firiona Vie and revealed to the King that she was his lost daughter who had been spirited away from his wrath at the death of his queen. Galeth had raised and trained Firiona and now the King's daughter stood before him. The repentant King welcomed Firiona and proclaimed to all that she was indeed his daughter and a princess of Felwithe. The gathering and the world itself were astounded when a voice seemed to fill the world stating "Know that Firiona Vie is the chosen one of Tunare". The King brought Firiona to the throne and father and daughter were reconciled once more.


The forces of good led by Carson MaCabe and Lord Tethys sent out recruiters to find whatever assistance they could to help defend Highkeep from the coming dark elf attack. Carson sent a party of adventurers to meet renowned champions in Freeport and escort them back to Highkeep to prepare for the fortresses defense. Both good and evil sent provisioners throughout the world buying the items they would need to equip an army. The dark elves sent emissarys to the trolls and to the orcs of Crushbone to ask assistance in their coming attack on Highkeep. The dark elf ambassador to the Splitpaw clan was called home to act as one of the dark elf generals in the coming battle. Many small skirmishes erupted as forces from both sides came into conflict with each other and tried to find as much information of the other side's plans as they could. Both sides sought as many allies as they could find and the armies of good and the armies of dark swelled as adventurers were found to aid in the coming conflict. The dark elves were finally prepared for their war. Lanys T`vyl, Laarthik and the dark elf army set out from Nektulos on the march for Highkeep. Hearing that the dark elf army was on the march, Carson MaCabe and his allies formed their army. Carson stayed in Highkeep to lead the forces that would defend the keep itself while Galeth Verdeth, Firiona Vie, and Lord Tethys along with the dwarf Tubr Broadaxe set forth with the army of good and entered the Kithicor Woods to hold off the dark army and keep them in the low lands. As they marched to Highkeep the dark elves left portions of their army behind them to guard the path back to Neriak should the battle go badly. The dark elf army entered the Kithicor woods and as they marched on Highkeep the army of the defenders came forth to meet them. As the two armies met in a clash of steel and fury the cries of the dying could be heard for miles. At the peak of the battle Lanys T`Vyl and Lord Tethys met in battle. After a long and fierce combat, the valiant Lord Tethys fell to Lanys's sword. Seeing Lord Tethys fall, the army of good renewed their attack with vicious fervor. Galeth Verdeth engaged Laarthik and his pupil Firiona Vie engaged Lanys. As these four fought, the armies themselves engaged around the combatants in a chaotic ballet of singing steel and magic. The battle raged on with neither side able to turn the tide. But as the battle raged, Lanys slowly began to fail, Firiona Vie pressed her attack, enraged at the death of the gentle Lord Tethys. Lanys faltered and fell wounded. Laarthik seeing Lanys fall made a furious attack on Galeth and the beat the paladin of Tunare back. Laarthik then took out the powerful goblin stone. He held it high, and channeling the power of the stone called upon Innoruuk, Prince of Hate and father of the dark elves. Laarthik was consumed in flame as the energies of the stone cascaded around him and his screams of agony and rage became loud enough for the God of Hate to hear in his far away plane. The ground began to tremble and the clouds gathered in angry darkness over the woodds. A portal of swirling darkness appeared and plunged the woods into an inky blackness. Innoruuk, stepped out of the portal and set foot on Norrath. He found the body of his only daughter sorely wounded and crippled. He was so enraged that mortals would dare to harm his only child that he called down a curse on the woods that had seen Lanys's defeat. Innoruuk took up the limp form of Lanys and called forth his servant Hate. Hate, abeast of pure, unadulterated anger and vile purpose stepped from the shadowy portal and bowed before it's master. Innoruuk ordered it to kill all he could find. Innoruuk, with Lanys in his arms, returned to his plane of hate with his daughter's crippled body, but the energies of the stone that had called him forth had opened the door to that plane forever. The shadows of hate would fill the Kithicor woods and curse it for eternity. The undead of Innoruuk's plane would wander the woods at darkness when the portal was strongest as the door to the plane of Hate would stand open allowing passage between the plane of hate and the world of Norrath forever.

