Kerra Isle

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A view of the Kobold Jail on Kerra Isle.
Level of Monsters: 10 - 25
Types of Monsters: a catfisher, a Kerran male, a kerran female, kerran high guard, kerran tseq, a banished kerran, drunken ghulam, dozing ghulam, a kerran ademzada, a kerran ademzada shaman, a kerran ademzada`amir, a kerran ahmad shaman, a kerran `amir, a kerran amira guardian, a kerran amira protector, a kerran awrat, a kerran ghazi, a kerran ghazi shaman, a kerran ghazi`amir, a kerran ghulam, a kerran huntress, a kerran ispusar, a kerran keeper, a kerran mamluk, a kerran mujahed, a kerran pasdar, a kerran pazdar, a kerran pazdar shaman, a kerran priestess, a kerran pridesman, a kerran puzhal, a kerran sha`rr apprentice, kerran Mujah, a kerran gorilla, a kerran gorilla shaman, a gorilla guard, a gorilla protector, a kerra lion, a kerra puma, a tiger, a patrolling tiger, kerran tiger spahi, Spikefish, a venomous spikefish, wharf rat, a kobold prisoner, a kobold captive, a heretic necromancer, a skeleton, a decaying skeleton, Kerran chieftain
Notable NPC's: Khonza Mitty of Kerra, Lord Gongo, fang tooth, Razortooth (NPC), High Priestess Mitty, Hamed Grarr, the Kerran Sha`rr, Allix, Erfer Longclaw, Errrak Thickshank, Feren, Feskr Drinkmaker, Graalf Sharpclaw, Iffrir Soulcaller, Marl Kastane, Melixis, Raarrk, Roary Fishpouncer, Shazda Asad, Thalith Mamluk, Urkath Greyface, Wislen Mamluk, Jo Jo, Maugarim, Kirran Mirrah
Adjacent Zones: Toxxulia Forest
Name in /who: kerraridge
ZEM Value: 1.2
Type Outdoor
Expansion Classic (1st revamped in 10 April 2000 patch, removed and merged into Toxxulia Forest in 13 February 2007 patch during The Buried Sea expansion )

Kerra Isle, also known as Kerra Island or Kerra Ridge, is a small island that lies just off the west coast of Odus. This island's main inhabitants are the Kerrans, a race of catlike people who are peaceful until you make enemies of them. This home to the cat people of Odus is a dense, tropical jungle, lush with plant and animal life at the edge of a gray stone cliff ridge. The rocky cliff face of the ridge is vertical and extremely dangerous, and can only be climbed in certain cracks and crevasses, which makes Kerra Ridge impenetrable from the south. The island in Erud's Crossing is often mistakingly referred to as Kerra Island.

The village of the cat people surrounds a clear, shallow lake that feeds a waterfall, that drops over a hundred feet into the small, rocky, deep lake below the ridge. Crude narrow paths cut through the dense jungle trees, spreading out from and surrounding Kerra Village.

Patrols of kerrra are often found moving along the paths and trails that encircle Kerra Village, looking for intruders. Small wooden and bamboo outposts have been constructed along the ridge and at the outer regions of the village, and are constantly manned by small squads of warriors. The kerra, an intelligence and peaceful race, will not act violently toward adventurers or travelers unless provoked. When they are engaged in combat, however, they are brutal and savage warriors, as their fighting instinct overrides their intelligence.

Keejan, Spirit of Kerra, was an ancient and legendary hero. He is the warrior prince who is credited with the founding of Kerra Ridge, organizing and uniting its then small and feudal clans, and spawning the wisdom and tradition that is held in so high esteem by the current kerran citizens. His near deification is reinforced at evening fires and tribal ceremonies where tales are told and songs are sung about his heroism in battle and his wisdom in times of peace. In warrior training, young kerra are taught the ways of Kejaan and "for Kejaan" is a popular battle cry. Many kerran warriors call on Kejaan to aid them in battle and thank Kejaan when they have done well in battle. It is said, although no one outside the village has witnessed it, that Kejaan will sometimes materialize from spirit form and walk among the people of Kerra Isle, giving them advice, aid, and enlightenment.[1]


MAP Kerra Isle.jpg

Kerra Isle

Safe/Evac Spot

(Y) -80 (X) 311 (Z) 1.25


This island's main danger is the Kerrans, who, as mentioned above, will generally leave you alone until you start killing their kindred. Then this place becomes rather scary, primarily because there are lots of NPCs in pretty small areas, and a lot of wandering NPCs (which will have sow!) who can cast and heal friends.

(Mostly incorrect but preserved for posterity: At lower levels, the front of the zone is much like the front of Crushbone, lower level spawns that are generally separate from each other so that you can handle them one at a time.)

At lower levels, pulls tend to be 2-3 cats at a time unless you are a bit higher level than ideal for fighting or are using lull/harmony to pull. The lower-level cats are warriors or shamans. There are some warrior-only cats that are around level 6-8, but they tend to spawn in the same spots as the level 10-12 cats that can be shamans. Be careful of the named wizard that can spawn near the entrance, who is a bit higher level.

At 15 for groups or 17-18 for solo you will definitely need to move further into the island to find Kerrans that are worth hunting, and this is dangerous. The canyon in front of the entrance has odd pathing and a mix of warrior, shaman, and ranger NPCs. The shamans heal, slow, dot, and blind. The rangers root and snare. The docks area also has a mix of cats from level 12-18ish, with 1-3 cats per pull without lull/harmony. Be careful inside the buildings!

Higher level still, 20+, hunting cats, there is a large open area around a fire pit with a few buildings including a temple, a tiger hut, and a large wooden building with a basement. There are some named spawns over here, LOTS of wandering kerrans and their tiger and gorilla pets, and more casters. NPCs will heal each other through walls, slow, dot, snare, blind, root, etc.

There is also an island area out in front of the docks, with small windy canyons and rocky walls. There are a few cats out here around a death pit trap area, and also teens-level necromancer NPCs who can see invisible. Pathing is wonky. It's a nasty area.


This is a relatively remote outdoor zone that is relatively untouched, thus making it good hunting without much competition. This is probably in large part due to the fact that few people know or care to go there and check it out (I myself played an Erudite for most of the beta and never stepped foot on the island). It is also kind of far away for most of the characters, including Erudites, who by the time they're ready for this are bound to Qeynos. The only other problem that I can foresee with this area is that there is a large jump in difficulty from the front spawn spots to the ones further in. The tunnels provide some separate Kerrans to hunt, but the larger areas are just scary.

The zone has a fun, tropical theme not really seen in other places of classic EverQuest. Loot is abysmal (fish, milk, a few cheap gems, a few research words) overall, but the experience is pretty nice especially with a group to keep the kills coming more steadily. 15-22 is possible near the entrance and the docks area. 22-30 is possible deeper in where the nameds spawn in buildings, but the area is very dangerous even with a group... many wandering cats, cats healing through walls, shamans slowing and dotting you, etc.

Tips for soloing: In the teens, try to stick to "mamluk" mobs - the others in the same level range are casters and will be much more difficult for the same amount of xp. There's a great solo spot for the low-high teens at the bridge near the entrance to the zone. If you sit in the middle of the bridge, there are a total of 4 mamluks (one at each corner) nearby that will not aggro from their spawns. Can camp these 4 plus 2 others that are on the path to the southwest toward the docks area. You can safely camp these 6 spawns in any combination (2, 4 or all 6 depending on class and gear) without aggroing any annoying caster mobs.

Traveling To and From

There is only one way in and out of the island, and it is through the tunnel on the east side of the bridge that spans the river. This leads to the narrow strip of water that separates Kerra Isle from Odus, a strip small enough that it can be swum with ease. Only low-level adventurers need fear the swim, as there are occasional giant pirhana that swim the waters.

Garden Variety's Glorious Adventures and Travel Guide to Kerra Isle

Named Mobs and Camps

Name Level Location Drops
Lord Gongo (Named Gorilla) 20 Northwest of Loc #1 on Map, behind 2 kerran gorillas, PH is a Kerran Gorilla Shaman Gorilla Hide Mask, Gorilla Hide Leggings
Jo Jo (Named Tiger) 20 Building next to Lord Gongo (North of Loc #1 on Map), PH is a tiger Mystical Claws of Jojo, Tiger Hide Gloves
The Kerran Sha`rr 20 - 25 Basement of Jo Jo building, next to Lord Gongo (North of Loc #1 on Map), PH is a Kerran Sha'rr Apprentice Hexed Kerran Doll, Kerran War Spear
Kerren Tiger Spahi 20 Tiger Training Pit (Loc #5 on Map) Cat o' Nine Tails
Hamed Grarr 21 Underground Room below Alchemist vendor Melixis, PH are a Kerran Ahmed Shaman or a Kerran Pazdar Shaman Kerran Tribal Headband, Hamed's Ring of Tears
Shazda Asad 24 Cave of Sujah Leader (Loc #3 on Map) Shazda Turban

Forageable Items



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Historical Release and Revamp Dates

  • Kerra Isle (aka Kerra Ridge) was first revamped in Classic on April 10, 2000 during the Plane of Sky Era, about two weeks before the official release date of Everquest's first expansion, The Ruins of Kunark. This coincided the same patch with a revamp to Splitpaw.
  • It was merged with Toxxulia Forest (and thus removed as an independent zone) in the February 13, 2007 patch which marked the official release of Everquest's 13th expansion, The Buried Sea.


  1. Atlas: Maps of Myrist