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This will document the Quest API for Perl since that is what is used on EQ Archives.

Perl Consts


Constant Description
$class The player's class (i.e. Rogue, Cleric, etc.).
$faction Provides the faction level the player has with the NPC's primary faction. This will be an integer between 1 (Ally) and 9 (Scowls). See https://docs.eqemu.io/server/factions/faction-values/
$h Current heading of mob (i.e. the direction they are facing out of 360 degrees).
$mlevel Mob's (NPC) level
$mname Mob's (NPC) name
$mobid NPC ID
$race The player's race (i.e. Human, Erudite, etc.).
$ulevel player (user) level
$x Current x coordinates of mob.
$y Current y coordinates of mob.
$z Current z coordinates of mob.

