The Age of Creation

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The Age of Creation

In the beginning, there was a perfect void. Empty of all; even time, and space. A vast and endless nothingness cloaked in a deep and all consuming silence.

Within this void existed "The Nameless". A power so incredible and incomprehensible that in all the universe, it knew only itself to exist. Knew only itself capable of existing in the great expanse that was its realm. It knew not why it was there. Only that it was.

In the quiet expanse of the void, it sent itself out. To probe this empty space. To seek it's boundaries if it had them. As it's awareness searched the void all it could think about was the discovery of something different. And there, as it willed it so, it found something different indeed. A pocket of space and within it the flow of time creeping inexorably on. Of all existence, this pocket of reality was the only thing different than itself. When it stepped into the space, something happened. Something terrible and wonderful. Something terrifying and exciting. The pocket had the elements of space and time. The Nameless knew naught of these things and when it entered the void, it could not be contained within it and a part of it lashed out in all directions to fill the space which had been empty with a force that knew no boundaries.

The Nameless quickly drew back into the place it had known and looked into the space to see what had happened. But it was empty no longer. It was filled with swirling energies and light and heat and it's perfect emptiness was corrupted by the being of the Nameless which had tried to fill it. The new realm, sewn from his being, was now still part of him, but different from all he had known. The energies collided and crashed. They were born and died. They became new and different things, none of which the Nameless had seen before or could predict. The Nameless felt wonder for the first time.

Through its will it began to shape the chaos that swirled within. To form new and interesting elements it was only now learning. Once the basic elements were formed it used them to form planets, both huge and small. Stars and swirling masses of light. All for it's wonder and joy. It operated on a grand scale and set it's universe in motion. Moving and pulsating with it's own kind of life.

Throughout it's center it set the stars. Pinpoints of energy much like itself that it may watch over this new creation. Now the swirling ball of chaos needed shaping. He would need order in this new realm he had created. The changes that he wanted would need a fine touch. He needed a way within the sphere to manipulate this chaos material. And so he made the Gods of Power.

The Nameless reached into the chaos and drew forth four equal portions of the stuff of existence. Of these he took a sampling and shaped it into the Gods that would divide the universe into form.

The first of the these he named Rathe and set upon it the task of making solid the chaos, into the matter of which all things would be built. Rathe looked upon the task before it and saw the Chaos was immense. It's task was enormous and would require it to be many places throughout the cosmos to tend. It reached inside itself and divided into 13 equal parts. All to keep custodian over the multitude of mass that it would create and each of The Rathe went into the chaos and set about dividing a fourth of the material into the matter it would call Earth. It set this earth around it's Lord's eyes, the stars, that he may keep watch over all his cosmos and admire it's child's creations.

The second he named Fennin Ro. And gave him the tasking of shaping the chaos. Fennin went forth and drew his portion that he named Fire, that he may set it upon the stars and shed light on his Lord's cosmos. He helped The Rathe shape the solid matter into that which would be pleasing to their Lord's eye. He gave warmth to the cold of chaos.

The third element, Water, he determined would need many forms. For this element he took the portion and split it into three. Tarew Marr would be responsible for Water, the main state of the element which would give life to his worlds. E'Ci would lord over water in it's solid state, Ice, and the order and preservation it brought. Finally, Povar would lord over Steam, and that of life in motion. These three took their portion and cloaked each world with it's life giving touch.

The fourth he named Xegony. Her's was the duty of drawing away the material in-between and setting each thing in it's place. Her portion of chaos she drew away and made into Air. This she used to blow the chaos away and blanket each world to cushion it from the harshness of the cold cosmos.

The Nameless looked into its new creation and felt sorrow. It knew all that happened in this new place but could not experience it for it could not contain him. Only the essence that he could reach within told him anything of this new world he had formed. It left him feeling detached. He must find a way to explore this new existence.

He called out to the Gods of Power and commanded them to make minions that he could share in their experience of his new worlds. The chaos on the outer rim. He shaped it with his will into that which would be his eyes and hands. A being of energy. A being of will born of his own matter, but not as all encompassing. This being would be his conduit to this world. He would shape it and experience it through this. This being, he named Tunare. It would be the giver of life to his new worlds. Able to channel the positive energy it had left behind and create and shape this universe it had made.

Tunare became aware and looked upon the space that it's lord had made and smiled. A place to be shaped. A place to pattern into the order of life. It began to shape the matter of the solid world so center to this universe and to take of the elements and make it's first creations. Upon the first world, at the center of the space, it sewed it's seeds and watched them grow into plants and simple animals. It moved from planet to planet and spread its creations and a jumping spiraling dance of life had begun.

Soon, Tunare gazed upon the planets and saw that it could fit no more life. What would it's purpose be without the drive of creation to keep it moving. Tunare cried to the Nameless for a solution.

The Nameless gazed within the space and saw the answer. With creation, there must be destruction. There was only so much of itself within the sphere and he could place no more, for entering the space again would mean its destruction. He would take the chaos on the outer rim and create another close to his own being. Another to work in concert with Tunare to ensure all that was made would be unmade so that life would continue to change. He reached into the maelstrom and shaped Bertoxxulous. His sphere would be that of death and decay so that all could be reborn at Tunare's hand.

Bertoxxulous spread his decaying touch across the plentiful worlds and plague and death touched the thriving masses and much of the life was destroyed. Room for new life had been made and the circle set in motion. The cycle of life and death. Tunare would create and Bertoxxulous would destroy.

The Nameless looked upon this new order and pondered. Growth and Decay were slow. He would need more influence to change the worlds at a pace he found pleasing. To this end he created more Gods to shape his creation.

He would make Gods of Light to seed his worlds with positive energy and order. Erollisi Marr, Godess of Love to ensure that life would come together to perpetuate. Quellious so that peace would thrive and life given an equal chance to prosper. Rodcet Nife to infuse the new creations with the life energy of the universe. Mithaniel Marr, God of honor and valor and the codes of conduct that would allow life to coexist.

And to ensure that there would be a balance and that change would thrive and keep the world growing he would make the Gods of Darkness. Innoruuk, God of Hate, to make sure that life was divided and did not prosper beyond the world's means. Rallos Zek, God of War, to make life fight for each resource it would need to survive and there ensure it would be appreciated and not exhausted. Cazic Thule that those born in this world would fear it's power and not seek more than the share given them by the Gods.

The two sides set out to make the cosmos their own. The light would set order and the dark would strive to smash that order. Soon, the Gods became obsessed with the fulfilling of purpose. Battle were great and many of the new worlds were destroyed in their wake. The Nameless looked on this and saw that more was needed. There was not always a black and white view. He must temper his new children with neutrality and judgment.

The Nameless reached out his will and made the Gods of Neutrality, that they might temper the wills of the other Gods. The Tribunal, God of Justice, a being of three wills bound together. It would ensure that any dispute between the sides of order and chaos would be quelled with wisdom and forethought. Being of three minds, it would always see each side of a problem and make proper judgment. Solusek Ro, God of the Elements, would ensure that all forms of existence had their opposite and would keep the mysteries that bound the universe together. Prexus, God of the Oceans and Seas, would ensure that water so necessary to life, would be plentiful, and food from his domain as well. His other side that of ensuring pockets of life be separated on a world that they not grow to quickly and his might bear down on those who violate his realm and the will of the Gods. Karana, God of Storms would carry Prexus's life giving water to the land and yet crash down destruction and fury when called for. Brell Serilis, God of Underfoot, the world that lie beneath the surface of the planets, where all has it's roots. Bristlebane, God of Frivolity and Theft. His would be the duty of spreading merriment and mischief among the Gods that they not grow stagnant in their duties, and along the way he would gather their secrets and ensure that by spreading them from ear to ear when warranted, no God would outweigh another.

Finally, among these neutrals, he placed his great equalizer. The only God that had no specific sphere of influence but would be his tool in cases where he had none. Veeshan, the great God of Dragons. The dragon would be his key to unanswered problems. Veeshan would ensure that where might was required among his children, it would be handed out and where wisdom was required, Veeshan's patience would find it.

While the Gods light and darkness began to flex their new found will and bicker among themselves and the neutrals attempted to keep the balance among them, Veeshan soared among the great new planets. There was much to be discovered and the keeper of wisdom must know it all that she would have the power of knowledge to server her purpose. There was much to see, and many different worlds swirled within the space and passed each other seemingly oblivious to each others existence. There was nothing of particular size upon them as all life was plant-like or that of simple animals. Taking it all in, Veeshan realized that she could not keep her eyes on all it without some kind of help.

Veeshan soared to what she felt was the planet closest to the center of all that was. Here she would place her progeny to grow and watch over her Lords creation. Here would be born the seeds of her watchful dominion. She named this world "Norrath", meaning foundation in the tongue of the Gods. Upon this foundation she raked her claws as a farmer would plow a field. Here she would sew her seed. She lay upon the world for many days and nights and laid her eggs within it's scars.

References and Notes

Source: Vaslin's Guide . Currently not known what his source was.