Al`Kabor's Research: The Swashbuckler’s Homecoming

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To continue his search for immortality, the wizard Al'Kabor needs certain items to replicate a most heinous ceremony. In his studies in the library of Erudin, he has read about a scroll of great power, and the fateful journey leading to its loss at sea.

The ship "Shark's Bane" was chartered to carry the scroll from Butcherblock to Freeport during some of the worst storms that ocean had yet seen. Despite being crewed by rough and seedy veteran seaman, none of whom were strangers to travel in treacherous conditions, the voyage turned disastrous.

Upon reaching the Ocean of Tears, the ship's captain determined it would be prudent to seek refuge at the Sisters of Erollisi Isle. His order to the tillerman to steer hard to port was met with no response. Turning, he watched as the poor soul was swept over the rail on the crest of a wave. The captain scrambled toward the rigging. A second wave breached the starboard side. The captain shut his eyes tightly and prepared for the impact. When none came, he opened his eyes. A muffled screamed escaped him as he watched the wave, now standing impossibly on the deck, sprout great arms and reach for him. The cacophony of snapping timbers and the thundering of water were all that bespoke the final voyage of the "Shark's Bane".

Al'Kabor's knowledge of the ship and its fate are the results of his studies in the great Library of Erudin. However, as is the case with tales of this sort, much of the text was based upon hearsay. But there was mention of one Tillerman Jairik as the only survivor of the tragedy.

Excited at the prospect of adding this scroll to his "Shopping List of Armageddon," Al'Kabor once again recruits a party to seek out Tillerman Jairik, and convince him to return to the site of the wreck to assist in the retrieval of the lost cargo. The wizard's knowledge of Jairik is limited to his general location. "The wretch has reverted to the meaningless existence of an arms monger, peddling his wares in the cave of East Commonlands. Were it not for the fact that within his tiny skull is locked the key so conjunctive to my research, I would give no more thought to his death than I would afford a mosquito in Feerrott."

Tillerman Jairik has no knowledge of the cargo of the ship, though he knew it was valuable. He avoided the hold of the ship when the item was loaded, and was issued strict orders by the captain not to snoop. He felt an eerie presence even as he boarded the ship that rainy evening. "Arr, what a man don't know about, won't show up later to bite him in the arse!"

Jairik has a mild fear of the sea now, but he overcomes it in order to accompany the adventurers to the location of the wreck. "Me ol' bones will feel more at ease knowin' me crewmates be at peace in their watery graves, aye." Because he was swept overboard before the attack of what Al'Kabor identified as a water elemental, he has no knowledge of the beast. He fully expects the ship to be in ruins with its cargo plundered long ago. Little does he know, the elemental has taken up residence aboard the lost ship.

By the time the ship reaches the docks in the Ocean of Tears, Jairik has regained his sea legs, and has no problem swimming to the rocky isle. "C'mon, ye scurvy dogs! The salty brine will keep ya afloat, like an egg on a glass table!"

"Prexus! Don't be takin' me now!" Jairik exclaims when he sees the ghostly Shark's Bane docked at the isle, and the great Water Elemental floating upon its deck. "Ach, I dinnae want to be fish food!"

The water elemental disembarks and attacks the adventurers. Jairik, overcome with terror, only assists in the battle when the party becomes overwhelmed, and even then only half-heartedly.

With the defeat of the water elemental, Jairik continues on with the party to the Sisters of Erollisi island, where Al'Kabor awaits them. Anxious to return to his laboratory and continue his research, Al'Kabor quickly rewards the adventurers. The party's questions annoy him, they being far too simple to comprehend his plans, and he rudely departs.

Tillerman Jairik, the Swashbuckler, returns to the Commonlands and resumes his peaceful mercantile life.