Dagnor's Cauldron

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Dagnor's Cauldron is easily the most treacherous terrain on the continent of Faydwer. The sharp granite peaks are covered in slippery moss and drop abruptly to the lake below. As with much of the origin stories of Norrath, lorebooks tell conflicting tales of how the dwarven peoples gave this region its name.

According to the histories of the Ogre-Dwarven War, this region was so named by the dwarves after the Battle of the Shattered Spear when the Ogre King Dagnor the Butcher, 5th Rakthokian Warlord, was slain here by the dwarven king Grimmly Fireforge in the last battle of the Ogre-Dwarven War.

A story tells that Grimmly and Dagnor met each other face to face on the shores of a lake to the south of lesser faydark during one of these fights, and that Grimmly stabbed Dagnor with a spear with such intensity and ferociousness that the weapon shattered into thousands of pieces even as it cut straight through the ogre lord's chest. The story goes on to say that the warlord fell to his death immediately in that same lake and that the evil in his blood made the water boil and turn red. Thus the dwarves mockingly renamed the lake Dagnor's Cauldron and thus the final battle of the ogre-dwarven war was called "the battle of the shattered spear." [1]

According to other tales, this region was named after the great dwarven hero, Dagnor Butcherblock.

Dwarves are fearful to enter the lake because there is rumored to be a great monster who pulls all who venture too close to its shores to their watery deaths. It is also said that this is what finally befell Dagnor Butcherblock and that the Hammer of Butcherblock now rests in its depths. [2][3]

Those that have dared to enter the waters tell tales of magnificent pillars marking the entrance to an underwater city known as Kedge Keep. Inside the Keep, the last of the Kedge resides

At the southern edge of the Cauldron is the entrance to The Estate of Unrest, which was once a beautiful estate, held by noble dwarves. The estate is now overrun with the most vile creatures imaginable.

A clan of water goblins roam the region attacking any adventurers on sight, while a lone island can be seen in the center of the lake. Rogues speak of a reclusive dwarf on this island that sells powerful poisons and teaches the skills to create them.

The Fab Four Camp.
Level of Monsters: 10-20
Types of Monsters: Scalded Rats, Cauldron Rats, Shoal Serpents, Sandbar Serpents, Undertow Skeletons, Orc Scouts, Aqua Goblins, Aqua Goblin Mariners, Aqua Goblin Shamans, Aqua Goblin Bosuns, Aqua Goblin Tidal Lords
Notable NPC's: Gundalthur Izuran, Barnacle Bones, Flotsam, Jetsam, Squallslither, Conium Darkblade, Dwigus Lowater, Bilge Farfathom, Exiled Legionnaire, Jinalis Andir, Llara, Captain Klunga
Adjacent Zones: Butcherblock Mountains, The Estate of Unrest, Kedge Keep
Name in /who: cauldron
ZEM Value: 1
Type Outdoor
Expansion Classic


Map cauldron.jpg
  • 1. Friendly NPC Camp and Healing
  • 2. Thief NPC selling Poison
  • 3. Dwarven Stone Marker
  • 4. Orc Scout Camp
  • 5. Aqua Goblin Camp
  • 6. Kedge Keep

Safe/Evac Spot

Gorge to Butcherblock (2815, 320)

entrance to The Estate of Unrest (-1709, -689, 79)


Dagnor's Cauldron is a pretty sparse and out of the way area. There are plenty of mobs here to kill you while this is not the easiest run to recover your corpse should you die.

Drowning is an issue here as the lake is deep and if you are not paying attention you will run out of air. The entrance to Kedge Keep is under water (#6 on the map) and can make you lose half your air before you get into that zone. You will want to make sure that you buff up with water breathing or put on any water breathing items before you go for a swim.

Since most people running through have some sort of movement speed increase taking damage from falling is a real issue. Levitation is suggested when running through.


There are hardly any real benefits to this zone. There is a would be guard camp on the NW edge of the lake. There is a poison maker that you can get poisons from.

Traveling To and From

Butcherblock Mountains is the only way to get to this zone. The entrance is along the southern wall in Butcherblock Mountains.

Once you are in Dagnor's Cauldron you can go to either The Estate of Unrest or Kedge Keep. These are both dungeons and the only way out is back through Butcherblock Mountains.

Garden Variety's Glorious Adventures and Travel Guide

In the rough land south of the Butcherblock Mountains, the water in the strange lake known as Dagnor's Cauldron is always slightly warmer than the surrounding air. Adventurous folk may find Kedge Keep, a city built by Prexus' creation, at its bottom. Rumors that the mysterious kedge still live there circulate again when someone talks about seeing magic lights appearing deep in the murky waters. Meanwhile, aqua goblins prey on anyone who comes into their territory.

Dagnor's Cauldron is as barren as one could expect. There is hardly anything of interest here and it seems that it is only a connection area between Butcherblock Mountains and Kedge Keep / The Estate of Unrest.

Forageable Items

Zone Item Edible Stack Lore Magic Nodrop Comment
All Fruit Y Y N N N can be used in brewing and baking
All Berries Y Y N N N can be used in brewing and baking
All Vegetables Y Y N N N can be used in brewing and baking
All Rabbit Meat Y Y N N N can be used in baking to make a stew
All Roots Y Y N N N can be used in brewing
All Pod of Water Y Y N N N can be used in brewing to make normal flasks of water
All Fishing Grubs N Y N N N Used w/ Fishing Skill
Dagnor's Cauldron Cauldron Prawn Y Y N N N  

Bestiarum Vocabulum

Found 0 NPC's that spawn in Dagnor's Cauldron.

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Found 0 items that drop in Dagnor's Cauldron.

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Found 0 quests that start in Dagnor's Cauldron.

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  1. "The Orcan Betrayal and the Battle of the Shattered Spear." Available online at https://fvproject.com/index.php?title=The_First_Ogre_-_Dwarven_War#Of_the_orcan_betrayal_and_the_battle_of_the_shattered_spear: . Last accessed 11 April 2021.
  2. See notes on Dagnor's Cauldron and The Butcherblock Mountains. Available online at https://web.archive.org/web/20200618151935/https://loreofnorrath.wordpress.com/category/dagnor-butcherblock/. Last accessed 11 April 2021.
  3. Excerpt taken from Everquest Atlas: The Maps of Myrist by Amanda Flock. Published December 31st 2002 by Sony Online Entertainment, Inc. ISBN10: 0972149503 (ISBN13: 9780972149501).