High Keep

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In the middle of Highpass Hold can be found High Keep. Founded by Sean McCabe, the Keep's central location proved important throughout the history of Norrath. Now run by Sean's son, Carson McCabe, High Keep has managed to grow and dominate trade throughout the lands. The Keep itself was made in a natural cave and then expanded over the years.

In the basement can be found the Pickclaw Goblins, a tribe of goblins who mine shiny rocks and expand the keep in exchange for a handful of copper coins (the fact that these same shiny rocks actually made the coin is a feature that has escaped them thus far).

In the upper levels of High Keep, one can find the McCabe residence, with the stunning Lady McCabe. Palace intrigue abounds with a kidnapped Princess, hidden rooms, secret passages, and other forms of debauchery.

File:Highkeep entrance.jpg
The entrance to the Keep
Level of Monsters: 18-35
Types of Monsters: Prisoners, Pickclaw Lookouts, Spiritists, Cabalists, Guards, Warriors, Visionaries, Raiders, and Seers, Crazed Goblins, Goblin Thiefs
Notable NPC's: Princess Lenya, Princess Lenia, Captain Boshinko, Mistress Anna
Adjacent Zones: Highpass Hold
Name in /who: highkeep
ZEM Value: 2
Type Outdoor
Expansion Classic


High Keep - Main Level and Basement

  • 1. Pickclaw Goblin Room (with Guards), room to north is Lookout Room
  • 2. Torture Room
  • 3. Princess Lenia
  • 4. Prison Cells with Prisoners
  • 5. Pickclaw Warrior Room
  • 6. Pickclaw Raider and Seer Room
  • 7. Bank
  • 8. Merchant who sells anything
  • 9. Merchant who sells anything
  • 10. Prison with Prisoner
  • 11. Bard for Mail Delivery
  • 12. Captain Boshinko
  • 13. Bard selling Bard songs and Enchanter selling Enchanter Summoning spells
  • 14. Locked Room
  • 15. Inn, Clerk sells Brewing Supplies
  • 16. Merchant selling Gemstones
  • 17. Wizard Trainer

High Keep - Upper Levels

  • 1. Kitchen with Merchant selling Baking Supplies, Oven and Brew Barrel
  • 2. Gambling Room, Merchant selling Brewing Supplies
  • 3. Locked Room with Tearon's Skeleton, get key in quest
  • 4. Room with Dulcyna Blackhand
  • 5. Room with Tyrana Slil, and ? Princess Lenya
  • 6. Room with Mistress Anna
  • 7. Locked Room

Safe/Evac Spot

Information needed.


There are three specific dangers in High Keep. The first are the pickclaw goblins, who exist in the basement of the Keep, apparently unbeknownst to the guards walking above their heads. These spawn in a serious of rooms, and become more dangerous the lower down in the basement one goes. They are uniformly very heavily camped.

The other two are in the basement as well. There are prisoners that appear to be safely tucked away inside of their prison cells. These prisoners are highly aggressive and will come out of their cell in order to attack you, regardless of how beneath you they are in level. If you get more than one or two on you, they can be more than a nuisance, and the guards will not attack them. Also, nearby is a Princess Lenia, not to be confused with the Princess Lenya that is part of a quest. This particular princess is a necromancer and around 20th level, so be careful around her (although she is not aggressive).


This is a small, tight zone to hunt in. You can make your wealth downstairs with the goblins and walk a very short distance and sell or put it into the bank, you can be bound right here, etc. It's a one-stop hunting place. Probably for this reason, the poor Pickclaw Goblins have an estimated lifespan far less than a mayfly, and the area has actually developed lists for getting to attack specific pickclaws. Hmm, now I'm not so sure this is a benefit...

The area also provides a good place for adventurers in the center of the continent in general. You can be bound either in High Keep or in Highpass Hold, and with the nearby merchants and bank, this area acts as much as a town as either Qeynos or Freeport do, although I believe it is underutilized.

Traveling To and From

High Keep's entrance is located in the middle of Highpass Hold, on its eastern edge. Highpass Hold can be reached through either Eastern Plains of Karana (through a long gorge) or from Kithicor Forest.

Garden Variety's Glorious Adventures and Travel Guide

Although not a starting city, High Keep does have the advantage of offering a Bank (Bank Clerk Jaylin) and Merchants. This is offers a lot of convenience for those that choose to hunt here.

Forageable Items


Bestiarum Vocabulum

Found 0 NPC's that spawn in High Keep.

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Found 0 items that drop in High Keep.

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Found 0 quests that start in High Keep.

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