EQEMU Database
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This page is intended to provide information regarding Database Administration for an EQEMU Database.
Reboots Required
The following changes require a reboot due to shared memory:
- Any changes involving loot tables.
SQL Snippets
Disable merchantlist entries by item
UPDATE `merchantlist` SET probability = 0 WHERE item = 38399
Get all loottable entry fields for all npc_types with enabled spawns
SELECT lte.loottable_id, lte.lootdrop_id, lte.multiplier, lte.droplimit, lte.mindrop, lte.probability, n.name, lt.name FROM loottable_entries AS lte INNER JOIN loottable AS lt ON lt.id = lte.loottable_id INNER JOIN npc_types AS n ON lte.loottable_id = n.loottable_id INNER JOIN spawnentry AS se ON n.id = se.npcID INNER JOIN spawn2 AS s on se.spawngroupID = s.spawngroupID INNER JOIN zone AS z ON s.zone = z.short_name WHERE z.short_name = "ecommons" AND n.loottable_id > 0
Check where tradeskills are at
SELECT cs.id, cd.name, cs.skill_id, cs.value FROM character_skills AS cs INNER JOIN character_data AS cd ON cs.id = cd.id INNER JOIN account AS a ON cd.account_id = a.id WHERE a.status = 0 AND (cs.skill_id = 60 -- 60 - Baking OR cs.skill_id = 61 -- 61 - Tailoring OR cs.skill_id = 63 -- 63 - Blacksmithing OR cs.skill_id = 64 -- 64 - Fletching OR cs.skill_id = 65 -- 65 - Brewing OR cs.skill_id = 68 -- 68 - Jewelry Making OR cs.skill_id = 69) -- 69 - Pottery ORDER BY 4 DESC
Inventory by Item Name (partial)
SELECT cd.name AS "Player", inv.itemid AS "Item ID", i.Name AS "Item Name", inv.charges AS "Stacked", COUNT(*) AS "Count" FROM character_data AS cd INNER JOIN inventory AS inv ON inv.charid = cd.id INNER JOIN items AS i ON inv.itemid = i.id WHERE i.Name LIKE "%item name%" GROUP BY cd.name ORDER BY 5 DESC
Drop chance of item by item ID
SELECT ld.item_id, i.name, s.zone, npc.name, lte.mindrop, lte.droplimit, ld.chance FROM lootdrop_entries AS ld INNER JOIN items AS i ON ld.item_id = i.id INNER JOIN loottable_entries AS lte ON ld.lootdrop_id = lte.lootdrop_id INNER JOIN npc_types AS npc ON lte.loottable_id = npc.loottable_id INNER JOIN spawnentry AS se ON npc.id = se.npcID INNER JOIN spawn2 AS s ON se.spawngroupID = s.spawngroupID INNER JOIN zone AS z ON s.zone = z.short_name WHERE s.enabled = "1" AND i.id = "intid" AND z.min_status < "1" ORDER BY 7 DESC
List who killed a mob
SELECT cd.name, kre.event_id, kr.fight_id, npc.name FROM character_data AS cd INNER JOIN qs_player_npc_kill_record_entries AS kre ON kre.char_id = cd.id INNER JOIN qs_player_npc_kill_record AS kr ON kre.event_id = kr.fight_id INNER JOIN npc_types AS npc ON kr.npc_id = npc.id WHERE cd.name = "stringname"