DB:Spawn Events

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The behavior for how these work can be somewhat confusing the first time you try to trigger NPC spawn behavior.

Spawn Events represent stateful repeat events that start and end on intervals. You only need to set the unit of time (i.e. next hour or next day) and leave everything else set to 0. A 0 value will imply the current time when the scheduler ticks.


The authoritative documentation for the database schema for spawn events in the PEQ database is documented at https://docs.eqemu.io/schema/spawns/spawn_events/ . Listed below for convenience:

id Set automatically by the dbms (auto-incrementing)
zone zone short name (i.e. "neriakc" or "kithicor"); if you are using the PEQPHPEditor, this is transparent to you and doesn't need to be manually set
cond_id Spawn condition identifier - Set this to match the id of a spawn condition you previously added
name Give it a descriptive name (i.e. EnableDay, DisableDay, EnableNight, DisableNight)
period This integer value represents units of minutes and determines the periodicity for this event. If you want the event to occur every 24 hours, set this to 1440.
enabled 0 = False, 1 = True

Example Use

Example Spawn Event.jpg