Client:Everquest Original

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Everquest Original-Front.jpg
Everquest Original-InsideCover.jpg
Everquest Original-Back.jpg

This is the original retail version of the Everquest client when the game was released in March 1999.

System Requirements

EverQuest shipped with DirectX 6.0 in the original client. However, the Everquest Beta Phase 3 CD shipped with DirectX 5.2.


Windows® 95 or Windows 98
Pentium 166(or greater)
Direct3D or Glide compliant card w/ 4MB RAM
28.8k bps connection
Windows compatible sound card


Pentium 200 or greater
64 megabytes RAM or higher
3Dfx based video card

Supported 3D Chipsets

Voodoo			Riva TNT						
ATI 3D Rage 2+		Riva 128
ATI Rage 2		Rendition 2200
Voodoo 2		ATI Rage Pro			
Power VR		Rendition 2100
Rage 128 GL		Voodoo Rush
Banshee			Intel 740					
Permedia 2		3D Labs Permedia 2
Rendition 1000		Ticket to Ride	

User Interface

The original user interface at release in March 1999 was the Stone UI.

tutorial.exe - Original Everquest Tutorial - 3dfx Voodoo5

Supported Resolutions

The original client used what is referred to as the StoneUI. This UI only supported the following resolutions:

  • 640x480 (VGA, 4:3)
  • 800x600 (SVGA, 4:3)


The installer, setup.exe, is found on the Everquest CD and does not install itself to the game directory once installed.

User Interface for the Installer, setup.exe


EverQuest installs with three executables: "Tutorial.exe", "EverQuest.exe", and "TestEverQuest.exe".

The Installer described the purpose of the executables in the client

These files require a DLL named "d3drm.dll" to work which was included with DirectX 6.0. The installation cd gives you the option of installing DirectX 6.


This file seems to just be for internal staff use at 989 Studioes.

For internal Use only:

Please register a brand new account.
At this time you do not need to access the billing system.

When you log in you will automatically have staff privileges set up.
You will, however, want to rename your chat username to a 989-one.

E.g.: If your chat username is Etnom, use:

#rename Etnom 989-Etnom


The original EverQuest client had a chat feature you could access from the Server Select screen. This files contains the following:


Names in red in the player list are 989/Verant Staff.
Names proceeded by 989- are official Technical Support staff.
Names in blue are official non-staff Guides.


You can send a private message to another player, unseen by anyone else. Type a '/' and the player's name and then your message.

E.g.: To type a private message to Fred, type:

/Fred Hello Fred!


You can send emoticons (means of expressing actions without "speaking".)
Type a ':' before your message.

E.g.:	if your name is Fred and you type   :laughs out loud
Appears as:    Fred laughs out loud.


#allow <handle>
Allow player <handle> access to a passworded channel.

#goto <handle>
Go to wherever channel/game player <handle> is in.
Lists all the players you are ignoring

#ignore <handle>
Start ignoring a player

#kick <handle>
Bar player <handle> from your own channel. Unbar using #allow

#make <channelname>
Make your own Chat Channel

Reports YOUR IP address

Pages all staff on the system, if you require help.

Find out your Privilege Status Level

Report bad language/behavior/harrassment

Alias for #ignore

#tell on/off
Ignore private messages (tell) using #tell off
Turn them on again using #tell on

#unignore <handle>
Stop ignoring a player

Alias for #unignore

#whereis <handle
Find out what channel/game player <handle> is in.


This file shows the current additions and bug fixes. It is what populates the News window in the client as you log in. This file on the cd contains the following:

EverQuest Phase 4 Beta News

2/15/99 12:30am
We have added the EverQuest tutorial, which is recommended for new players getting started in the world of Norrath.  To patch the tutorial, you will need to patch using the "testeverquest.exe" to receive all of the required files, then run "tutorial.exe".  Please give us any feedback that you may have for improvments that should be made.  All of the character restorations from phases 3 and 3.5 to the "Test" server should be completed by the end of the day.  Also, please note that the "News" window will only contain information regarding the current additions and bug fixes, all past news can be read from the "revision.txt" file located in your EverQuest directory.

Bug Fixes

 - The "Backstab" and "Bind Wound" skills should be working as intended.
 - We believe we have solved one of the problems that occurs when people
   would get booted at the EverQuest loading screen (with the Elf woman on it).
 - We should very shortly have fixed all of the registration problems. Try back
   later tonight if you haven't successfully registered.
 - Zones should be MUCH, MUCH more stable now. We fixed a major crash problem with them.
 - New Banshee drivers should be up on - These are EverQuest specific.
   Thanks to 3dfx for giving us these drivers before they are generally released.
 - If you have a Voodoo2 and you have THE latest drivers from 3dfx, you will have
   a problem switching resolutions. Please use the drivers off of, as they
   work properly.

***** If you are having account problems, please direct e-mail to *******
****** If this is your first time playing, read everquest_manual.txt FIRST! *******
****** If this is your first time playing, read everquest_manual.txt FIRST! *******


Primary Display Driver                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          


See Everquest_Manual:Original for contents (this is a large file).


This file shows all past news (current news is in eqnews.txt).

2/10/99 10:41am
Welcome to Phase 4 of the EverQuest BETA Test!

Thank you for participating in the final EverQuest beta phase.

Please keep in mind that this is still BETA.  There will be bugs, there will be problems. 

With 25,000 of you entering the game these next few days there will undoubtedly be difficulties.  We will resolve them as quickly as possible, but we ask for your patience and help, especially during this time.  Expectations are high, and while I don't think you'll be disappointed, please remember this is still a test, and we are all here to help in this process.

With that said, welcome to our world -- I'll see you in-game :)

-Brad McQuaid
 Producer, EverQuest

*NOTE* Phase 3.0 and 3.5 testers wishing to have their accounts restored MUST use the test server.

If you wish to connect to the EverQuest Test Server, you must run "testEverQuest.exe" instead of "EverQuest.exe".


Just like the emulator servers, this file was used to specify the login server and port that clients should connect to when submitting their username and password at the login screen.


Troubleshooting Document
Version 1.0

This document contains information to troubleshoot and solve problems that you may encounter while playing EverQuest.  If you are unable to locate troubleshooting information regarding a problem that you 
are having, please contact our technical support department at


I.   System Requirements
II.  Technical Issues
III. Sound and Video
IV.  Control and Interface
V.   Connectivity
VI.  Supported 3D Chipsets

I.  System Requirements

Windows® 95 or Windows 98
Pentium 166(or greater)
Direct3D or Glide compliant card w/ 4MB RAM
28.8k bps connection
Windows compatible sound card

II.  Technical Issues
If you are running EverQuest for the first time, or are encountering sound and video related problems, please make sure that you are using the most current drivers available on the hardware manufacturer's web-site. 

Make sure that DirectX 5.2 or newer is installed on the system when running EverQuest.  DirectX 5.2 is included on the EverQuest Phase 3 beta CD.

Problem:  When attempting to login to the World Server or while playing, the game crashes to Windows.
Solution:  Make sure that you have at least 300 megabytes of free space on the drive that the EverQuest directory is located on.

III.  Sound and Video

Problem:  When running EverQuest with a Voodoo 1 based chipset in Glide mode, item icons, on-screen overlays, and the chat has a pink boarder.
Solution:  This is a Glide driver problem, which will be resolved with an updated Glide patch from 3dfx.

Problem:  When running EverQuest with an ATI Rage 2, Rage 2+, or Rage Pro based chipset, pink boarders will appear around the item icons, on-screen overlays, and chat.
Solution:  This is a known bug and will be fixed.

Problem: While attempting to run EverQuest with a Voodoo based chipset, the game crashes at the "EverQuest" loading screen and an error window with the message, "VXD error, expecting 1.4, found 1.X".
Solution:  You are not running the most recent drivers for your video card.  Please perform the following procedure;  Click on the "Start" button located on your Windows taskbar.  Next, highlight "Find", then select "Files or Folders…".  Then type "Glide.*" in the "Named" field and click the "Find Now" button.  After the search for the "Glide.*" file is complete, delete all of the "Glide.*" files from the list.  Once the Glide files have been deleted, you will then need to install the most recent drivers from the card manufacturer's web-site. 

Problem:  When using a card with a Banshee based chipset, you are unable to run EverQuest in Glide.
Solution:  Currently, EverQuest requires Glide 3.0 or newer in order to run in Glide mode.  However, due to the fact that the Banshee chipset was just released, 3dfx has not released a driver that allows Banshee based cards to run Glide 3.0.

IV.  Control and Interface

Problem:  When running EverQuest with a video card utilizing the TNT chipset, the character seems to "overturn" or continue to turn in a given direction while moving.
Solution:  This is a driver problem that will be addressed by Riva.

V.  Connectivity

Problem:  When attempting to run "EverQuest.exe", the following error occurs; "ERROR Host not found, no DNS entry for host"
Solution:  Make sure that you are properly connected through your ISP(Internet Service Provider).  If you have verified that you are "on-line", and you are still receiving the error, contact your ISP.

VI.  Supported 3D Chipsets 

Voodoo			Riva TNT						
ATI 3D Rage 2+		Riva 128
ATI Rage 2		Rendition 2200
Voodoo 2		ATI Rage Pro			
Power VR		Rendition 2100
Rage 128 GL		Voodoo Rush
Banshee			Intel 740					
Permedia 2		3D Labs Permedia 2
Rendition 1000		Ticket to Ride	
Please note that this list may be changed at any time,  and is in no way a final version of EverQuest's supported chipsets.


Reporting Bugs

What are bugs?

Since EverQuest is an unfinished product, naturally you will encounter bugs during the beta test.  A bug is 
a flaw in the software which causes undesired effects during gameplay.  The bug's complexity can vary 
from simple grammatical errors and non-functional options, to the more severe problems such as game 
crashes and character statistic deficiencies.  

There are several levels of classifying bugs, this helps us determine which area of gameplay the problem 
occurs in.  They are listed in the order of severity:

Game Crash
Front-end (character selection)

Bugs such as crashes, statistic errors, and audio/video card problems will have priority over others, 
however, all reported bugs will be attended to ASAP.  

Encountering a Bug

While playing EverQuest, you will encounter bugs.  It is important that any bugs encountered are 
immediately reported via a "Bug Submission Form"(BSF).  Most bugs found will be simple, obvious 
problems such as incorrect text, textures, or other visual problems.  However, bugs such as crashes and 
statistic inconsistencies may be more difficult to pinpoint.  If any of the mentioned problems occur, a few 
simple steps should be taken before submitting the bug.  Check to see that the problem is consistent, if so, 
narrow down the key reasons that are the cause(such as certain items equipped, keystrokes, etc.).  If you are 
unable to track down the cause of the problem, and cannot reproduce it, then bring it to the attention of a 
GM.  If you cannot reach a GM, a BSF containing a detailed description of the problem should be 

Bug Submission Forms

As previously mentioned, bugs will be submitted via an in-game Bug Submission Form.  To access the 
form, activate the chat bar and type "/b", then press the "Enter" key.  When filling out a BSF, the following 
details should be included; computer specifications(CPU brand and speed, audio/video card brand, and 
amount of RAM), zone name, character race and class, items the character has equipped or is carrying, the 
actions of the character and or others in the area at the time the bug occurred, and a detailed description of 
the bug.  Submitting a BSF with as much detail as possible will help direct the programmers to the 
problem, which in turn will result in faster bug fixes.  

*Please note, any users that are found to be exploiting any bug that is advantageous to the progression of 
their character or harmful to other players, will be removed immediately from the EverQuest beta test.


This file is what populates the News window if you were playing on the Test server.

2/10/99  10:41am
Welcome to Phase 4 of the EverQuest BETA Test!

You are connecting to the EverQuest test server.  The test server is where code and data will be tested first, and is more prone to problems and bugs than the other servers.  PLAY HERE AT YOUR OWN RISK.  The chances of a bug or other error affecting your character and/or gameplay is significantly higher here.

Because we will be updating code and data to this server often, connecting will be PATCH HEAVY.  If you do not have either a lot of bandwidth or a lot of patience (or both), we don't reccomend playing on the test server.

Phase 3.0 and 3.5 testers wishing their accounts restored MUST play on this server.  Please read the instructions below.  The GMs will be overwhelmed with this process at first -- IT COULD TAKE UP TO ONE WEEK TO GET YOUR ACCOUNT RESTORED.  We will expedite this process as best as we are able, but please be patient.  Thank you.

-Brad McQuaid
 Producer, EverQuest

ATTENTION! Phase 3.0/3.5 Players PLEASE READ:

3.0 and 3.5 Server Character Restoration Procedure.

After you have successfully created a Station account, please logon and enter 
the Test server. You will find that all slots in the Character Selection Screen 
are empty. Create a character (any race/class) and enter the game. From in game, 
please petition to have your characters restored. A GM will ask you to provide 
you Phase 3.0/3.5 account name and password. After the GM has accepted and 
confirmed your account name and password, please log off from the test server.
Copying the files may take some time, so we ask that you bear with us in the 
process. We will make every effort to expedite the restoration of characters so 
that you may return to the test. 

*NOTE: This is a special version that will only work with the EverQuest Test Server.  You must run "EverQuest.exe" if you want to connect to one of the regular servers.

EverQuest Phase 4 Beta News

2/15/99 12:30am
We have added the EverQuest tutorial, which is recommended for new players getting started in the world of Norrath.  To patch the tutorial, you will need to patch using the "testeverquest.exe" to receive all of the required files, then run "tutorial.exe".  Please give us any feedback that you may have for improvments that should be made.  All of the character restorations from phases 3 and 3.5 to the "Test" server should be completed by the end of the day.  Also, please note that the "News" window will only contain information regarding the current additions and bug fixes, all past news can be read from the "revision.txt" file located in your EverQuest directory.

Bug Fixes

 - The "Backstab" and "Bind Wound" skills should be working as intended.
 - We believe we have solved one of the problems that occurs when people
   would get booted at the EverQuest loading screen (with the Elf woman on it).
 - We should very shortly have fixed all of the registration problems. Try back
   later tonight if you haven't successfully registered.
 - Zones should be MUCH, MUCH more stable now. We fixed a major crash problem with them.
 - New Banshee drivers should be up on - These are EverQuest specific.
   Thanks to 3dfx for giving us these drivers before they are generally released.
 - If you have a Voodoo2 and you have THE latest drivers from 3dfx, you will have
   a problem switching resolutions. Please use the drivers off of, as they
   work properly.
 - The "Backstab" and "Bind Wound" skills should be working as intended.

2/16/99 11:40am
This patch fixes some server bugs, which should make zones much more stable.  We also added more debug information to the client to help us track down the remaining lockup problems that some people are having.

***** If you are having account problems, please direct e-mail to *******
****** If this is your first time playing, read everquest_manual.txt FIRST! *******
****** If this is your first time playing, read everquest_manual.txt FIRST! *******

File Manifest

The following file manifest shows a fresh install of the original Everquest client (1x cd) without selecting the option to install DirectX 6.0.

    Directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\EverQuest

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
-a---           2/16/1999  4:54 PM            337 989news.txt
-a---           1/25/1999  7:13 PM        2220780 airplane_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:13 PM         425497 airplane_obj.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  4:34 PM             60 airplane_sndbnk.eff
-a---           1/26/1999 10:19 AM           2688 airplane_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  7:12 PM        2362836 airplane.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:14 PM        2394105 akanon_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:14 PM         464086 akanon_obj.s3d
-a---           1/28/1999  4:07 PM            184 akanon_sndbnk.eff
-a---            2/8/1999  2:35 PM           2688 akanon_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  7:13 PM        1720202 akanon.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:13 PM          63974 akanon.xmi
-a---           1/25/1999  7:15 PM         173310 arena_obj.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:14 PM         140541 arena.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:16 PM        2414070 befallen_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:16 PM         278167 befallen_obj.s3d
-a---           11/5/1998  6:07 PM            252 befallen_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  7:15 PM        1153178 befallen.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:15 PM          37422 befallen.xmi
-a---           1/25/1999  7:17 PM        2615760 beholder_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:17 PM          55743 beholder_obj.s3d
-a---           1/22/1999  7:14 PM             24 beholder_sndbnk.eff
-a---           2/10/1999 10:42 AM            168 beholder_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  7:16 PM         595818 beholder.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:19 PM        2415064 blackburrow_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:19 PM         331984 blackburrow_obj.s3d
-a---           1/18/1999  4:27 PM            166 blackburrow_sndbnk.eff
-a---           2/16/1999  9:57 PM            336 blackburrow_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  7:18 PM        1236928 blackburrow.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:18 PM          37422 blackburrow.xmi
-a---           1/25/1999  7:21 PM        6093808 bmpwad.s3d
-a---           2/16/1999  4:54 PM           9341 bmpwad2.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:22 PM        2742583 butcher_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:23 PM        1009735 butcher_obj.s3d
-a---           1/22/1999  3:04 PM            218 butcher_sndbnk.eff
-a---           2/16/1999  9:57 PM             84 butcher_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  7:21 PM        1766027 butcher.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:21 PM           7942 butcher.xmi
-a---           1/25/1999  7:24 PM        2617610 cauldron_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:24 PM         221454 cauldron_obj.s3d
-a---            2/3/1999  5:56 PM             49 cauldron_sndbnk.eff
-a---           2/16/1999  9:57 PM            168 cauldron_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  7:23 PM        1053456 cauldron.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:23 PM          33590 cauldron.xmi
-a---           1/25/1999  7:25 PM        2153560 cazicthule_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:25 PM         419999 cazicthule_obj.s3d
-a---           1/15/1999  2:20 PM            225 cazicthule_sndbnk.eff
-a---           1/15/1999  2:28 PM           2268 cazicthule_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  7:24 PM        1587890 cazicthule.s3d
-a---           2/16/1999  4:54 PM           1536 chathelp.txt
-a---           1/25/1999  7:26 PM        2521829 commons_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:27 PM         801499 commons_obj.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  1:09 PM            132 commons_sndbnk.eff
-a---           2/10/1999 10:31 AM           1176 commons_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  7:26 PM        1194799 commons.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:28 PM        1536009 crushbone_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:28 PM         501499 crushbone_obj.s3d
-a---           2/15/1999 11:09 AM            205 crushbone_sndbnk.eff
-a---           2/15/1999 11:17 AM           1764 crushbone_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  7:27 PM        1585075 crushbone.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:28 PM           6968 damage.xmi
-a---           1/25/1999  7:29 PM        2495256 eastkarana_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:30 PM         786457 eastkarana_obj.s3d
-a---           1/27/1999 10:24 AM            128 eastkarana_sndbnk.eff
-a---           2/16/1999  9:57 PM             84 eastkarana_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  7:29 PM        1394298 eastkarana.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:29 PM          11374 eastkarana.xmi
-a---           1/25/1999  7:31 PM        2561160 ecommons_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:31 PM         534301 ecommons_obj.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  3:05 PM            141 ecommons_sndbnk.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  3:58 PM           1512 ecommons_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  7:30 PM        1242168 ecommons.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:31 PM          37422 eerie.xmi
-a---           1/28/1999  1:03 PM            256 eqdevice.txt
-a---           1/25/1999  7:33 PM        5432748 eqfeart.pak
-a---           1/25/1999  7:35 PM        4760017 eqfeart1.pak
-a---           2/16/1999  4:54 PM          22380 eqfeart2.pak
-a---           2/16/1999  9:58 PM        1909760 eqgame.exe
-a---           1/25/1999  7:35 PM             25 eqhost.txt
--r--            2/5/1999  2:11 PM       93060924 eqintro.smk
-a---           2/16/1999 11:28 PM         299008 eqmain.dll
-a---           2/16/1999  9:58 PM           1869 eqnews.txt
-a---           1/25/1999  7:37 PM        2542131 erudnext_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:37 PM         332358 erudnext_obj.s3d
-a---           2/11/1999  2:43 PM            119 erudnext_sndbnk.eff
-a---           2/11/1999  3:05 PM            924 erudnext_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  7:36 PM        2496402 erudnext.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:36 PM          70802 erudnext.xmi
-a---           1/25/1999  7:38 PM        1806668 erudnint_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:38 PM         359686 erudnint_obj.s3d
-a---           2/11/1999  3:49 PM            106 erudnint_sndbnk.eff
-a---           2/11/1999  4:13 PM            840 erudnint_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  7:37 PM        1372491 erudnint.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:37 PM          59124 erudnint.xmi
-a---           1/25/1999  7:39 PM        2267096 erudsxing_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:39 PM         103954 erudsxing_obj.s3d
-a---           1/26/1999 11:09 AM              0 erudsxing_sndbnk.eff
-a---           2/16/1999  9:58 PM            252 erudsxing_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  7:38 PM         648126 erudsxing.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:39 PM          20928 erudsxing.xmi
-a---           1/25/1999  7:41 PM        2484312 everfrost_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:42 PM         316434 everfrost_obj.s3d
-a---           1/19/1999  1:38 PM            187 everfrost_sndbnk.eff
-a---           1/19/1999  2:04 PM           5628 everfrost_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  7:41 PM        3512631 everfrost.s3d
-a---           2/16/1999  9:58 PM         112128 everquest_manual.doc
-a---           2/16/1999  9:58 PM          61177 everquest_manual.txt
-a---           2/16/1999 10:03 PM          96768 Everquest.exe
-a---           1/25/1999  7:43 PM        2577460 fearplane_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:43 PM         720320 fearplane_obj.s3d
-a---           1/29/1999  3:44 PM            188 fearplane_sndbnk.eff
-a---           1/29/1999  3:59 PM           2856 fearplane_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  7:42 PM         926417 fearplane.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:45 PM        2579664 feerrott_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:45 PM         398526 feerrott_obj.s3d
-a---            2/4/1999  5:40 PM            223 feerrott_sndbnk.eff
-a---            2/4/1999  6:03 PM           2604 feerrott_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  7:44 PM        1872446 feerrott.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:46 PM        1859228 felwithea_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:46 PM         397164 felwithea_obj.s3d
-a---           1/15/1999  1:19 PM            112 felwithea_sndbnk.eff
-a---           2/16/1999  9:58 PM            252 felwithea_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  7:45 PM        1350088 felwithea.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:45 PM          21868 felwithea.xmi
-a---           1/25/1999  7:47 PM        1836138 felwitheb_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:47 PM         286164 felwitheb_obj.s3d
-a---           1/15/1999  2:12 PM             66 felwitheb_sndbnk.eff
-a---            2/8/1999  2:49 PM            420 felwitheb_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  7:46 PM         805505 felwitheb.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:49 PM        2441317 freporte_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:49 PM         595179 freporte_obj.s3d
-a---           2/15/1999 11:46 AM            122 freporte_sndbnk.eff
-a---           2/15/1999 11:53 AM           1008 freporte_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  7:48 PM        3263764 freporte.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:48 PM          36736 freporte.xmi
-a---           1/25/1999  7:51 PM        1809356 freportn_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:51 PM         595603 freportn_obj.s3d
-a---           1/29/1999  1:28 PM             38 freportn_sndbnk.eff
-a---           2/16/1999  9:58 PM             84 freportn_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  7:50 PM        3159710 freportn.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:50 PM           9546 freportn.xmi
-a---           1/25/1999  7:53 PM        2628677 freportw_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:53 PM         604819 freportw_obj.s3d
-a---           2/15/1999  2:05 PM            144 freportw_sndbnk.eff
-a---           2/15/1999  2:04 PM           1764 freportw_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  7:52 PM        2647364 freportw.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:52 PM          68840 freportw.xmi
-a---           2/16/1999  9:58 PM         816093 gequip.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:55 PM        2261594 gfaydark_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:55 PM        1138223 gfaydark_obj.s3d
-a---            2/3/1999  5:56 PM            101 gfaydark_sndbnk.eff
-a---           2/16/1999  9:58 PM            168 gfaydark_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  7:54 PM        2203576 gfaydark.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:54 PM          25460 gfaydark.xmi
-a---           1/25/1999  7:55 PM         121826 gl.xmi
-a---           1/25/1999  7:57 PM        7364740 global_chr.s3d
-a---           2/11/1999  5:56 PM        7365636 global_chr1.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:59 PM        1358142 grobb_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:59 PM         382412 grobb_obj.s3d
-a---           2/16/1999  9:58 PM            137 grobb_sndbnk.eff
-a---           2/16/1999  9:58 PM           1428 grobb_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  7:58 PM        1762791 grobb.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  7:58 PM          37422 grobb.xmi
-a---           1/28/1999  1:04 PM          18436 guilds.dat
-a---           1/25/1999  8:00 PM        1894629 gukbottom_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:00 PM         328040 gukbottom_obj.s3d
-a---            2/3/1999  3:54 PM            138 gukbottom_sndbnk.eff
-a---            2/3/1999  4:13 PM           4032 gukbottom_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  7:59 PM        1688227 gukbottom.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:02 PM        1833305 guktop_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:02 PM         389656 guktop_obj.s3d
-a---            2/1/1999  4:01 PM            283 guktop_sndbnk.eff
-a---            2/1/1999  3:59 PM           5376 guktop_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  8:01 PM        1993156 guktop.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:04 PM        2323699 halas_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:04 PM        1096389 halas_obj.s3d
-a---           1/12/1999  6:56 PM             74 halas_sndbnk.eff
-a---           2/16/1999  9:58 PM           1344 halas_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  8:03 PM        1703029 halas.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:03 PM          26686 halas.xmi
-a---           1/25/1999  8:06 PM        2206116 hateplane_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:06 PM        1027549 hateplane_obj.s3d
-a---            2/3/1999  3:21 PM            150 hateplane_sndbnk.eff
-a---           2/12/1999 10:07 AM           1344 hateplane_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  8:05 PM        2263975 hateplane.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:08 PM        2333191 highkeep_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:08 PM         475598 highkeep_obj.s3d
-a---           1/27/1999  5:10 PM             24 highkeep_sndbnk.eff
-a---           2/12/1999 11:52 AM            168 highkeep_sounds.eff
-a---           2/16/1999  9:58 PM        2460628 highkeep.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:09 PM        2495952 highpass_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:10 PM         383667 highpass_obj.s3d
-a---           2/12/1999  1:17 PM             75 highpass_sndbnk.eff
-a---           2/12/1999  1:18 PM            588 highpass_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  8:09 PM        1546280 highpass.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:11 PM        2189373 innothule_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:11 PM         220958 innothule_obj.s3d
-a---           1/22/1999  2:23 PM            177 innothule_sndbnk.eff
-a---           1/22/1999  2:42 PM           4284 innothule_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  8:10 PM         865731 innothule.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:10 PM          37422 innothule.xmi
-a---           1/25/1999  8:12 PM        1206852 kaladima_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:12 PM         435426 kaladima_obj.s3d
-a---            2/8/1999  3:35 PM            175 kaladima_sndbnk.eff
-a---           2/16/1999  9:58 PM             84 kaladima_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  8:11 PM         999567 kaladima.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:11 PM           4400 kaladima.xmi
-a---           1/25/1999  8:13 PM        1388209 kaladimb_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:13 PM         523854 kaladimb_obj.s3d
-a---           1/14/1999  3:17 PM            188 kaladimb_sndbnk.eff
-a---            2/8/1999  4:38 PM           1932 kaladimb_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  8:13 PM        1138464 kaladimb.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:14 PM         986170 kedge_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:14 PM         233403 kedge_obj.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:14 PM        1136517 kedge.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:16 PM        1578050 kerraridge_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:16 PM         328974 kerraridge_obj.s3d
-a---           1/15/1999 10:17 AM            204 kerraridge_sndbnk.eff
-a---            2/8/1999 11:10 AM           1848 kerraridge_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  8:15 PM        1464041 kerraridge.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:17 PM        2694166 kithicor_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:18 PM         501342 kithicor_obj.s3d
-a---           1/20/1999  3:49 PM            151 Kithicor_sndbnk.eff
-a---           1/20/1999  4:16 PM           2184 kithicor_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  8:16 PM        1167585 kithicor.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:19 PM        2560892 lakerathe_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:19 PM         901182 lakerathe_obj.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  2:26 PM            215 lakerathe_sndbnk.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  2:30 PM           3612 lakerathe_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  8:18 PM        1235483 lakerathe.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:21 PM        2509031 lavastorm_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:21 PM         102555 lavastorm_obj.s3d
-a---           2/10/1999  2:56 PM            195 lavastorm_sndbnk.eff
-a---           2/16/1999  9:58 PM            252 lavastorm_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  8:20 PM         839387 lavastorm.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:20 PM          18874 lavastorm.xmi
-a---           1/25/1999  8:22 PM        2276879 lfaydark_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:22 PM         975126 lfaydark_obj.s3d
-a---           1/26/1999  2:23 PM            121 lfaydark_sndbnk.eff
-a---            2/8/1999  3:38 PM           2688 lfaydark_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  8:21 PM         858814 lfaydark.s3d
-a---           1/26/1999 12:35 AM          39803 load_obj.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:22 PM         728515 load.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:24 PM        2083630 mistmoore_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:24 PM         441689 mistmoore_obj.s3d
-a---           1/29/1999  3:17 PM            103 mistmoore_sndbnk.eff
-a---           2/16/1999  9:58 PM            168 mistmoore_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  8:23 PM        1258041 mistmoore.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:23 PM          18268 mistmoore.xmi
-a---           1/25/1999  8:25 PM        2507333 misty_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:25 PM         428528 misty_obj.s3d
-a---           1/18/1999  5:08 PM             75 misty_sndbnk.eff
-a---           1/18/1999  5:30 PM            840 misty_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  8:24 PM         680940 misty.s3d
-a---           2/16/1999  9:58 PM         319488 mss32.dll
-a---           2/16/1999  9:58 PM          49152 mssa3d.m3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:25 PM           4640 mssb16.tsk
-a---           2/16/1999  9:58 PM          49152 mssds3dh.m3d
-a---           2/16/1999  9:58 PM          49152 mssds3ds.m3d
-a---           2/16/1999  9:58 PM          49152 msseax.m3d
-a---           2/16/1999  9:58 PM         372736 mssrsx.m3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:26 PM        2023749 najena_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:26 PM         397439 najena_obj.s3d
-a---           1/18/1999  4:30 PM             82 najena_sndbnk.eff
-a---           2/11/1999 12:58 PM            924 najena_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  8:25 PM         908145 najena.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:25 PM          37422 najena.xmi
-a---           1/25/1999  8:27 PM        2474324 nektulos_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:27 PM         225364 nektulos_obj.s3d
-a---           1/21/1999 11:03 AM            165 nektulos_sndbnk.eff
-a---           2/16/1999  9:58 PM            168 nektulos_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  8:26 PM         966210 nektulos.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:26 PM           6902 nektulos.xmi
-a---           1/25/1999  8:28 PM        2334771 neriaka_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:28 PM         929670 neriaka_obj.s3d
-a---           1/19/1999 11:32 AM             89 neriaka_sndbnk.eff
-a---           2/16/1999  9:58 PM            252 neriaka_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  8:27 PM        1507988 neriaka.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:27 PM           8136 neriaka.xmi
-a---           1/25/1999  8:29 PM        2217321 neriakb_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:30 PM         839082 neriakb_obj.s3d
-a---           1/19/1999  3:22 PM            147 neriakb_sndbnk.eff
-a---           2/11/1999 12:26 PM           1260 neriakb_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  8:29 PM        1692523 neriakb.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:29 PM          37422 neriakb.xmi
-a---           1/25/1999  8:31 PM        2392046 neriakc_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:31 PM         889294 neriakc_obj.s3d
-a---           1/20/1999  3:57 PM            205 neriakc_sndbnk.eff
-a---           2/11/1999 12:39 PM           2940 neriakc_sounds.eff
-a---           2/16/1999  9:59 PM        1954130 neriakc.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:30 PM          37422 neriakc.xmi
-a---           1/25/1999  8:32 PM        2555061 northkarana_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:32 PM         645708 northkarana_obj.s3d
-a---            2/1/1999  4:36 PM            127 northkarana_sndbnk.eff
-a---           2/16/1999  9:59 PM            168 northkarana_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  8:31 PM        1016136 northkarana.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:31 PM          11340 northkarana.xmi
-a---           1/25/1999  8:33 PM        2569236 nro_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:33 PM         553291 nro_obj.s3d
-a---            2/9/1999 11:46 AM            137 nro_sndbnk.eff
-a---           2/16/1999  9:59 PM            168 nro_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  8:33 PM         935720 nro.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:33 PM           3514 nro.xmi
-a---           1/25/1999  8:34 PM        2544081 oasis_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:34 PM         570605 oasis_obj.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  4:01 PM            134 oasis_sndbnk.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  3:59 PM           2100 oasis_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  8:33 PM         544576 oasis.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:35 PM        1754899 oggok_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:35 PM         310392 oggok_obj.s3d
-a---           1/18/1999  5:09 PM             89 oggok_sndbnk.eff
-a---           1/18/1999  5:23 PM           1680 oggok_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  8:35 PM        1377235 oggok.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:36 PM        2515722 oot_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:37 PM         707701 oot_obj.s3d
-a---           1/18/1999  6:08 PM            129 oot_sndbnk.eff
-a---           1/18/1999  6:35 PM           4116 oot_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  8:36 PM        1399827 oot.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:37 PM          13814 opener.xmi
-a---           1/25/1999  8:37 PM          25750 opener2.xmi
-a---           1/25/1999  8:37 PM          24646 opener3.xmi
-a---           1/25/1999  8:37 PM          31668 opener4.xmi
-a---           2/16/1999  9:59 PM          96768 p.dat
-a---           1/25/1999  8:38 PM        2247408 paw_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:38 PM         204294 paw_obj.s3d
-a---            2/1/1999  2:45 PM            112 paw_sndbnk.eff
-a---           2/16/1999  9:59 PM            252 paw_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  8:37 PM        1934813 paw.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:37 PM           7828 paw.xmi
-a---           1/25/1999  8:40 PM        2562518 permafrost_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:40 PM         530404 permafrost_obj.s3d
-a---            2/8/1999 12:49 PM             70 permafrost_sndbnk.eff
-a---            2/8/1999  2:39 PM           4788 permafrost_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  8:39 PM        1971204 permafrost.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:40 PM          13482 pickchar.xmi
-a---           1/25/1999  8:41 PM        2516849 qcat_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:41 PM         198672 qcat_obj.s3d
-a---           1/29/1999  4:44 PM            206 qcat_sndbnk.eff
-a---           2/10/1999  4:10 PM           1680 qcat_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  8:40 PM         880738 qcat.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:40 PM           8136 qcat.xmi
-a---           1/25/1999  8:42 PM        2747485 qey2hh1_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:43 PM         862720 qey2hh1_obj.s3d
-a---           1/27/1999  1:03 PM             98 qey2hh1_sndbnk.eff
-a---           2/11/1999 10:12 AM           1176 qey2hh1_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  8:42 PM        1439614 qey2hh1.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:42 PM          50418 qey2hh1.xmi
-a---           1/25/1999  8:47 PM        2758677 qeynos_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:47 PM         922350 qeynos_obj.s3d
-a---           1/20/1999  3:02 AM            221 qeynos_sndbnk.eff
-a---           2/16/1999  9:59 PM           2772 qeynos_sounds.eff
-a---           2/16/1999  9:59 PM        3470966 qeynos.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:44 PM          50446 qeynos.xmi
-a---           1/25/1999  8:46 PM        2558305 qeynos2_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:46 PM         523169 qeynos2_obj.s3d
-a---            2/1/1999  3:52 PM             96 qeynos2_sndbnk.eff
-a---           2/16/1999  9:59 PM            168 qeynos2_sounds.eff
-a---           2/16/1999  9:59 PM        1784385 qeynos2.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:45 PM          50446 qeynos2.xmi
-a---           1/25/1999  8:48 PM        2617234 qeytoqrg_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:48 PM         304073 qeytoqrg_obj.s3d
-a---           2/12/1999 10:20 AM            136 qeytoqrg_sndbnk.eff
-a---           2/16/1999 10:00 PM            168 qeytoqrg_sounds.eff
-a---           2/16/1999 10:00 PM        1029434 qeytoqrg.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:48 PM          39940 qeytoqrg.xmi
-a---           1/25/1999  8:50 PM        2466280 qrg_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:50 PM         408251 qrg_obj.s3d
-a---           2/12/1999 11:29 AM            130 qrg_sndbnk.eff
-a---           2/16/1999 10:00 PM            252 qrg_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  8:49 PM        1084569 qrg.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:49 PM          26696 qrg.xmi
-a---           1/25/1999  8:51 PM        2606127 rathemtn_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:52 PM         861405 rathemtn_obj.s3d
-a---           1/19/1999  3:59 PM            129 rathemtn_sndbnk.eff
-a---           2/16/1999 10:00 PM             84 rathemtn_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  8:50 PM        1556109 rathemtn.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:51 PM          27640 rathemtn.xmi
-a---           1/26/1999 12:58 AM           3895 readme.txt
-a---           1/25/1999  8:52 PM           2584 reporting_bugs.txt
-a---           2/16/1999 10:00 PM            934 revision.txt
-a---           1/25/1999  8:53 PM        2381767 rivervale_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:54 PM         575481 rivervale_obj.s3d
-a---            2/8/1999  1:47 PM             89 rivervale_sndbnk.eff
-a---           2/16/1999 10:00 PM             84 rivervale_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  8:53 PM        1586043 rivervale.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:53 PM          15486 rivervale.xmi
-a---           1/25/1999  8:55 PM        1977612 runnyeye_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:55 PM         459087 runnyeye_obj.s3d
-a---           1/15/1999  3:23 PM            200 runnyeye_sndbnk.eff
-a---           1/15/1999  3:51 PM           1848 runnyeye_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  8:54 PM        2034290 runnyeye.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:54 PM           7828 runnyeye.xmi
-a---           1/25/1999  8:55 PM         127820 sky.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  8:55 PM          95232 smackw32.dll
-a---           1/25/1999  8:56 PM        1053391 snd1.pfs
-a---            2/8/1999  8:45 PM        1094964 snd11.pfs
-a---           1/25/1999  8:56 PM        1755196 snd2.pfs
-a---            2/8/1999  8:45 PM        1772435 snd21.pfs
-a---           1/25/1999  8:58 PM        3950749 snd3.pfs
-a---            2/8/1999  8:45 PM        4007622 snd31.pfs
-a---           1/25/1999  8:59 PM        3099937 snd4.pfs
-a---            2/8/1999  8:45 PM        3115972 snd41.pfs
-a---           1/25/1999  9:00 PM        3467596 snd5.pfs
-a---            2/8/1999  8:45 PM        3461535 snd51.pfs
-a---           1/25/1999  9:01 PM        3862125 snd6.pfs
-a---           2/11/1999  5:23 PM        4677396 snd61.pfs
-a---           1/25/1999  9:01 PM         569752 snd7.pfs
-a---           1/25/1999  9:03 PM        1967180 soldunga_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  9:03 PM         585383 soldunga_obj.s3d
-a---            2/5/1999  2:32 PM            203 soldunga_sndbnk.eff
-a---           2/12/1999  1:55 PM           1848 soldunga_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  9:02 PM        2337111 soldunga.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  9:05 PM        2526299 soldungb_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  9:05 PM         888212 soldungb_obj.s3d
-a---           2/12/1999  2:51 PM            191 soldungb_sndbnk.eff
-a---           2/16/1999 10:00 PM            336 soldungb_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  9:04 PM        1544173 soldungb.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  9:04 PM          44466 soldungb.xmi
-a---           1/25/1999  9:07 PM        2535274 southkarana_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  9:07 PM         467902 southkarana_obj.s3d
-a---           1/26/1999 11:58 AM            114 southkarana_sndbnk.eff
-a---           1/26/1999 12:11 PM           3528 southkarana_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  9:06 PM        1980726 southkarana.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  9:06 PM           7918 southkarana.xmi
-a---           2/16/1999 10:00 PM         573440 spdat.eff
-a---           1/18/1999  3:48 PM         178688 spells.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  9:08 PM        2484461 sro_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  9:08 PM         682903 sro_obj.s3d
-a---           1/18/1999  1:46 PM            178 sro_sndbnk.eff
-a---            2/9/1999  2:36 PM           2184 sro_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  9:07 PM         439340 sro.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  9:09 PM        2433383 steamfont_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  9:10 PM         449989 steamfont_obj.s3d
-a---           1/26/1999 10:34 AM             88 steamfont_sndbnk.eff
-a---           1/26/1999 10:34 AM           3024 steamfont_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  9:09 PM         839019 steamfont.s3d
-a---           2/17/1999  3:03 PM        1426330 synthusr.dls
-a---           1/25/1999  9:10 PM         498320 synthusr.sbk
-a---           1/25/1999  9:10 PM         498320 synthusr.sf2
-a---           2/17/1999  3:44 PM        1911296 testeqgame.exe
-a---           2/16/1999 10:03 PM           4148 testeqnews.txt
-a---           2/16/1999 10:00 PM          96768 testeverquest.exe
-a---           2/16/1999 10:03 PM          96768 testp.dat
-a---           1/25/1999  9:11 PM        2382692 tox_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  9:11 PM         438479 tox_obj.s3d
-a---            2/4/1999  1:54 PM            205 tox_sndbnk.eff
-a---           2/16/1999 10:00 PM            420 tox_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  9:10 PM         975926 tox.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  9:10 PM          19364 tox.xmi
-a---           1/25/1999  9:12 PM         316311 tutorial_obj.s3d
-a---           1/29/1999 10:19 AM             97 tutorial_sndbnk.eff
-a---           2/11/1999  5:41 PM            840 tutorial_sounds.eff
-a---           2/16/1999 10:03 PM           3600 tutorial.dat
-a---           2/16/1999 10:03 PM        1842688 tutorial.exe
-a---           1/25/1999  9:12 PM        1053850 tutorial.s3d
-a---          10/28/2023  4:51 PM         118713 Uninst.isu
-a---           1/25/1999  9:13 PM        2301535 unrest_chr.s3d
-a---           1/25/1999  9:14 PM         403838 unrest_obj.s3d
-a---           1/18/1999  1:46 PM            110 unrest_sndbnk.eff
-a---            2/8/1999 10:43 AM           1344 unrest_sounds.eff
-a---           1/25/1999  9:12 PM        1875473 unrest.s3d

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