One Shall Rule Them All: Testaments of Tulok

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This is the first monster mission in a series of three which lead up to the 24-person raid monster mission, The Fall of an Empire.

"a forgotten noble" (location -3260, +2535 in Trakanon's Teeth) tells you to find Tulok.

You say, 'Hail, a forgotten noble'

a forgotten noble says 'The book. Charged, was I, with its safekeeping. All was well until that fateful day: the day of the fall. They descended upon us with horrible fury. I could not fulfill my task. The failure will haunt me. I will haunt this grave . . . until the end of time. An eternity of unrest awaits unless I can uncover the whereabouts of the ancient book of the dead. You, mortal . . . you must seek them out. Find Tulok the Folklorist and the Spirit of Kotiz. They can help pinpoint the location! Kotiz is nearby. Tulok wanders the Emerald Jungle.'

Tulok may be found at +4015, +3465 in the Emerald Jungle, in some ruins on the plateau in the northwest corner of the zone.

You say, 'Hail, Tulok'

Tulok says 'Ssssoo, what is a Halfling doing out this far from home? Now that you have. . .found me. . .what can I, Tulok, a mere [historian] do for you?'

You say, 'Historian?'

Tulok says 'During my long yearssss I have collected many talessss and other bitssss of hisssstory. For instancccce I have dissscovered more about the iksssar [dark lord] himssself, Venril Sssathir.'

You say, 'Dark lord?'

Tulok says 'Yesss. As Venril asssscended to the iksssar throne, he had many rebellionsss to crusssh beneath hisss heel. One uprising represssented the final obssstacle to controlling the entire continent. It wassss later known assss the [First Slaves' War].'

You say, 'First Slaves' War?'

Tulok says 'Asss the forcesss of Venril marched acrossss the face of the continent, ssssome of the other races willingly ssssubmitted before them. Othersss fled entirely, leaving whole citiesss to rot. Still fewer joined together in hopes of sssstopping the iksssar horde. The War of the First Slave's would sssseee [froglok and giant] ally in desperation.'

You say, 'Froglok and giant?'

Tulok says 'Ccccorrect. froglok and Mountain giantsss allied to defend againssst the forcesss of the dark lord. During the war, however, there wasss an impasse. The froglokssss proved to be sssskillful tacticiansss. And of courssse the mountainousss terrain of the battlefield aided the giantsss' ability to fight. Till Venril had a [plan].'

You say, 'A plan?'

Tulok says 'Yesss. He sssent in a small cccadre of iksssar ssshock troopsss. While the majority of Venril'ssss forcesss kept the froglokkkk and mountain giant armiesss bussssy, the sssmall band of elite sssoldiers sssnuck into the giant fort and ssslew the leadersss of the rebellion. If you clossee your eyessss, I bet you can almossst hear the sssoundsss of battle drawing [closer].'