The Tale of Al`Kabor and the Sunken Ship

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The Tale of Al'kabor and the Sunken Ship

This happened tonight, September 4th 2000 at 11:00 PST.  I was playing a lower level character of mine named Wump and was wandering aimlessly, eventually ending up at the front of Felwithe.  People were sitting around talking when suddenly two GM's appeared.  They said "come in for a tale" and walked into Felwithe.  Apparently they didnt want many because only 10 or so were there at the time and they stayed mere seconds, so a select crowd got to go with them and it was keept a small event the whole time.  We walked into Felwithe (all the players on walk) and eventually entered a tavern. Rahgoths asked us if we would like to hear a tale, and told us that no items were going to be rewarded, and that no quest lead from was simply a tale of old.  Everyone quickly agreed and found their seats, many got drunk.  I had the good mind to turn on eq.log and captured everything he said from begining to end.  I edited the log to remove all the worthless spam and castings and such that were there.  Heres what was said that night, preceeded by a list of those in attandence.  
Players on EverQuest:
[40 Wizard] Ermonican (High Elf) <Legacy of Lycanthropes>
[38 Paladin] Cassio (High Elf) <Voyagers>
[ANONYMOUS] Luccianus  <Sky Knights>
* GM * [50 Paladin] Ghann (Half Elf) <Order of Xegony>
[5 Cleric] Aaldaina (High Elf)
* GM * [20 Cleric] Thanati (Dark Elf) <Future of Xegony>
[8 Paladin] Europe (Human) <The Fellowship of the Griffon>
* GM * [20 Paladin] Pragma (Erudite) <Future of Xegony>
[ANONYMOUS] Freybawe
* GM * [49 Paladin] Rahgoths (High Elf) <Order of Xegony>
[ANONYMOUS] Gailen  <One Hundred Swords>
[20 Enchanter] Wotash (High Elf) <Dark Reign Order>
[29 Necromancer] Khaled (Gnome) <Dark Reign Order>
[18 Paladin] Alain (High Elf)
[17 Warrior] Qaru (Gnome)
[9 Warrior] Woodsmoke (Wood Elf) <Followers of Loch Shea>
[9 Enchanter] Wump (High Elf)
There are 18 players in Felwithe.  
Rahgoths says, 'I'll tell you a tale of Norrath'
Rahgoths says, 'Feel free to charm in and ask questions.  Just keep in mind I can't give out game secrets'
Rahgoths says, 'Other than that, make yourselves comforatable, have come ale, and let's have a good time and try somthing different in EQ other than hack and slash'
Rahgoths says, 'Everyone comfy and ready?'
Pragma says, 'Aye'
Khaled says, 'Me was born ready'
Rahgoths says, 'Alrighty'
Woodsmoke makes a butt grove in the stool.
Rahgoths opens to the correct page in his book.
Freybawe says, 'LOL'
Rahgoths puts on his glasses.
Rahgoths says, 'This story is called Al'kabor and the Sunken ship'
Rahgoths says, 'Has anyone heard this one?'
Alain says, 'Aha.'
Wotash says, 'No'
Woodsmoke says, 'nay'
Europe says, 'not i'
You say, 'Nay sir'
Khaled says, 'Nope'
Khaled says, 'I fell off the boat once, though'
Rahgoths smiles.
Freybawe says, 'me too'
Rahgoths clears his throat.
Rahgoths says, 'The story of Al'kabor and the sunken ship'
Alain says, 'Is Al'kabor a person or a place?'
Khaled says, 'Hush hush'
Rahgoths says, 'Many moons ago'
Rahgoths says, 'In the great city of Erudin...'
Ghann listens intently.
Rahgoths says, 'The great wizard known as Al'kabor learned of a shipwreck in the Ocean of Tears'
Alain says, 'Ah, so hes a person'
You say, 'Al'kabor is a Gnome Wizard, he founded many of the spells we still use today'
Rahgoths says, 'Correct Alain.  Al'kabor is a great Erudite wizard actually'
Woodsmoke says, 'question'
Rahgoths says, 'Wood?'
Woodsmoke says, 'if hes an erudite'
Woodsmoke says, 'then how is he agnome'
Rahgoths smiles.
You say, 'He is a gnome, he visted not to long ago'
Rahgoths says, 'Good question. '
Khaled says, 'Erudite mother, gnome father'
Rahgoths says, 'Al'kabor is indeed a Erudite.  That I promise.'
Woodsmoke says, 'ahhh'
You shrug unknowingly.
Alain says, 'Wump said he was a gnome.  Obviously he was mistaken.'
You say, 'Aye....I must have been I appologize'
Rahgoths says, 'Well, Wump did have one part right, and he should be congratulated for that'
Alain says, 'What about this shipwreck?'
Rahgoths says, 'Ah yes...'
Khaled says, 'Indeed'
Rahgoths says, 'the tale...'
Rahgoths says, 'Al'kabor learned of some great shipwreck in the Ocean of Tears'
Rahgoths says, 'But, he also learned by way of a messanger that there was something special in the cargo hold of this ship.'
Rahgoths says, 'So, that bright sunny morning Al`kabor went to his storage chest and gathered his robe, staff, spellbook, and a few other wizard items'
Woodsmoke says, 'is the water in odus salty?'
Woodsmoke says, 'i have never tasted it'
Rahgoths says, 'Woodsmoke, not quite as bad as the Ocean of Tears'
Rahgoths says, 'Anyway..'
Alain says, 'What did Al'kabor do next?'
Europe says, 'go on rahgoths'
Rahgoths says, 'Al'kabor learned from the messanger that there was a survivor of this shipwreck.'
Rahgoths says, 'The survivor's name was Tillerman Janck.'
Rahgoths says, 'There was only one problem...'
Alain says, 'What was the problem?'
Rahgoths says, 'Al`kabor only heard rumors of where he may now be, so he knew he would need help finding Tillerman, for he was the only one who knew exactly where this wreckage was'
Rahgoths says, 'Ah...Woodsmoke that part is yet to come.'
Alain says, 'What kind of help could he get to find this Tillerman?'
Rahgoths says, 'Al`kabor decided that he would find aid in the great city of Qeynos.'
Alain says, 'Qeynos is quite a way away from the OOT.  Why did he go there?'
Rahgoths says, 'Alain, he needed to hire help'
Rahgoths says, 'Ah...there is more friends'
Alain says, 'What kind of help did he find in Qeynos?'
Rahgoths says, 'Well,'
Rahgoths says, 'When Al`kabor arrived to the great city of Qeynos...rumor has it the old powerful wizard's voice boomed through the halls of the great stone city of Qeynos as he called for the help of six brave ones'
Rahgoths says, 'Brave ones...just like many of you'
Alain says, 'And did 6 brave ones respond to his request for help?'
Rahgoths says, 'Al`kabor mentioned that he needed help of at least a ranger and an enchantress'
Rahgoths says, 'Aye...after some time....six brave ones did agree to help Al`kabor.'
Rahgoths says, 'They were not quite sure why, but when Al`kabor calls upon people, many do try ot aid'
Alain says, 'Did he threaten them?  Or the city of Qeynos?'
Rahgoths says, 'Al`kabor explained that the six brave ones could have whatever was on this wreckage, except for one item which Al`kabor would not name, which he badly wanted.'
Rahgoths says, 'Well Alain, Al`kabor calls upon people as 'minons' to put it mildly, very to the point he is'
Starky says, 'Ah so he had another motive besides to save Tillerman'
Rahgoths says, 'continuing...'
Rahgoths says, 'Al`kabor did explain that he learned that this Tillerman was rumored to be somewhere in the Commons.'
Rahgoths says, 'Have you all seen the great Grasslands of the Commons?'
Woodsmoke says, 'AYE'
You say, 'Aye'
Alain says, 'Oh yes.'
Khaled says, 'I've been to commons'
Freybawe says, 'Aye'
Europe says, 'yes sir, many a time'
Starky says, 'err sorry the liquor must be gettingto my head'
Alain nods.
Khaled says, 'druids killed me there, you might of seen my blood spilt on the grass'
Rahgoths smiles.
Ghann smiles.
Pragma smiles.
Rahgoths says, 'So, where we again friends...'
Woodsmoke says, 'He rumered to be in the commans'
Europe says, 'about the grasslands of commons'
Rahgoths says, 'Ah yes...thank you'
Alain says, 'Al'kabor gathered the 6 heros.'
Alain says, 'And was going to take them to the Commonlands.'
Alain says, 'To find Tillerman.'
Rahgoths says, 'Thank you Alain...'
Rahgoths says, 'So, they all set out...just as it began to rain...on the path to the Commonlands'
Rahgoths says, 'They as in the six brave ones, and Al`kabor'
Rahgoths says, 'Upon arriving at the Commons...'
Rahgoths says, 'The ranger did begin to use his skills in the ways of tracking.'
Rahgoths says, 'Anyone here a ranger?'
Starky looks at Rahgoths and raises his hand.
Rahgoths beams a smile at Starky.
Rahgoths says, 'Starky can relate then.'
Rahgoths smiles.
Starky says, 'Seems im the only here today'
Starky nods at Rahgoths.
Rahgoths says, 'Anyway..'
Alain says, 'Do you know what the Ranger's name was?'
Rahgoths says, 'The ranger did begin to track and find signs of disturbance of leaves and such'
Rahgoths says, 'Alain, that part has been lost in the tale...'
Alain says, 'Alas.'
Rahgoths says, 'The ranger did indeed lead them to a man...whom was gathering berries'
Rahgoths says, 'Upon hailing him and some introduction.....'
Rahgoths says, 'It was indeed Tillerman Janck'
Rahgoths says, 'The brave ones and Al`kabor explained how they dearly wanted him to lead them to the wreckage'
Woodsmoke says, 'Ooooo'
Rahgoths says, 'Tillerman however made it very clear he wanted nothing to do with the Ocean again, as he now feared water, hence his moving  the the Commons'
Alain says, 'Was Tillerman Janck a human?'
Rahgoths says, 'Aye Alain'
Rahgoths says, 'Well,...acording to my book, but again my book is old.'
Alain says, 'Did he know what the cargo about the ship was?'
Rahgoths smiles.
Rahgoths says, 'That part will come later Alain'
Rahgoths says, 'Well, it did take MANY ales to persuade Tillerman to aid them'
Rahgoths says, 'but...alas he did cave in and agree to lead them to the wreckage'
Rahgoths says, 'So, the next day, after some rest'
Rahgoths says, 'Tillerman, Al`kabor, and the six brave ones set out for the Ocean of Tears'
Rahgoths says, 'It was a fall day, the leaves brown...the smell of the grasslands...'
Rahgoths says, 'Let me ask you all this...have you ever acutally paused to take a look around and be in Norrath? '
You say, 'Aye'
Khaled says, 'indeed'
Europe says, 'aye'
Woodsmoke says, 'Yes\'
Alain says, 'Sure, Steamfont is a particularly fascinating place.'
Khaled says, 'always good to go back to the caves of akanon and go for a swim in that green water'
Rahgoths smiles.
Rahgoths nods.
Khaled says, 'it keeps my skin soft'
Rahgoths says, 'Where were we again?'
You say, 'It was autum, leaves were brown....'
Rahgoths says, 'ah yes'
Alain says, 'Tillerman was leading Al'Kabor and the heros to the OOT.'
Rahgoths says, 'So they all set out...for the Ocean of Tears'
Rahgoths says, 'Upon reaching the shorline...'
Rahgoths says, 'Tillerman began to tremble with fear...'
Rahgoths says, 'He began to walk backwards slowly...away from the group and shore...'
Rahgoths says, 'Indeed it was appearant that panic filled his heart and mind'
Rahgoths says, 'Alas the enchanter in the group smiled softly and began to cast some kind of enchnatment.'
Rahgoths says, 'Tillerman became calm.'
Rahgoths says, 'The enchanter did again cast another spell upon the party...and Tillerman as well.'
Rahgoths says, 'They no longer fealt the need to breathe air like mortals'
Khaled says, 'what shoreline were they at?'
Khaled says, 'sister isle? freeport?'
Rahgoths says, 'Khaled, the Ocean of Tears, somewhere near Freeport's edge'
Khaled says, 'i see.. I see....'
Rahgoths says, 'The enchantress began to cast this enchantment upon Al`kabor as well..'
Rahgoths says, 'but he smiled bitterly soft, calmly interupted the enchantress and taped to his earing.'
Rahgoths says, 'He said "No need, I have my powers with this"'
Rahgoths says, 'Some say such an item exists in this land still....alas I do not know what it could be'
Rahgoths smiles.
Rahgoths says, 'Anyway..'
Khaled says, 'i've heard of such an item'
Rahgoths says, 'Tillerman began to wade into the water...'
Rahgoths says, 'leading the six brave ones and Al`kabor...'
Rahgoths says, 'Down deep...deep into the murky waters ....'
Rahgoths says, 'Then something began to appear...from the depths...'
Rahgoths says, 'It was a hull...or what was left of it....'
Alain says, 'Was it Tillerman's ship?'
Rahgoths nods.
Rahgoths says, 'Then something else happened.....'
Rahgoths says, 'The waters began to swirl violently around them,....'
Rahgoths says, 'Something was not right....'
Woodsmoke says, 'uhoh'
Freybawe says, 'Not kood'
Rahgoths says, 'Then it happened all to fast...'
Rahgoths says, 'The truth from the wreckage long ago began to unfold to rapidly...'
Alain says, 'Sirens?  Zombie sailors?'
Alain says, 'Killer sharks?'
Rahgoths says, 'You see friends, twas not storm nor rock nor pirate that caused the wreck that day....'
Rahgoths says, 'No...worse'
Alain says, 'Worse?'
Rahgoths says, 'An ancient evil water elemental'
Freybawe says, 'Lol'
Freybawe says, 'Aek'
[Woodsmoke says, 'AHHHHHHH'
Alain says, 'Yes, that would be worse.'
Rahgoths says, 'It was there to guard its claim form long ago'
Rahgoths says, 'You see, it must have been the case where Tillerman was knocked from the boat and knocked out cold into the water'
Rahgoths says, 'The God's did watch over him that day...'
Europe salutes the gods in pure admiration.
Rahgoths says, 'He floated to shore and there the Sisters did take him in'
Woodsmoke says, 'kind sisters =)'
Freybawe says, 'Aye'
Khaled says, 'I feel bad for killing them now...'
Rahgoths says, 'So there they were...'
Rahgoths says, 'The ancient elemental ranged fortha great wave of attack on Al`kabor, Tillerman, and the heroes'
Rahgoths says, 'A great battle, of what some say was epic broke out...'
Rahgoths says, 'Al`kabor and the heroes...casting, fighting, and healing...side by side...'
Rahgoths says, 'Much like many of you have proven well in battle'
Rahgoths says, 'Then the waters calmed.......'
Rahgoths says, '.....'
Rahgoths says, '....'
Rahgoths says, 'Alas it was over....'
Rahgoths says, 'The heroes and Al`kabor had WON!'
Alain cheers.
Woodsmoke says, 'how wuld they be able to see the elemental if it was made of water'
Wotash says, 'YEAH!!'
Europe salutes the gods in pure admiration.
You cheer.
Starky beams a smile at Rahgoths.
Alain says, 'Huzzah!!'
Woodsmoke says, 'WOOT'
Rahgoths says, 'Ah yes...'
Khaled says, '.. /cheer'
Woodsmoke says, 'Marvalous'
Europe cheers.
Freybawe CHEERS.
Rahgoths says, 'The ancient elemental shimmered with magics...thus allowing people to see it'
Woodsmoke says, 'ahhhhh'
Rahgoths says, 'continue....'
Rahgoths says, 'Al`kabor immediatly went to search the hull of the wreckage...'
Rahgoths says, 'Then he produced something......'
Rahgoths says, 'A parchment...'
Rahgoths says, 'A simple parchment friends...'
Rahgoths says, 'Then Al`kabor slightly trembled..something rare for such a man of his power....'
Rahgoths says, 'He muttered "The is true....The Kedge..."'
Wotash says, 'huh?'
Alain says, 'The Kedge?'
Woodsmoke says, 'like the robe of the kedge?'
Rahgoths says, 'He hastily stuffed the parchment into a pocket of his robe...'
Khaled says, 'it ws a parchment'
Wotash says, 'Would it get wet?'
Alain says, 'Magical parchment.'
Wotash says, 'ahh. I see'
Rahgoths says, 'He then noted a wooden chest in the corner'
You say, 'The Kedge are an ancient race of Gigantic Squidlike beings....they went out of existance long ago save one who is roumered to still live in the keep to this day'
Rahgoths says, 'Wump is 100 percent correct'
Khaled claps happily for Wump - hurray!
You nod.
Woodsmoke applauds wump.
Alain agrees with Wump.
Rahgoths says, 'Alas the wood chest was brought to the heroes...'
Rahgoths says, 'They swam back to shore...Tillerman shivering and a bit grumpy behind them'
Rahgoths says, 'The warrior of the six brave ones brought his sword down upon the wooden chest....'
Alain says, 'Warriors will do that.'
Rahgoths says, 'In it there was numerous gems, fine weapons, and magic scrolls'
Vigor says, 'warriors will hit anything wether its dead or alive'
Vigor says, 'they are stupid like that'
Freybawe says, 'Lol'
Qaru bares her teeth in a terrible snarl.
Freybawe says, ') '
Woodsmoke hits vigor with his sword.
Rahgoths says, 'With that...'
Rahgoths says, 'Al`kabor hastily thanked the brave ones, and he casted a gate spell...'
Rahgoths says, 'Tis unknown where Al`kabor went to for the rest of that day.'
Rahgoths says, 'But that ended his journy for the day....'
Rahgoths says, 'And so ends my tale.'
Freybawe cheers at Rahgoths.
Woodsmoke says, 'BAH'
Rahgoths bows.
Wotash gives a round of applause.
Khaled claps happily for Rahgoths - hurray!
Freybawe says, 'AMAZING'
You say, 'That was very impressive Rahgoths'
Starky claps happily for Rahgoths - hurray!
Alain cheers at Rahgoths.
Woodsmoke says, 'WHAT HAPPENED'
Wotash applauds Rahgoths's performance.
Pragma cheers at Rahgoths.
Freybawe claps happily for Rahgoths - hurray!
Pragma cheers at Rahgoths.
Rahgoths says, 'Woodsmoke...that is a good question.'
Rahgoths says, 'What do you think happened?'
Wotash says, 'Are there any rumors of where he went??'
Woodsmoke says, 'and what did he mean by the kedge is true'
Rahgoths smiles.
Rahgoths says, 'All very good questions...'
Wotash says, 'but alas. no answers right?'
Rahgoths says, 'Alas that has been lost over time'
Rahgoths says, 'Well,'
Khaled says, 'does tillurman still live today?'
Rahgoths says, 'Khaled, perhaps so.'
Khaled says, 'interesting'
Rahgoths says, 'Again...there are many things in this land...yet there is something so many of you forget'
Rahgoths says, 'Here is the 'catach''
Rahgoths says, 'er catch'
Rahgoths says, 'Tis also ALL OF YOUR jobs to keep the stories and adventure alive....'
Starky applauds Rahgoths's performance.
Rahgoths says, 'Now, I want to thank ALL of you for your time'
Freybawe says, 'Well my friends this has been a VERY fun evening hasnt it?'
Rahgoths says, 'BUT!!!!!'
Rahgoths says, 'I only have one more small request of all of your time'
Europe snaps to attention and salutes Rahgoths crisply.
Wotash says, 'Yes...'
Mellyn listens.
You say, 'Ask and yee shall recieve Rahgoths'
Rahgoths says, 'May I have about 3 minutes uninterupted?'
Europe says, 'yes'
Woodsmoke says, 'yes sorry'
Starky says, 'of course'
Rahgoths says, 'I can show you all riched of Norrath you have never seen'
Rahgoths says, 'er riches rather'
Rahgoths says, 'Right under your noses'
Rahgoths says, 'Would you like me to show you?'
Woodsmoke says, 'YES'
Mellyn says, 'aye!'
Wotash says, 'yes'
You say, 'Very much so '
Starky nods at Rahgoths.
Europe says, 'yes'
Freybawe says, 'AYE'
Rahgoths says, 'Look'
Rahgoths wipes away a tear from his eye.
Rahgoths says, 'Look...'
Rahgoths says, 'A tavern unused for ages'
Rahgoths says, 'Look at the dust on the counters'
Rahgoths says, 'Look around...'
Rahgoths says, 'Look at these bottles...'
Alain says, 'Many seem rather ancient.'
Rahgoths says, 'Now either you will stay with me at this point and 'come into Norrath...or you will not make any sense of this''
Rahgoths says, 'There is more'
===<walks out of Tavern and over to pond by Felwithe zone>===
Rahgoths says, 'Tell me...'
Rahgoths says, 'Look upon this pond...'
Rahgoths says, 'When is the last time you took a friend here and pondered the ways of your existance and friendship, while simply fishing for the day?'
Rahgoths says, 'When is the last time you had a festival or gathering?'
Rahgoths says, 'The point is, there has been so much here all along...'
Rahgoths says, 'Simple things basically ran bay and overlooked '
Rahgoths says, 'er by (sorry)'
Rahgoths says, 'Well, that's all I have for you all.'
Woodsmoke says, 'i will spread this word across the land'
Mellyn takes notes and plans a party.
Rahgoths says, 'Perhaps I just might...just might have...for that one small second...shown or re-opened your eyes to what EQ can be'
It begins to rain.
Guppee says, 'Yu du gud elfie.  Tell gud stories'
Rahgoths puts his book away.
Wotash says, 'GOOD GOOD STORY'
Freybawe cheers at Rahgoths.
Rahgoths says, 'Well.  I am off.'
Freybawe says, 'Quite'
You say, 'I enjoyed the story Rahgoths'
Freybawe waves goodbye to Rahgoths.
You say, 'thank you for coming'
You thank Rahgoths heartily.
Freybawe says, 'Goodbye '
Mellyn says, 'aye thanks'
Wotash says, 'Lets do this again'
Freybawe thanks Rahgoths heartily.
Woodsmoke says, 'thanks'
Wotash says, 'sometime'
Rahgoths says, 'Thanks again.  Perhaps we should do this again'
Starky says, 'May Tunare watch over you Rahgoths'
Rahgoths says, 'Maybe you all will have a tale of your own sometime to tell ME and the others next time at the tavern'
Rahgoths waves goodbye to everyone.
Mellyn waves goodbye to Rahgoths.
Wump waves goodbye to Rahgoths.
===<Rahgoths better way to put that>===
Freybawe says, 'HOLT CRAP'
Mellyn says, 'heh. they love that'
Starky says, 'lol'
You say, 'Quite an exit :)'
Freybawe says, 'GOOD GOD'
Wotash says, 'WOW'
Freybawe says, 'that was AMAZING'
Mellyn says, 'that looks like it's gonna leave a mark'
Vigor says, 'blinks twice?'
Woodsmoke wet his pants at the display.
You say, 'Farewell all'  
And that was it.  The group dispensed, many of us stayed around the pond and went fishing, others told stories...a few more went out to Faydark to relay the tale.  As far as I can tell, this is the begining to the finding of the Kedge race, who must have been more ancient than Al'kabor, and probably the begining to their ultimate downfall. Hopefully I'll find more of this story someday :)  Until then! Undaine Darktone <48 Half-Elf Bard> <Havenlight>
Wump <9 High Elf Enchanter> - Attended Story Telling
Xegony Server



  1. From the Lore section of an October 2000 snapshot of Allakhazam's Magical Realm on the Internet Archive. Last accessed February 18, 2022. Available online at .