The Story of the Hole

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As told by Talloth Vara in Paineel:

You say, 'hail Talloth Vara'

Talloth Vara says 'Greetings Ozzit.  You have come to the Anthenaeum Necromanita.  This place serves as the stores of knowledge for the Seekers of the [Dark Truth].

You say, 'Tell me about the Dark Truth'

Talloth Vara says 'The Dark Truth is what all the [necromancers] in Paineel seek to learn.  The [real truth] is far more interesting.

You say, 'Who are the necromancers?'

Talloth Vara says 'The Necromancers here are called the Seekers of the Dark Truth.  The leader of the Seekers is known as the Speaker of the Dark Truth.  The current Speaker is Coriante Verisue.  She does however, have many [rivals].

You say, 'What rivals?'

Talloth Vara says 'I support Coriante due to my respect for her.  Many have no such respect and covet her power and her position.  One such individual is Darton, the Seeker's Chief Researcher.  He is a direct decendent of [Dartain], a hero to our people.

You say, 'Who was Dartain?'

Talloth Vara says 'That is a long story indeed Ozzit.  Many years ago, the Heretics and the people of Erudin had a grand battle.  In the ensuing battles, great magics were performed and many catastophic effects plagued these lands.  A good example of which, would be the Hole.

You say, 'What is the hole?'

Talloth Vara says 'The Hole is a mysterious creation indeed.  It was also a remarkable find.  Within the vast caverns created by the magical battles, we found something very interesting.  The Seekers call it the [Vault].  Much was done to research the Vault, but that is a story in and of itself.

You say, 'Tell me about the vault.'

Talloth Vara says 'From what I can discern, the Vault is created from a living stone.  It was an artifact that was created by Brell Serelis to seal the passageway that he had opened from the Plane of Underfoot to Norrath.  The Vault was to keep Norrath safe from some of the more vicious denizens of the Plane of Underfoot.  Something went terribly [wrong].

You say, 'what went wrong?'

Talloth Vara says 'During the Seekers investigation of the Vault, they weakened its properties.  In doing so, it released hordes of Earthen Elementals into our fine city.  Had Dartain not [sacrificed] himself, we would surely be an extinct race.

You say, 'What was his sacrifice?'

Talloth Vara says 'When the Seekers developed a patch for the Vault, they sent Dartain in to magically reseal the gateway.  He was set upon by multiple dinizens of the Plane of Underfoot, and escaped into the Vault.  There, with full knowledge that he would be trapped, he magically sealed the Vault once again, allowing us the freedom to create the [new city] that you stand in now.

You say, 'What new city?'

Talloth Vara says 'You know not what I speak of?  You should have really payed more attention to your studies.  The city which you live in now, is New Paineel.  The ruins of the [old city] are in the blight we call the Hole.

You say, 'tell me about the old city.'

Talloth Vara says 'The old city was marvelous indeed.  The one that we have rebuilt barely captures the majesty that the old city once bore.  It is still quite remarkable even in its destruction, however it is heavily guarded by the [minions] of the Underfoot.

You say, 'What minions?'

Talloth Vara says 'The creatures that now call the old city home, are led by the Earthen Lord Yael.  He is a force to be reckoned with, as he commands only the strongest of the elemental legions.  Tread softly if you see him, for he will not hesitate to take your life.  I grow tired child. Please, enough stories for today.  I must rest.