The Unkempt Warders Vol. V

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The Unkempt Warders Vol. V
(The Unkempt Warders Vol. V) - id : 18597

Slots: NONE
Item Type: Inventory

Value: 0 cp

For several more generations, the Unkempt Warders would flourish and hold true to their vows to the Lujien and Gihjna tribes. However, it would be the settlement of the Jaggedpine forest that would render the peace and harmonious existence of the Unkempt to one of strife and true ferocity to uphold their promise and ways.

When human settlers dedicated to the ways of Karana established themselves in the Jaggedpine forest and began to explore the surrounding areas, the unkempt were revealed to the rest of Norrath in flurry of brutal attacks upon any whom entered their territory. Eventually, the Jaggedpine would seal off its entry to the Unkempt Wood, leaving the feral tribe to its own - preserving their own existence and maintaining their ways.

For years after, the Unkempt seemed to be again at peace. They managed to convert several of the Jaggedpine settlers to their ways before entry was impossible, as well as a few of the scarcely wandering elves who stumbled into the unkempt territory as the years passed both prior and after Wegadas' death.

Now, they are again in unknown and unspoken turmoil. The Writ of the Wild, the sacred tome of the Unkempt, has been lost. Their ancient vows to the Lujien and Gihjna tribes prevent them from seeking the tome beyond the forest boundaries. The better judgement of the Gihjna elders lean away from searching for material possession - for the unkempt know the tome by heart, and they may continue its life and purpose through voice and lessons, as Wegadas had originally intended.

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