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Were you looking for Kelethin?

This forest serves as the gateway into Norrath for the wood elves of Kelethin and high elves of Felwithe. And with Ak'Anon and Kaladim so close by, it is not uncommon to see gnomes and dwarves throughout the area as well.

The orc stronghold of Crushbone can be found along the northern boundaries of the forest while the darker, more dangerous Lesser Faydark lies to the south. In ancient times, the orcs caused the sundering of the Lesser and Greater Faydark forests.

The foreboding entrance to Crushbone.
Level of Monsters: 1-12
Types of Monsters: a decaying skeleton, an elven skeleton, a black wolf, orc pawn, orc centurion, orc oracle, orc shaman, orc legionnaire, orc hatchetman, a pixie trickster, a willowisp, a bandit, a basilisk hatchling, a faerie maiden, a faerie duchess, a faerie royal guard, a faerie noble, a giant wasp warrior, a giant wasp drone, a giant wasp worker, a young coyote, a widow hatchling, a large widow, a fae drake hatchling, a large sylvan bat, a giant sylvan bat, a forest drakeling
Notable NPC's: Heartwood Master
Adjacent Zones: Northern Felwithe, Butcherblock Mountains, The Lesser Faydark, Crushbone
Name in /who: gfaydark
ZEM Value: 1
Type Outdoor
Expansion Classic


Map gfaydark.jpg
  • 1. Orc Camps
  • 2. Abandoned Druid Ring
  • 3. Bandit Camp
  • 4. Wizard Spires
  • 5. Priest of Discord lift to Kelethin
  • 6. Newbie lift to Kelethin
  • 7. Orc lift to Kelethin
Map gfaydark-kelethin.jpg
  • 1. Abandoned Platform with Loom
  • 2. Orc lift to Kelethin; Merchants selling Food and other Goods and Pottery Sketches, Inn
  • 3. Merchants selling Elven Food Items, Food, and other Goods
  • 4. Tavern selling Alcohol, Merchant selling Plate Armor
  • 5. Merchants selling Racial Alcohol, Common Gems
  • 6. Abandoned Platform
  • 7. Tavern selling Alcohol, Merchant selling Plate Armor
  • 8.-Upper (connects to platforms 5, 6, and 7) Sparkling Glass with Merchant selling Metals and Rare Gems, Merchants selling Elven Food, Oven
  • 8.-Lower (connects to platforms 3 and 11) Pottery and Fletching Supply Merchants, Warrior Guild
  • 9. Heartwood Tavern selling Alcohol
  • 10. Hut selling Food and other Goods, connected platform has Tavern selling Alcohol
  • 11. Priest of Discord lift to Kelethin; Merchants selling Medium Armor Molds, Sheet Metal, Food and other Goods
  • 12. Bank, Merchant selling Potions and Crystals
  • 13. Platform with Rangers
  • 14.-Upper (connects to platform 13) Abandoned Platform
  • 14.-Lower (connects to platforms 11 and 15) Packwearers Goods selling Bags and Boxes, Bard Guild across bridge
  • 15. Lift, Merchants selling Food and other Goods, Large Sewing Kit, tailoring patterns and instructions
  • 16. Faydark's Champions - Ranger Guild
  • 17. Inn selling Food and other Goods, Forge, Merchant selling Potions and Crystals, Chain Mail Patterns, Weapons
  • 18. Merchant selling Leather Armor and Sewing Patterns, Merchant in hut selling Bags and Boxes
  • 19. Inn selling Food and other Goods
  • 20. Shop selling Smithing Books and Container, Weapon, and File Molds, Merchant selling Cloth Armor, Pottery Wheel and Kiln
  • 21. Soldiers of Tunare - Druid Guild, Brew Barrel, bridge connects to Bilrio's Smithy selling Sharp and Blunt Weapons
  • 22. Merchants selling Chain Mail Armor and Boots, also Fier'Dal Forge
  • 23. Scouts of Tunare - Rogue Guild, sells Throwing Weapons
  • 24. Trueshot Bows selling Fletching (arrow) Supplies, Merchants selling Fletching (bows) Supplies, Tavern selling Alcohol and Ranger Spells

Safe/Evac Spot

-20, 10 (Kelethin main lift)


Although the forest is generally pretty safe, the guards around Kelethin and Felwithe do not take kindly to the presence of evil races and will kill on sight. Orcs and black wolves will attack anyone, and should be approached with caution. The "orc hill" and entrance to Crushbone in the far north of the forest is probably the most dangerous part of the forest as the orcs in that area tend to be more dangerous for adventurers who find themselves unprepared.


For the elves who hunt in the areas just outside Felwithe and Kelethin, there is an abundance of cloth armor and weapons that can be found on the orcs, and skeletons. Aspiring tailors can find plenty of ruined wolf pelts and assorted quality wolf skins with with to make small patchwork armor and other equipment. Both cities have tailoring merchants that sell the patterns needed to create patchwork and tattered armor.

The Crushbone Belts Quest and Crushbone Shoulderpads Quest provide experience, coin, and tattered armor for adventurers willing to run the belts back to Canloe Nusback in the South Kaladim Warrior Guild.

Traveling To and From

The wood elven city of Kelethin lays in the center of the forest on wood platforms high above the forest floor. Perhaps the easiest way to reach Kelethin without a map is to follow the forest path from Felwithe northwest which will lead to the main lift of the city. There are three lifts you can take to get into the city. On the northern side of the city is the orc lift (so named because it is the closest lift to orcish territories and Crushbone). In the central east are two lifts - one is the main lift which features two guards and the Priest of Discord. Slightly to the southeast of that lift where the forest path leading to Felwithe ends, is a third lift that typically has a single guard.

There is a another forest path that goes from west to east at the southern edge of the forest that will take travelers between the Butcherblock Mountains on the southwest edge of the forest and Northern Felwithe on the southeast edge of the forest. Taking the path west into Butcherblock Mountains will eventually lead to the Ocean of Tears, the dwarven city of Kaladim (via South Kaladim), and Dagnor's Cauldron (within which lays The Estate of Unrest) depending on which fork you take. On the southern part of the forest, about two thirds along this path to the east toward Felwithe leads to The Lesser Faydark from which you can reach the Steamfont Mountains (home of the gnomish city of Ak'Anon) and The Castle of Mistmoore. You will know you are close to The Lesser Faydark when the path crosses the wizard spires. Travelers with wizard companions can reach the forest here by taking a wizard portal. On the eastermost edge of this path you will find Northern Felwithe, the external facing part of the city of the High Elves. The northernmost part of the forest, directly north of the Kelethin orc lift leads to orcish territory and Crushbone.

Garden Variety's Glorious Adventures and Travel Guide

The Greater Faydark is one of the most recognized regions of Faydwer, where the High Elves and their Wood Elf cousins typically spend their first few levels. With the entire city of Kelethin contained within the forest, it is the only region in the game where people can teleport to a wizard spire and do their banking without zoning. It is also the only zone containing the entrance to two starting cities and a dungeon. For many people, "Gfay" is a natural hub for business transactions and auctioning for those that didn't want to make the trip to the East Commonlands Tunnel.

Kelethin is definitely the most unique sight to see here as the entire city is suspended on platforms in the treetops. Watch out for falling players! I hear its a hard fall to the forest floor. For anyone looking to catch a wizard portal off the island, the Wizard Spires (also known as Nexus Spires) in the Southern part of the zone along the forest path is an easy landmark and rendezvous point.

Kelethin Shops and Points of Interest

The Call of Flame Quest for Rangers starts in a small cabin off of platform 13. In that building you'll find Devin Ashwood and Lily Ashwood. Near platform 7 you'll find a drunkard whose real name is Tandan Nybright. He is the father of the four bandit sisters at the bandit sisters camp in The Lesser Faydark. He is part of the Wino Quest and Bandit Sisters Quest.

Bank of Kelethin

Located at platform 12 @ -146, 671, 117 in a marked building. Banker Willaen works the counter inside, and Guard Pinebramble guards the lobby.

Guilds in Kelethin

Name Location Spell Vendors Guildmasters General Vendors
Bards' Guild (Songweavers) -210, 222, 77 (entrance) Beleth Streamfoot, Serilia Whistlewind, Astar Leafsinger Sylia Windlehands, Sarialiyn Tranquilsong Merchant Tenra
Druid Guild (Soldiers of Tunare) -595, 224, 77 (entrance) Horth Evergreen, Uleen Laughingwater, Zelli Starsfire Heartwood Master, Aliafya Mistrunner Merchant Milania
Ranger Guild (Faydark's Champions) -377, 445, 117 (entrance) Cerila Windrider, Verth Mistwielder, Aleena Lightleaf Maesyn Trueshot, Samatansyn Flamecaller, Dill Fireshine, Ran Sunfire Merchant Tuluvdar
Rogue Guild (Scouts of Tunare) -476, -236, 161 (entrance) N/A Tylfon, Tilania Shadowwalker, Expin, Laren (in building on other side of platform) Merchant Gililya
Warrior Guild (Emerald Warriors) -360, 292, 77 (entrance) N/A Regren, Josylyn Greenblade, Gallin Woodwind (outside of building), Sindl Talonstrike (outside of building) Merchant Muvien

General Supply Merchants in Kelethin

Store Location Vendor Name Description
Goods, platform 10 251, 614, 77 Merchant Aianya Food, Water, Alchohol, Light Sources, Bandages, Fishing Pole, Fishing Bait
platform 11 155, 334, 77 Merchant Kwein Food, Water, Alchohol, Light Sources, Bandages, Fishing Pole, Fishing Bait
Packwearer's Goods, platform 14 -85, 271, 77 Merchant Tilluen Assorted Bags/Containers, Quiver, Bottle, Cask
Packwearer's Goods, platform 14 -94, 224, 77 Merchant Aluuvila Assorted Bags/Containers, Black Ceremonial Coffin, Quiver, Bottle, Cask
platform 18 in unnamed building -496, -133, 77 Merchant Aildien Assorted Bags/Containers, Black Ceremonial Coffin, Quiver, Bottle, Cask
platform 15 near lift -29, -149, 77 Merchant Iludarae weapons, water, food, light sources, fishing pole/bait

Inns in Kelethin (Supplies and Provisions)

Store Location Vendor Name Description
Inn (Platform 2) 940, 306, 77 Innkeep Larya Bandages, Water, Food, Alchohol, Light Sources
Sleepy Willow Inn (Platform 3) 726, 459, 76 Innkeep Linen Bandages, Water, Food, Alchohol, Light Sources
Inn -247, -435, 117 Innkeep Anisyla Bandages, Water, Food, Alchohol, Light Sources
Inn (platform 17) -337, 141, 117 Innkeep Wuleran Bandages, Water, Food, Alchohol, Light Sources

Taverns and Bars in Kelethin (Alchohol)

Store Location Vendor Name Description
Tavern (platform 4) 881, 93, 77 Barkeep Syntan assorted wines, assorted meads, Cask, Shotglass
Tavern (platform 5) 601, 690, 161 Barkeep Aanlawen Dwarven Ale, Elven Wine, Gnomish Spirits, Ogre Swill, White Wine
Tavern (platform 7) 394, 677, 117 Barkeep Myrisa assorted wines, assorted meads, Cask, Shotglass
Tavern (platform 10) 132, 822, 77 Barkeep Tuviena wide variety of alchohol, brewing supplies
Tavern (platform 10) 123, 805, 77 Barkeep Lysslan assorted wines, assorted meads, Cask, Shotglass
Heartwood Tavern (platform 9) 322, 542, 77 Barkeep Manlawen assorted wines, assorted meads, Cask, Shotglass
Heartwood Tavern (platform 9) 286, 520, 77 Barkeep Uulianu assorted wines, assorted meads, Cask, Shotglass
Tavern (platform 24) -493, -557, 161 Barkeep Tvanla assorted wines, assorted meads, Cask, Shotglass
Tavern (platform 24) -564, -558, 161 Barkeep Sissya assorted wines, assorted meads, Cask, Shotglass
Tavern (platform 24) -537, -550, 161 Hendricks Ranger Spell Vendor
Tavern (platform 24) -540, -570, 160 Bidl Frugrin Quest Mob (Telescope Lenses Quest)

Kelethin Tradeskill Facilities

Store Location Vendor Name Description
platform 12 -85, 601, 117 Merchant Ueaas Potions and Magical Items, Alchemy supplies
platform 17 near forge -272, 51, 117 Merchant Kaeluase Potions and Magical Items
  • oven @ 400, 340, Near Sparkling Glass (EQAtlas platform #8-upper)
  • brew barrel @ -520, 210, Near Soldiers of Tunare (druids' guild) (EQAtlas platform #21)
Store Location Vendor Name Description
Armor (outside on platform 4) 743, 56, 77 Merchant Tegdian Steel and Plate Armor
platform 7 389, 627, 117 Merchant Tananie Steel and Plate Armor
platform 11 110, 345, 77 Merchant Linolyen Blacksmithing Molds, Sheet Metal, Basic Blacksmithing, Armor and Weapons Guide
platform 14 -22, 118, 77 Merchant Uaylain Blacksmithing Molds, Basic Blacksmithing, Spit
unnamed building -107, -565, 161 Merchant Nluolian Blacksmithing Molds, Dirge of the ForgeFire
unnamed building on platform 17 near forge -188, 136, 117 Merchant Niwiny Small Chainmail patterns
platform 17 near forge -270, 89, 117 Merchant Winerasea Weapons, Fishing Pole
Bilrib's Smithy, platform 21 -649, 386, 77 Bilrio Surecut Weapon Merchant
Bilrib's Smithy, platform 21 -643, 364, 77 Merchant Gerienae Weapon Merchant
Bilrib's Smithy, platform 21 -676, 387, 77 Merchant Minamas Weapon Merchant
platform 22 near forge -480, 51, 161 Merchant Ainaiana Chainmail Armor
  • Forge @ -250, 65 on platform #17 on map
  • Forge @-478, 81 on platform #22 on map
Store Location Vendor Name Description
Fletcher, platform 8-lower 414, 464, 77 Merchant Neaien Fletching Supplies
platform 8-lower 414, 329, 77 Merchant Lanin Fletching Supplies, Fletching, Fletching Kit, Tailoring Quivers
platform 24 -409, -519, 161 Merchant Sylnis Fletching Supplies, Fletching Kit, Bowyers Guide
Trueshot's Bows (platform 24) -360, -611, 161 Merchant Tiladinya Fletching Supplies
Store Location Vendor Name Description
platform 5 617, 542, 161 Merchant Laedar Jewelcraft supplies: assorted gems, Jeweler's Kit, Legacy of Jewel Craft
Sparkling Glass (platform 8) 411, 245, 161 Merchant Kweili Jewelcraft supplies: assorted gems, precious metal bars, Jeweler's Kit
Store Location Vendor Name Description
platform 2 867, 205, 77 Merchant Nildar Pottery supplies: sketches and templates
platform 8-lower 420, 373, 77 Merchant Legweien Pottery supplies, Basic Pottery
  • pottery wheel @ -195, -545, platform #20 on the map
  • kiln @ -180, -555, platform #20 on the map
  • Loom is located at 910, 565 on platform #1
Store Location Vendor Name Description
platform 15 -114, -131, 77 Merchant Gaeadin Patterns, Large Sewing Kit, Molds, How To Sew: Large Sizes, How To Sew: Medium Sizes, How To Sew: Small Sizes
platform 18 -336, -116, 77 Merchant Aluwenae Patterns, Leather Armor, Small Sewing Kit, How To Sew: Medium Sizes
platform 20 -142, -545, 161 Linadian Cloth Armor, How To Sew: Medium Sizes, Small Sewing Kit
platform 22 -504, 23, 161 Merchant Tinolwenya Footwear

Forageable Items

Zone Item Edible Stack Lore Magic Nodrop Comment
All Fruit Y Y N N N can be used in brewing and baking
All Berries Y Y N N N can be used in brewing and baking
All Vegetables Y Y N N N can be used in brewing and baking
All Rabbit Meat Y Y N N N can be used in baking to make a stew
All Roots Y Y N N N can be used in brewing
All Pod of Water Y Y N N N can be used in brewing to make normal flasks of water
All Fishing Grubs N Y N N N Used w/ Fishing Skill
All Faydarks Morning Dew N Y N N N can be used for Elven Cultural Armor, also in Brewing for Elven Wine
Greater Faydark Ripened Heartfruit N N Y Y Y Druid/Ranger Epic Quest item; Wakening Land Quest
Greater Faydark Cinnamon Sticks Y Y N N N can be used in baking to make Pixie Powder Cinnesticks


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