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Sebilis is the vast, ancient capital of the Iksar Empire, founded long ago by the Emperor Venril Sathir. From here, the Iksar Empire ruled for many years. After Emperor Ganak's destruction over the Field of Bone a rogue faction of the Ring of Scale, led by Trakanon, reigned death upon the capital city. Trakanon has remained to revel in his victory. Now the city lies beneath its ruins in Trakanon's Teeth. The Iksar remnant moved to New Sebilis, otherwise known as Cabilis. A Trakanon Idol is required to gain entrance to Old Sebilis and it can be obtained via the Key to Sebilis Quest.

Level of Monsters: 48 - 60
Types of Monsters: Froglok Bok Knight, Bok Shaman, Bok Wizards, Dar Knight, Ilis Knight, Ilis Shaman, Ilis Wizard, Jin Shaman, Jin Wizard, Kor Shaman, Kor Shaman, Krup Knight, Krup Shaman, Krup Wizard, Krup Ghoul Knight, Reet Knight, Reet Shaman, Reet Wizard, Zol Knight, Myconid Adepts, Priests, Reavers, and Warriors, Sebilite Golems, Guardians, and Juggernauts, Imperial Crypt Guardian, Pox Scarab, Leprous Scarab, Sepsis Scarab, Iksar Necromancer, Skeletal Baron, Champion, Crusader, Duke, Harbinger, and Heirophant
Notable NPC's: Arch Duke Iatol, Arch Heirophant Galek, Baron Yosig, Blood of Chottal, Brogg, Crypt Caretaker, Emperor Chottal, Frenzied Pox Scarab, Froggy, Froglok Armorer, Froglok Armsman, Froglok Chef, Froglok Commander, Froglok Ostiary, Froglok Pickler, Gangrenous Scarab, Gruplinort, Harbinger Freglor, Heirophant Prime Grekal, Myconid Spore King, Sebilite Protector, Tolapumj, Trakanon
Adjacent Zones: Trakanon's Teeth
Name in /who: sebilis
ZEM Value: 2
Type Indoor
Expansion Ruins of Kunark


Map sebilis1.jpg

First Level

A is underwater tunnel to point A on map of Second Level

Map sebilis2.jpg

Second Level

A is underwater tunnel to point A on First Floor Map

Safe/Evac Spot

250, 0 (Zone-in)


This is one of the dungeons where the entrance is not the same as the exit. Upon passing through the entry portal, you are dropped into the entry room on the first floor. From there, it may seem like a short run to the exit, but it really is not given the powerful inhabitants of the zone. Although there are two portals out in this zone, it is almost a necessity to be able to teleport out in order to do so safely, as trying to make it to these teleports is not at all easy.

Every single one of the monsters in this zone is close to 50th level, and most are more powerful, and anyone fighting here has to be aware that this is what they are facing. Most of the monsters also come in at least pairs, and often in larger groups, so it is essential to have some sort crowd control when fighting here, as well as a good group. Few groups here are less than 50th level, even though it is possible to fight in the entry corridor at a lower level.

One of the other problems is that there are several doors in this dungeon that are locked and require a Rogue with a substantial Lockpicking skill in order to open. These areas that are cut off by a locked door include the Crypt Area and the area with Trakanon in it, so if you want to go to those, be sure to bring a Rogue along with you. The door leading to Trakanon can actually be opened without a Rogue, so it isn't as difficult as it first seems.

Trakanon resides deep within the dungeon in an open-aired cavern. He is waited on by his assistant Tolapumj, and they are both exceedingly powerful monsters to try and take down, although they also drop some of the best equipment in the game. The other problem with fighting them is that the area around where they are is very tricky to navigate because of the water nearby, so fighting here is more of a hassle.


This zone has some of the best loot in the game outside of Veeshan's Peak, and is generally filled with level 50+ characters. In fact, this is as close as most of the even high-level characters can expect to get to Veeshan's Peak in terms of loot and experience. Expect to get very used to fighting in this zone once you break level 50.

Other than the loot (if that can even be said), this zone's main benefit is that of being a large hunting ground for players that are very high in level. The dungeon has several relatively separated areas that you can go to in order to hunt for the creatures that are there, and there are very few trains (as there is little place to run to).

Traveling To and From

Sebilis can be reached through Trakanon's Teeth, through a portal buried under the ruins of the city above. The easiest way to find it is to face west at the most eastern part of the surface town, and there you will see three buildings, one wide one on the right and two narrower ones on the left. Pass directly between the wide one and the middle narrow one and you will see a tunnel leading down. To enter, you need to find a red sphere buried under some ruins, and also have the correct key to activate the portal. The key can be obtained by getting two medallion pieces from a Froglok Hunter and Forager in Trakanon's Teeth and giving them to Emperor Ganak.

Foraged Items

Zone Item Edible Stack Lore Magic Nodrop Comment
All Fruit Y Y N N N can be used in brewing and baking
All Berries Y Y N N N can be used in brewing and baking
All Vegetables Y Y N N N can be used in brewing and baking
All Rabbit Meat Y Y N N N can be used in baking to make a stew
All Roots Y Y N N N can be used in brewing
All Pod of Water Y Y N N N can be used in brewing to make normal flasks of water
All Fishing Grubs N Y N N N Used w/ Fishing Skill
The Ruins of Sebilis Emerald Orange Y Y N N N Wakening Land Quest; can be brewed into juice

Garden Variety's Glorious Adventures and Travel Guide


The peak of the Iksar's might and power culminated into the magnificent capital city of Sebilis. From its construction to its fall, the city would see no shortage of transformation over the countless years of its existence. As a starting point to this story, lets begin with the monumental War of Joining.

Venril Sathir of the Kunzar tribe and his army of live and undead Soldiers were able to showcase their terrifying strength across the lands of Kunark. Through this strength, he was able to conquer and annex the remaining four Iksar tribe states, which at the time were the Kylong, Nathsar, Obulus, and Jarsath. As the first King of the newly formed Iksar Empire, Venril heralded in a new era of empire building that started with the Kunzar city of Sebilis. This city underwent significant renovations and mind-blowing expansion to become the capital city of the empire. Much of the growth of the Empire of Ik sprawled across the continent and Venril realized that in order to sustain the scale of his empire's expansion, he would need to also ensure that there was a labor force large enough to allow it to happen.

Special thanks to Level-Up Larry for the Sebilis lore

Thus began the First Slaves War. In this war, the Empire of Ik crushed and enslaved the Mountain Giants, Forest Giants, and Frogloks in a sweeping campaign of carnage. With the slave labor now at peak levels, Venril looked to expand the Empire's trade opportunities. So he had two naval shipyards constructed including the Danak Shipyard, which is located in what is now known as The Overthere. The Empire's growth continued at insane speeds with the help of the enslaved races, and powerful monuments and cities were erected in the name of the Sebilisian Empire.

With trade routes established, the capital city of Sebilis and the Empire's other cities such as Charasis and Torsis thrived for hundreds of years. The Empire's military might would go well beyond its ground forces, and the Empire of Ik would virtually become immune to piracy due to its Navy's potency. Even after his forceful patricidal takeover of power, Rile Sathir would continue the same ego-maniacal empire-building strategy that his father began. He would lead vast armies and seize the most productive mine on the continent from the Mountain Giant resistance who would subsequently be enslaved by the reliable ruthlessness of the Empire.

The exponential growth of the Empire of Ik started to raise flags with the remaining factions on the continent. And when cornered, the magnitude of survival far exceeded complacency. The Sebilisian Empire would continue to thrive over hundreds of years. Sebilis itself was well established as the mecca of the Iksar race. The city's population and size rivaled any Norrathian city in existence. Each Sathirian Emperor would face their fair share of challenges during their reign, but it was Atrebe, son of Rile and third emperor of the Empire of Ik who would accelerate the ball of conflict into motion by mounting an attack against the Ring of Scale with his powerful Air Force of half-froglok / half-dragons called Sokokars.

And while his victories were decisive at first, the deep hatred that the Ring of Scale would have for the Iksar would turn into a fifty-four year war - which would also lead to the faction of dragons laying waste to many towns and smaller cities across the Iksar Empire. The war would reach its apex when the fourth emperor of the Empire of Ik, Ganak Sathir, and the leader of the Ring of Scale, Jaled Dar, would both succumb in their final battle which ultimately rendered the war as inconclusive.

However, the Ring of Scales' spirits and armies were smashed and broken and they were forced to retreat. It would take them years to recover. The Iksar recovery went much better overall. The might of the slave labor helped them rebuild from the immense devastation quickly. However, the toll that their military numbers had taken throughout the fifty-four year conflict, and especially the final battle, was also nothing to take lightly.

Surprisingly, the city of Sebilis had escaped much of the collateral damage from the constant conflict. But time was running out. With the death of Ganak, arguably one of the Sathirian bloodline's most inspirational emperors, there was a massive gap in leadership and morale that the Empire needed to solve for. Chottal Sathir attempted to fill this gap, but the Ring of Scale (while mostly defeated) would take advantage of the newly instated Emperor's lack of experience or preparedness. The Ring of Scale's surprise attack on the Imperial Palace of Sebilis would destroy the new Emperor along with the hatchling heirs of the Sathir bloodline.

Despite this attack, the prosperous days of Sebilis weren't over quite yet, and the Ring of Scale had no choice but to rebuild their army in order to have any meaningful impact against the Empire of Ik again. With no guidance from an Iksar of royal bloodline, it was the nobles of Sebilis who took it upon themselves to create the Emerald Circle - five of them to be exact. These five nobles would enhance Iksar cities and trade, rebuild the Navy, and return prosperity to the Empire. But it would only last for so long. With no enemies to vanquish, the arguments over land and influence escalated to a feverish pitch within the Emerald Circle, and they would ultimately disband.

The Empire would revert back to five great states based upon the ancient tribal divisions of the Iksar themselves. This sprung the Imperial City of Sebilis into disarray, which infectiously (and understandably) started to deteriorate the entire Empire. What would follow would be a several-hundred-year civil war across the entire continent. As noble families and merchant houses waged war against each other - seeking to gain the upper hand and claim the title of Emperor.

Most of the Empire's cities were hanging on by a thread, and the capital city of Sebilis was no exception. Outside sources started to pay attention. The Ring of Scale would take advantage of the lack of unity across the Iksar people. The many races that had succumbed to being enslaved for generations and generations were now becoming aware of their enslavers' growing vulnerability each passing day. It would be a series of earthquakes that would serve as the tipping point for the declining Iksar Empire. The shipyards and harbors that had supported critical trade routes for the Iksar had been decimated. The naval fleets and merchant vessels of each of the Iksar tribe states were wiped out in massive tidal waves. Commerce was brought to a complete standstill, and starvation starts to spread across the footprint of the Empire. Precious artifacts and wealth of knowledge is lost when the ancient city of Charasis is rocked into ruins.

The citizens and armies of Sebilis, weakened by the effects of a failing empire, tried their best to recover. But the starving frogloks would have no other choice to revolt causing irreparable, irreversible damage to the former glorious imperial city. Since being responsible for the death of Rile Sathir, the pure hatred that Trakanon had toward the Iksar had been festering for nearly 600 years throughout his imprisonment. The battlegrounds of Ganak and Jaled Dar had never really recovered either - and it was still polluted with the bones of those who fell in that magnificent battle. Seeing an opportunity to send a clear message, Trakanon would go on a murderous rampage against the vulnerable Iksar and toss endless amounts of their corpses into the Field of Bones. He intended for this to be a warning to any who would seek to fill the shoes of the Iksar and their failed empire.

The Ring of Scale - now led by Jaled Dar's daughter Phara Dar - would seek to stop Trakanon from utterly obliterating the entire Iksar race, but it would fall on deaf ears. Trakanon would vow to stand watch over the Iksar that if they should ever rise again, he would be there to smash them down. To ensure this vow to completion, Trakanon would finish the job that the liberated frogloks had started and he would decimate the city of Sebilis beyond recognition.

The once great council chambers of Sebilis would now serve as the nest for the unrelenting, ever-vengeful dragon for the next millenium.


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