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(Created page with "__NOTOC__ The Timorous Deep is the name of the ocean that lies between Kunark and the other continents of Norrath. The Deep is dotted with islands that stretch across it, and these islands contain a mixture of the modern powers on Norrath, those that have fallen out of their societies, natural predators, and ancient civilizations. 500px|thumb|right|Timorous Deep 500px|thumb|right|Timorous Deep {| |rowspa...")
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Revision as of 04:39, 27 April 2023

The Timorous Deep is the name of the ocean that lies between Kunark and the other continents of Norrath. The Deep is dotted with islands that stretch across it, and these islands contain a mixture of the modern powers on Norrath, those that have fallen out of their societies, natural predators, and ancient civilizations.

Timorous Deep
Timorous Deep
Level of Monsters: 20 - 55
Types of Monsters: Fire Gators, Streamers, Elven Rangers, Scouts, and War Scouts, Iksar Bandits, Fallen Iksars, Ogre Raiders, Ogre Wise One, Raider Watchman, Golras, Hulking Golras, Spiroc Lightfoots, Provens, Watchers, Warriors, Lightbringers, Raptors
Notable NPC's: Faydedar, The Great Oowomp, Halara, an Iksar master, Ugrak da Raider, Xiblin Fizzlebik, Alrik Farsight
Adjacent Zones: Butcherblock Mountains, Firiona Vie, The Overthere, Oasis of Marr; also see #Firepot Room
Name in /who: timorous
ZEM Value: 1
Type Outdoor
Expansion The Ruins of Kunark


Map timdeep.jpg

Timorous Deep

Firepot Room Diagram

Safe/Evac Spot

-5392, 2194 (Coast of chessboard island)


The Deep is separated into many separate islands, some of which are much more dangerous than others. Probably the most dangerous island is the Raptor islands. The raptors that live on these are very powerful (mid-40s in level) and very aggressive, with huge aggro ranges, and it seems that if you can even see one it will attack you once you step foot on the island. Apparently, their clawed feet are also webbed, and they can swim faster than you as well.

The other aggressive creatures are the powerful golras on the iceberg. These are 25-35 in level, but occasionally a much more powerful golra named Halara (level 40) appears here. All the golras are aggressive to everybody. There is also a powerful aggressive ogre that appears in the ogre encampment named the Great Oowomp (level 34), who can wreak havoc with any group hunting ogres and unlucky enough to pull him as well.

There is also a dragon that can be found in the southwestern corner of the Deep around the Combine Teleportation Room. This dragon is aggressive and found in the water, and as powerful as Nagafen. This makes him very difficult to kill and almost impossible to avoid. He is rarely around, however.

The other creatures in the zone are also aggressive, like the bandits, the undead, and the ogres and elves to those with bad faction with them, and all these creatures will group together. The Spirocs will also group together and fight, and are as powerful as the raptors, although less aggressive.

Timorous Deep is also a place that one can easily get lost in. There are vast stretches of nothing but water, and either knowing how to use the /loc command or sensing headings can make up a lot of potentially lost time.

Also, it is no longer possible to bind in Timorous Deep. It was possible immediately after Kunark's release, but was nerfed to be impossible a few months later (it was nerfed on live because binding at the firepots was too powerful).


Timorous Deep has very good hunting for a wide range of people, and most of the places to hunt are relatively untouched by hordes of other players. This means that at most times it's possible to find a place to hunt in the Deep where you won't be fighting someone for this.

The Deep is also one of the areas in the game where many people have never seen. There are some nice sights to see in the zone, and it is very fun to explore. One of the nicest sites is the Inn hidden away in the southernmost edge of the Deep, likely the old hideaway for some hermit.

There is, way in the southwestern corner of the zone, at -12260, 4665, -277, an underwater portal room that lies through a small tunnel on the ocean bed in the midst of a Combine Teleportation Ring. There are fire pots in this room that will teleport you one way to many of the cities of Norrath.

Traveling To and From

The Timorous Deep lies on a trade route and transport route between Kunark and the other continents. As such, it has many connections. Refer to the Kunark Boat Travel Guide for more information. Boat waits for shuttles at (3500,-6000)

There is also a teleportation room that is located within the Timorous Deep, with which you can teleport to several of the major cities within the world. A description of this room can be found at the Timorous Deep Teleportation Room Guide.

Firepot Room

The firepot room was discovered in Timorous Deep shortly after first adventurers began venturing from Oasis to the The Ruins of Kunark. It is perhaps the only accessible part of Miragul's Highway - however it is unfortunately well within aggro range of Faydedar. Opportunistic adventurers should be careful about binding in the firepot room - some say that death loops have happened.

Note: On live, there was a patch that prevented binding in the firepot room about three or four days after Kunark came out.

File:Timorous deep firepot gallas.jpg
The Firepot's and their Destination

Foraged Items

Zone Item Edible Stack Lore Magic Nodrop Comment
All Fruit Y Y N N N can be used in brewing and baking
All Berries Y Y N N N can be used in brewing and baking
All Vegetables Y Y N N N can be used in brewing and baking
All Rabbit Meat Y Y N N N can be used in baking to make a stew
All Roots Y Y N N N can be used in brewing
All Pod of Water Y Y N N N can be used in brewing to make normal flasks of water
All Fishing Grubs N Y N N N Used w/ Fishing Skill
Timorous Deep Gunthak Sea Shell N N N N Y  
Timorous Deep Timorous coconut N N N N N  
Timorous Deep Rile's Sand Coin N N ? ? N Iksar Monk Quest
Timorous Deep Sand Crabs Y Y N N N  

Garden Variety's Glorious Adventures and Travel Guide

Timorous Deep Lagoon


The Jarsath Tribe

Proud and primitive tribe who made their home on and around the islands in Timorous Deep. They were very fierce, and frequently raided the other tribes to satisfy their Canibalistic bloodthirst. One in game reference to the Jarsarth Tribe comes from the quest for the Medallion of the Jarsarth via Xiblin Fizzlebik in Timorous Deep:

Xiblin Fizzlebik says 'Hello, I am Xiblin Fizzlebik, renowned archeologist and historian of Ak'Anon. I'm currently in search of artifacts and relics on the Iksar Jarsath tribe. If you stumble upon anything, please bring it to me.'

You say, 'What Jarsath tribe?'

Xiblin Fizzlebik says 'About two thousand years ago, there were five different tribes of Iksar who dwelled on the continent of Kunark. One of these tribes was the Jarsath. They were a very primitive sort, proud and tribal, but also cannibalistic. Often, they went to war with the other tribes that co-existed with them, back then. The ruins found on this island were of structures created by the Jarsath. I've been excavating for quite some time now, but haven't been able to find anything of significance.'

You say, 'What are you looking for?'

Xiblin Fizzlebik says 'In my studies, I have learned that the Jarsath believed they could draw power from a holy symbol... specifically a medallion that represented their tribe. When Salthir became king of the Iksar empire Sebilis, he had the medallion broken into three pieces and hid them on the Kunark continent so that they would never be found. I'm searching for the pieces so that I can put it back together and learn more about this tribe. Perhaps you wish to help?


There are a total of 0 documented of 41 known NPC's in Timorous Deep:

{{#dpl: category=Timorous Deep Mobs | includesubpages=false | mode=unordered | ordermethod=title | noresultsheader= }}


Found 0 items that drop in Timorous Deep:

{{#dpl: category=Timorous Deep Items| includesubpages=false | mode=unordered | ordermethod=title | noresultsheader= }}


There are 3 known quests that start in Timorous Deep (checklist follows):

  1. Cannibalize II (Evil) Quest
  2. Medallion of the Jarsath Quest
  3. Shackle of Steel Quest

{{#dpl: category=Timorous Deep Quests | includesubpages=false | mode=unordered| noresultsheader= }}