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Located on the eastern coast of Antonica, Freeport is a starting city for Humans and Half Elves. In this humming port city you will find all manner of goods and refreshment for sale. In particular, travelers in search of spirits to quench their thirst won’t be disappointed.

The city is divided into three zones: North Freeport, East Freeport and West Freeport. Boats depart from the docks in East Freeport for Faydwer, by way of the Ocean of Tears. Newbies who wish to venture outside of town will do well to stick to the East Commonlands, which lie just to the west of West Freeport.

The northern part of Freeport is home to the Temple of Marr and the Hall of Truth, as well as the Bard guild hall, the bank, and a number of merchants.

File:North Freeport Market.jpg
The Freeport Market in North Freeport
City Races: Human, Half-Elf
Guilds: Bard, Paladin, Cleric
Tradeskill Facilities: Brew Barrel, Forge, Pottery Wheel
Related Quests: Shark Hunting, Zimel's Blades (SoulFire), Piranha Hunting Quest, Paladin Message Quest, Corrupt Guards (Cleric Version) Quest, Corrupt Guards (Paladin Version) Quest
Adjacent Zones: West Freeport
Name in /who: freportn
Player Guides:
Zone Spawn Timer: 10:40 (please confirm)
Succor/Evacuate: (-296, 211) Map Icon.png (Eastern zone line to West Freeport)
ZEM Value: 1.33
Expansion / Release Date
/ March 16, 1999 (Beta: ~July 16 - August 3, 1998 )
Zone Revamps
  1. Removed February 21, 2006 with Prophecy of Ro release


  • 1 Office of Landholders with Merchants selling Food and other Goods, and Cooking Books
  • 2 Hall of Truth - the Paladin Guild
  • 3 Temple of Mithaniel Marr - Guilds for the Clerics and Paladins
  • 4 Groflah's Forger with Merchants selling Ore, Weapons, Clay, Sharpening Stones, Smithing Equipment, Forge outside door
  • 5 Marsheart's Chords - Bard Guild Hall, Merchants selling Throwing Weapons and Musical Instruments
  • 6 Freeport City Hall
  • 7 Coalition of Trade Folks with Merchants selling Food and other Goods
  • 8 Guard House
  • 9 Empty Building
  • 10 "The Blue Building" with Merchant selling Jewelry Metals, Gems, and Books
  • 11 Jade Tiger Den with Merchants selling Food and other Goods
  • 12 Tassel's Tavern with Merchants selling Alcohol, Brew Barrel inside
  • 13 Emporium with Merchants selling Medium Cloth items, Forge outside door
  • 14 Empty Building
  • 15 Bank of Freeport, Merchant selling Gems
  • 16 Tavern with Merchant selling Food Items, Meat Pies, has Brew Barrel and Oven inside and Pottery Wheel and Kiln outside
  • 17 Merchant selling Fletching and Bowmaking Supplies, Oven outside
  • 18 Merchants selling Food and other Goods
  • 19 Clothier Shop with Merchants selling Pottery Sketches and Cloth armor


North Freeport is generally safe for good and neutral races and classes, but should be approached with extreme caution for evil races and classes that have not gained appropriate faction with the various factions therein:

(Need more information on factions here)

The guards in North Freeport are on Knights of Truth faction, and the guards in East and West Freeport are on Freeport Militia faction. Raising faction with the Knights of Truth can lower your faction with the Freeport Militia to the point of being killed on sight (and vice versa). Exercise caution with faction work here.


Northern Freeport holds the only bank in the entire city, and has a great variety of shops and taverns.

Traveling To and From

Freeport can be reached from the east from across the Ocean of Tears by the ships that regularly travel the route. From the south, one travels to the Northern Desert of Ro and from there into East Freeport. From the west, one travels to the easternmost part of the Commonlands, and from there into West Freeport.

North Freeport can be accessed via four routes coming from West Freeport, all of which are depicted on the map (two paths on the southern end, one on the northwestern end, and one via the canal).

Garden Variety's Glorious Adventures and Travel Guide

Notable NPCs: Svinal Wyspin


The northern quarter of the city is the last hope for the goodly, honorable citizens of Freeport and is blessedly free of Lucan's influence. The residents of the Temple of Marr maintain control over Northern Freeport, although for how much longer is unknown. Lucan's influence grows with each passing day, and many believe that it is only a matter of time before the corrupt general conquers this last bastion of the kind and lawful who prosper here.

The clerics and paladins who serve this temple revere dual deities, the twin gods, Mithaniel and Erollisi Marr. They reside in the large, beautiful structure that houses both the Temple of Marr and the Hall of Truth. These guardians of Northern Freeport hold the virtues of valor and love above all others. The temple works closely with the Knights of Truth in their attempts to cleanse Freeport of the filth that corrupts it; both factions struggle selflessly to bring law and order to the people. The leader of the Knights of Truth is a war-hardened paladin named Veleron Dushire and the high priest is a man by the name of Tholius Quey.

The Temple of Marr nurtures Freeport's most valiant of protectors and honorable of citizens. Predictably, these goodly knights and clerics are detested by Lucan's militia; the larger portions of the city beneath his control, although not outright hostile, are barely tolerant of their presence. The young pupils of the temple must venture to either the west or east gates of the city to hone their skills of blade and faith.

Northern Freeport also houses Marsheart's Chords guild, the east chapter of the League of Antonican Bards. All of Freeport's young bards begin their training at this guildhall, a tall, blue building made of wood.

The area known as the marketplace is the main trade center of Northern Freeport where merchants have set up several colorful shops and tents. The marketplace is well-guarded by the Knights of Truth, and is frequented by the rich merchants and travelers that pass through Freeport. This area is much nicer and safer than the slum markets of Eastern Freeport, but also more expensive.

In the center of the market place lies Freeport's bank, The Vault. Controlled by the Knights of Truth, The Vault and its keeper Nethan Roah are perhaps the only two things in Freeport a stranger can truly trust. The Vault is a solid block of stone that has been hollowed out with a steel door attached. Nethan can usually be found in the vault itself while two tellers, Soris and Peran, help customers. There are two Knights of Truth on guard here at all times. Anyone can store any amount of money in The Vault and feel secure that it will be there when they get back.

Guilds in North Freeport

There are three guilds in North Freeport, although the Cleric and Paladin guilds provide guildmasters and spells for each other. The Hall of Truth is the Paladin Guild and home to the Knights of Truth. The Temple of Marr is the Cleric Guild and home to the Priests of Marr. Finally, Marsheart's Chords is the Bard Guild and is a local chapter of the League of Antonican Bards.

Hall of Truth (Paladin Guild)

File:Hall of Truth.jpg
Hall of Truth - the Paladin guild in North Freeport

This hall is home to the Knights of Truth - Paladins who follow Mithaniel Marr. They oppose Sir Lucan D’lere and his Freeport Militia.

TODO: add sentries to NPC table below

NPC Name Location Type Description
Eestyana Naestra 186.00, -126.00, 17.85 Cleric GM
Donala Baris 212.00, -131.00, 17.85 Cleric Spell Vendor
Orex Nolus 220.00, -120.00 -10.03 Cleric Spell Vendor
Jusia Vapious 244.00, -133, 3.85 General Goods Vendor Jusia sells weapons, backpacks, and bandages
Markin Ironwhite 194.00, -116.00, 3.85 General Goods Vendor Markin sells weapons, backpacks, and bandages
Valeron Dushire 229.00, -183.00, 3.85 Paladin GM Paladin trainer
Theron Rolius 239.00, -142.00, 3.85 Paladin GM Paladin trainer
Kalatrina Plossen 185.00, -46.00, 3.85 Paladin GM Paladin trainer and Quest NPC
Merko Quetalis 214.00, -188.00, -10.03 Paladin GM Paladin trainer and Quest NPC
Escape Tunnel

There is a sewer just past the yard with Merko Quetalis behind the Hall of Truth that leads back to the front gates of West Freeport.

Temple of Marr (Cleric Guild)

Probably the largest cleric guild in Norrath, this temple stands an impressive six stories tall from the main floor and also boasts a basement floor with a pool. As the name implies, it is dedicated to the twins Erollisi and Mithaniel Marr, and their followers. While it is primarily for clerics, there are also Paladin guildmasters here as well.

TODO: add sentries to NPC table below

NPC Name Location Type Description
Egasia Reenix 119, 301, 59.73 Spell Vendor Cleric Spells; found in a bedroom on the 6th floor
Locarme Zennix 104, 284, -10 Spell Vendor Cleric Spells; found in a side room at the end of the right hallway on the main floor
Hulos Ghenar 88, 269, -10 Weapons & General Supplies Merchant Backpacks, Bandages, and assorted weapons; found in a side room at the end of the right hallway on the main floor
Amata D`Lavi 102, 313, -10 Spell Vendor Cleric Spells; found in a side room at the end of the right hallway on the main floor
Direlee Furme 101, 388, -10 Spell Vendor Cleric Spells
Geep Tresoj 92, 429, -10 Spell Vendor Cleric Spells: heal, cure, and ressurection lines
Nosspri Andrika 100, 390, -24 Spell Vendor Cleric Spells
Mevah Toklius 89, 397, -24 Weapons & General Supplies Merchant Backpack, Bandages, and Weapons
Perep Chen 105, 313, -24 Spell Vendor Cleric Spells
Jemoz Lerkarson 60, 350, -26 Cleric GM Buffs players that talk to him if they have sufficient faction; Corrupt Guards (Cleric Version) Quest
Palious Jarten 92, 305, -24.03 Cleric GM Cleric Guildmaster - will cast Cure Disease on players that donate 10 gold.
Gygus Remnara 139, 339, -24.03 Paladin GM Paladin Guildmaster
Ghonic Erharn 84, 297, 3.85 Cleric GM Cleric Guildmaster - can be found on the 2nd floor outer balcony (right side as you're facing the temple entrance)
Lanis Herion 67, 342, 3.85 Paladin GM Paladin Guildmaster - found in center area on 2nd floor
Celsar Vestagon 75, 348, 17.85 Cleric GM Cleric Guildmaster - found in center area on 3rd floor
Plur Etinu 67, 358, 45.73 Cleric GM Cleric Guildmaster - found in center area on 5th floor; Casts Cure Poison in exchange for 3 Bixie Stingers, Cure Disease for 2 Zombie Flesh, and will heal for a 10 gold donation.
Thurion Desius 132, 393, 59.73 Paladin GM Paladin Guildmaster - found in a bedroom on the 6th floor.
Serna Tasknon 46, 352, 59.73 Cleric GM Cleric Guildmaster - found in the center area of the 6th floor. Quests: Errand for Tonmerk Quest, Sentry Xyrinn Quest
Tholius Quey 140, 351, 73.73 Cleric GM Cleric Guildmaster - found atop a short ramp on the 6th floor.

Marsheart's Chords

File:Marshearts Chords.jpg
Marsheart's Chords - the Bard guild in North Freeport

This music store doubles as the Bard Guild in Freeport. It is also a local chapter of the League of Antonican Bards.

NPC Name Location Type Description
Caskin Marsheart 572, -146, 17.85 Bard Guildmaster Owner of Marsheart's Chords. Caskin can be found on the second floor of Marsheart's Chords, near Inisis Trimpet.
Felisity Starbright 551, -108, 3.85 Quest NPC Quest NPC (Going Postal - Bard mail delivery) located on the first floor of the North Freeport Bard Guild (Marsheart's Chords).
Inisis Trimpet 579, -119, 17.85 Song Vendor A shopkeeper, selling Bard songs. Inisis can be found on the second floor of Marsheart's Chords.
Jekel Enhied 556, -117, 3.44 General Goods & Instrument Merchant General goods and instrument merchant. Located in Bard guild (Marsheart's Chords) of North Freeport.
Marus Kemson 528.88, -112.88, 3.85 Bard Guildmaster Guildmaster Bard just outside the North Freeport Bard Guild (Marsheart's Chords).
Nashia Lanseb 583.88, -91.00, 5.23 Bard Guildmaster Guildmaster Bard located on the first floor of the North Freeport Bard Guild (Marsheart's Chords).
Sten Harnak 566.88, -74.00, 3.85 Bard Guildmaster Guildmaster Bard located on the first floor of the North Freeport Bard Guild (Marsheart's Chords).
Ton Twostring 579.88, -77.00, 3.85 Bard Guildmaster Quest NPC (Going Postal (Freeport to High Keep) Quest) located on the first floor of the North Freeport Bard Guild (Marsheart's Chords).

Forageable Items


Bestiarum Vocabulum

Found 0 NPC's that spawn in North Freeport.

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Found 0 quests that start in North Freeport.

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Historical Release and Revamp Dates

  • North Freeport was first released during Everquest Beta 3 sometime between July 16, 1998 and August 3, 1998 according to the revision.txt notes on the Beta 3 cd.
  • North Freeport was removed (its areas merged into the newly revamped East and West Freeport) entirely in the February 21, 2006 patch which marked the official release of Everquest's 11th expansion, The Prophecy of Ro.