West Freeport

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Located on the eastern coast of Antonica, Freeport is a starting city for Humans and Half Elves. In this humming port city you will find all manner of goods and refreshment for sale. In particular, travelers in search of spirits to quench their thirst won’t be disappointed.

The city is divided into three zones: North Freeport, East Freeport and West Freeport. Boats depart from the docks in East Freeport for Faydwer, by way of the Ocean of Tears. Newbies who wish to venture outside of town will do well to stick to the East Commonlands, which lie just to the west of West Freeport.

The western part of Freeport is home to the Freeport Militia, the Ashen Order, caster guilds, and the Arena.

The great Freeport Arena
City Races: Human, Half-Elf
Guilds: Warrior, Monk, Magician, Wizard, Enchanter
Tradeskill Facilities: Brew Barrel, Forge, Kiln, Pottery Wheel
Related Quests: Marr Minnows for Palon, White Sash Quest, Yellow Sash Quest, Red Sash Quest, Orange Sash of Order Quest, Reserve Militia, The Test of the Green and Blue, The Traitor, The Treant Fists, Toxdil's Poison, Muffin for Pandos, Hogcaller's Inn
Adjacent Zones: East Freeport, East Commonlands, North Freeport
Name in /who: freportw (before Prophecy of Ro), freeportwest (after Prophecy of Ro)
Player Guides:
Zone Spawn Timer: 10:40 (please confirm)
Succor/Evacuate: (335, 181) Map Icon.png (Outside the gates)
ZEM Value: 1.00
Expansion / Release Date
/ March 16, 1999 (Beta: ~July 16 - August 3, 1998 )
Zone Revamps
  1. February 21, 2006 with Prophecy of Ro release


West Freeport

  • 1 Merchant selling Brewing Supplies
  • 2 Ogre selling Pickled Items
  • 3 Freeport Militia with Warrior Guild, Forge out back
  • 4 Merchant selling Cloth Armor
  • 5 Magician, Enchanter, and Wizard Guild - sells Tomes, Gems, and Violet Robes
  • 6 Warrior Guild with Merchants selling Various Weapons, Forge and Freeport Forge out back
  • 7 Arena - PvP area, Warrior Trainers in balcony
  • 8 Smithy - Merchants selling Pottery Supplies, Pottery Wheel inside and Kiln outside
  • 9 Hogcaller's Inn - sells Alcohol, Lady Shae inside, Brew Barrel outside
  • 10 The Stage
  • 11 Brownloe Bakery - sells Food Items and Bowls, Kiln and Pottery Wheel outside
  • 12 Ashen Order - Monk Guild Hall, Merchants selling Throwing Weapons and Musical Instruments
  • 13 Torlig's Herbs and Medicines - sells Potions, Crystals, Mistletoe
  • 14 Empty Building - Oven inside

West Freeport Tunnels


Lucan's militia has an iron grip upon the city and any who have earned disfavor with his corrupt organization would be wise to avoid the western gates of Freeport.

The guards in East and West Freeport are on Freeport Militia faction, while the guards in North Freeport are on Knights of Truth faction. Raising faction with the Knights of Truth can lower your faction with the Freeport Militia to the point of being killed on sight (and vice versa). Exercise caution with faction work here.

Garden Variety's Glorious Adventures and Travel Guide

Notable NPCs: Toxdil, Sir Lucan D`Lere

Newbie Yard

Types of Monsters: Bats, Rats, Orc Pawns, Rock Snakes


Western Freeport is the epicenter of Lucan's control and is the military's most fortified area of civil defense. The militia house, a red brick building, sits near the main gates of the city, assuring that no unwelcome intruders enter the city's boundaries. This building is used as a barracks for the militia, which acts as the city's fairly disorganized and corrupt policing. The chief of the militia, Lucan D`Lere, is the closest Freeport has to a civic leader and he uses the militia to strongarm the populace and visitors out of their gold in the name of "taxes."

The Bunker, adjacent to the arena, has produced the vast majority of Lucan's militia, as well as many Norrathian warriors of unrivaled skill and renown. The guildmaster, Cain Darkmoore, is a seasoned veteran of many battles, both personal and epic. He is a hearty soul with the utmost skill in blades of all kinds, although where he places his loyalties in regard to the city's fractious political situation remains unknown.

Beyond its military strength, Western Freeport is also home to the great minds and scientists of the city. The Academy of Arcane Science, an odd floating building, rests in the heart of Western Freeport. This building serves as the guildhouse for all magic users in the city, and is protected by the powerful enchantments of its arcane masters. The magicians of Freeport are loyal unto themselves, choosing to remain as far away as possible from the conflict between Lucan and the Knights of Truth. Lorme Tredore, master Magician, runs the Academy.

Freeport's one and only stage for live entertainment is the Theatre of the Tranquil. Built by the League of Antonican Bards, the Theater offers some of the best plays and concerns in all of Norrath. The Theater was built with the help and blessing of the Ashen Order and dedicated to Quellious in their honor. This stage was built before the training grounds of the Freeport Monks, lead by Puab Closk.

Torlig's Herbs and Medicines is a house decorated brightly with green and white silks. Its human owner and operator, Torlig Mudel, who runs the shop with his wife, Olyna, is similarly dressed. Torlig is an alchemist by trade and offers several rare as well as many mundane herbs and potions for sale. Torlig is an honorable man who asks fair value and has little patience for scalawags who haggle over price. However, Torlig is also a businessman who wants to make a profit and is not above selling several nasty poisons to the Rogues Guild - for a fair price of course.

Forageable Items


Bestiarum Vocabulum

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Historical Release and Revamp Dates

  • West Freeport was first released during Everquest Beta 3 sometime between July 16, 1998 and August 3, 1998 according to the revision.txt notes on the Beta 3 cd.
  • West Freeport was revamped (along with North and East Freeport) with a complete zone overhaul (textures, physical layout, appearance) in the February 21, 2006 patch which marked the official release of Everquest's 11th expansion, The Prophecy of Ro. This change removed the zone to North Freeport (and that zone entirely) as its areas were merged into East and West Freeport.