Character Classes

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Classes are essentially occupations. There are 14 available classes currently enabled on EQ Archives. Each class has skills and abilities that make it unique, and will determine your style of play and the social dependence you have on other players.

Pure Melee Hybrids
PC warrior.gif PC monk.gif PC rogue.gif
Warrior Monk Rogue
PC paladin.gif PC ranger.gif PC shadowknight.gif PC bard.gif
Paladin Ranger Shadowknight Bard
Priests Casters
PC cleric.gif PC druid.gif PC shaman.gif
Cleric Druid Shaman
PC necromancer.gif PC wizard.gif PC magician.gif PC enchanter.gif
Necromancer Wizard Magician Enchanter

Class Bonuses and Penalties

Class-based experience penalties, which existed during the Original (Classic) game and Kunark expansions, are implemented on FV Project Classic and Kunark servers.

Class Modifier
Bard, Paladin, Ranger, Shadowknight 40% penalty
Monk 20% penalty
Enchanter, Magician, Necromancer, Wizard 10% penalty
Rogue 9% bonus
Warrior 10% bonus

Note: Class-based experience penalties were removed in the January 17, 2001 patch during the Scars of Velious expansion. While this change was not explicitly mentioned in those patch notes, it was mentioned in the January 14, 2001 Producer's Letter in which Gordon Wrinn stated they would be "going in next patch." The experience bonuses for Rogues and Warriors was left in so that the changes wouldn't be interpreted as a nerf, and because they weren't enough to be considered unbalancing.[1]

  1. January 14, 2001 Producer Letter. Available online from the Internet Archive at . Last accessed on February 27, 2022.