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Nestled in the mountains bordering the Misty Thicket , the village of Rivervale is a well-protected haven for hundreds of peaceful, if mischievous, halflings of Norrath. The village is defended both by the tall neighboring mountains and the Great Wall of Serillis.

These happy-go-lucky little halflings follow the teachings of Fizzlethorpe Bristlebane. Nearly all are loyal to Beek Guinders, the High Priest of Mischief, and he acts as their spokesperson in all external affairs. His clerics maintain a small church known as the Chapel of Mischief where they administer to the needs of the citizenry.

A small farm on the outskirts of town provides most of the food for Rivervale. The farm is worked by Will, a hearty middle-aged halfling.

Crime is not a problem within the village limits as halfling thieves rarely rob their own kind. On the other hand, travelers are cautioned to be kind and polite to all hafllings for nobody holds a grudge as firmly as they. Rivervale is nestled in the Misty Thicket and rarely, but occasionally, is attacked by orc and goblin raiders.[1]

File:Rivervale fools gold.jpg
the Fools Gold tavern in the center of town
City Races: Halfling
Guilds: Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Rogue, Warrior
Tradeskill Facilities: Forge, Kiln, Loom, Oven, Pottery Wheel
Related Quests: Leatherfoot Raiders, Nillipuss the Brownie, Shakey's Stuffing, The Acolyte, The Fishslayers, Wall Squad Ring
Adjacent Zones: Kithicor Forest, Misty Thicket
Name in /who: rivervale
Player Guides:
Zone Spawn Timer: 10:40 (please confirm)
Succor/Evacuate: (2, 45) Map Icon.png (Zone line to Misty Thicket)
ZEM Value: 1.33
Expansion / Release Date
/ March 16, 1999 (Beta: ~July 16, 1998)
Zone Revamps None


  • 1. Pottery Wheel and Kiln
  • 2. Nyla Gubbin's House
  • 3. Merchants selling Bags and Fishing Supplies
  • 4. Weary Foot Rest - Inn
  • 5. Vale Forge
  • 6. Town Hall and Leatherfoot Hall - Bank, Warrior Guild, Merchants
  • 7. Merchants selling Food and other Goods, Fishing Supplies
  • 8. Priest of Discord
  • 9. Rogue Guild
  • 10. Merchant selling Cloth Armor, Brew Barrel, and Loom
  • 11. Merchants selling Potions and Crystals
  • 12. Merchant selling Armor
  • 13. Druid Guild
  • 14. Pottery Wheel and Oven, Fletching Supplies
  • 15. Merchant selling Potions and Crystals
  • 16. Cleric and Paladin Guilds


Those who have fallen out of favor with the halfling citizens of Rivervale are advised to avoid the city if they wish to retain their lives. The deputies that patrol and protect the city are fierce indeed and should be niether trifled with nor underestimated.

The city also has a native terror known as Mangler - a black guard dog who has been known to attack random, innocent bystanders without provocation. However, Mangler is the loyal companion of one of the city's most prominent citizens; any overt action taken to defend oneself from the terrorizing beast will be met with harsh penalties from the deputies of the city.[1]


Rivervale has been the home of many adventurers, priests, and rogues of renown and infamy the world over. Guilds for clerics, paladins, rogues, warriors, druids, and rangers have been founded and maintained, and are a crucial part of the city and its culture. Fortunately, the halflings are very in tune with the finer things in life and many goods that can be found nowhere else on Norrath may be purchased here.[1]

Traveling To and From

Rivervale can be accessed from one side through the Kithicor Forest through a narrow, well-hidden tunnel. The other side opens onto the Misty Thicket, where many halflings make their homes. This area is generally a little safer for the traveller, but further afield lies areas best avoided.

Garden Variety's Glorious Adventures and Travel Guide

Notable NPC's: Mayor Gubbin

Forageable Items


Bestiarum Vocabulum

Found 0 NPC's that spawn in Rivervale.

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Found 0 items that spawn in Rivervale.

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Found 0 quests that start in Rivervale.

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  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Excerpt taken from Everquest Atlas: The Maps of Myrist by Amanda Flock. Published December 31st 2002 by Sony Online Entertainment, Inc. ISBN10: 0972149503 (ISBN13: 9780972149501).