Brell Serilis

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The Duke of Below

Followers of Brell Serilis believe that the surface world is a waste of space. They find true happiness in the caves, caverns and tunnels that perforate the belly of Norrath. But this is one of few points that all followers of Brell can agree upon. There are many different factions who all worship Brell. The Runny Eye Clan of Goblins claim he is their father much to the disgust of the Dwarves of Kaladim who know that the Dwarves are the true children of Serilis. But the vicious Gnolls of Split Paw disagree entirely. For was it not Brell who sculpted them out of the sacred Clay of Cosgrove? Followers of Brell Serilis in one form or another can be found nearly anywhere you enter the Underfoot of Norrath.

Brell is allied with Fizzlethorpe Bristlebane, and an enemy of Veeshan's.