The Unkempt Warders Vol. II

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The Unkempt Warders Vol. II
(The Unkempt Warders Vol. II) - id : 18594

Slots: NONE
Item Type: Inventory

Value: 0 cp

A generation would pass before the elves of Tunaria would find the majestic redwood forest. When the day arrived that a small band of scouts from the Elddar Forest found the untouched beauty of this rugged wilderness, the human nomads reacted as the Gihjna had greeted their ancestors'. The elves were not receptive to the warm welcome that the humans extended, all but one - an elven druid by the name of Wegadas. He was curious about the human settlers, and even more curious to find that there were no man-made structures to deteriorate the life force of the forest that he felt so strongly.

Wegadas accepted the humans' hospitality and despite the language barrier separating them, Wegadas quickly learned that these humans lived in harmony with the forest, and likely had for some time. Their intense geographical knowledge of the region was precise and what little bit Wegadas had to observe, he took note of the harmony in which the humans shared with their habitat. He was reminded much of the primordial elves - in the times before Takish'Hiz and the establishment of the great empire his people had come to be.

Wegadas' elven companions were entranced with the dank, gloomy treasure they had found. They were lured by the gentle song of the forests' spirit, a song that any elf's spirit would easily hear, and bewitched by the purity and strength of the uncorrupted and untouched spiritual life and strength of the wood.

After a day of intense scouting and brief interaction with the peaceful human tribe, the elves reunited with their brother and spoke of their need to have this forest for the Takish'Hiz Empire. Wegadas spoke out against his fellow elves, he did not wish to drive the humans from their home, for they live with it in a way parallel to the elves' own cultural ways. He felt that the humans could be brought to the ways of the elves and the forest could, with the aid of the Elven Empire, thrive onits own and remain pure, emerald jewel of wilderness that they stood within. There was no need to reave this home from the tribe, for they lived only in harmony with the wild and balance of nature.

The superior in the group, a wanderer by the name of Kuvriathan, objected to Wegadas argument and sent him back to Takish'Hiz with instructions to report their discovery. The druid departed his party's side obediantly, but did not leave the forest boundaries. The elves then tried to herd the humans out of this forest in attempt to cleanse it of the tribal presence and the taint they believed the humans would inevitably bring - for these elves had seen the fledgling foundation of the eastern costal cities and knew the destruction this race was capable of on a whim. The wary Gihjna and Lujien immediate interfered, having watched the elves since their arrival. Unsuspecting of the fierce and powerful guardians of the woodland, the elves were taken unaware. All but one of the elven party were destroyed - Wegadas.

When the Lujien came for him, he presented himself unarmed and willingly, despite the human pleas for him to go and not incur the wrath of the guardians that had allowed them haven in the woods. The Lujien halted their advancement when they saw the plight of their accepted human guests to spare the elf's life. It was their pack leader, an elder Lujien warrior known to the human tribe as Udos-Ehai Digowa (Fang of the Shadow in the common tongue),that approached Wegadas and sunk his great maw into the elf's shoulder, but did not kill him. The Lujien spoke in voiceless words to the elf, a conversation that would later be written in the Writ of the Wild, a sacred text that dictates the history and code of the Unkempt Warders. 

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