Frontier Mountains

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The Frontier Mountains are a large mountain range that separates western and eastern Kunark with the plains of the Overthere to the west and the Dreadlands to the east. These tall, jagged peaks form an almost impenetrable barrier across the width of Kunark and are home to a variety of Kunark's races.

The Kromdul have established settlements throughout the mountain range, as have small bands of the Mountain Death tribe of goblins. The Mountain Death tribe mines of Droga and Nurga reside in the northwestern peaks. Beside the Kromdul and goblin threats, the Sarnak have moved into the region in hopes of claiming the mines of Droga and Nurga for their own nation.

The Kromdul once controlled nearly all of the mining resources in Kunark, until they were unwittingly used as pawns in Venril Sathir and the Ring of Scale's battle for control. Now the giants hold but a small, well-defended fort, high in the mountains guarding the entrance to what is still one of the greatest mines in all of Norrath.

It is common knowledge that the Sarnak and the Mountain Death Clan have upheld a vicious, brutal rivalry for centuries over the mines of Kunark. This opposition between these two bitter racial enemies is not expected to expire until one society has been completely subdued or destroyed beneath the might of the other. The goblins do not actively target and attack Sarnak outposts and camps in the area, while the Sarnak are more war-like and direct in their attempts to violently rend the mines from the clutches of the goblins.

The Di`Zok royal family of the Sarnak nation is known to pay handsomely for solid proof of goblins slaughter. Adventurers who are brave, or perhaps foolish, enough to trust the uncertain loyalties of the Sarnak may find themselves outfitted with magical equipment from the Di`Zok collective if they are able to prove themselves worthy.

Editor's Note: Due to post-classic revamps of Droga and Nurga (July 10, 2003), many mobs (mainly goblins) were moved to FM on live. On FV **prior to the Chardok 2.0 patch** (October 08, 2001) all these goblins should reside in their original zones, not in FM. This page should be split into a Frontier Mountains (Pre-Revamp) and Frontier Mountains (Post-Revamp) so that the items and mobs can be accurate to those versions.

Kromdul Giant Fort in Frontier Mountains
Level of Monsters: 25-45
Types of Monsters: Goblin Raiders, Whipcrackers, Bonecharmers, Rockchanters, Boneseekers, Dirttracers, Blightcallers, Plaguebringers, Legates, and Slavedrivers, Burynai Miners, Digmasters, Cenobites, and Rockshapers, Sarnak Knights, Partisans, Enthusiasts, Dragoons, Berzerkers, Mountain Giant Hillocks, Tumps, Craigs, and Braes, Gorging Brute, Ravenous Brute
Notable NPC's: Boogoog, a berserk brute, Blugtigin, Stonegrinder, Burynai Grand Cenobite, burynai treasure seeker, A Goblin Trailblazer, A Goblin Chieftain, a Goblin Headhunter, A Goblin Dustscryer, Goblinstomper, Slithinis, Dustback, Stonegrinder, Gemeye, Bloodscale the Vicious, Wandering Stonehealer, Overseer Miklik, Eboneyes, Rockwolf, A diseased brute, Joojooga, Gromlok, Draketamer, A Sarnak bloodbinder, Clazxiss, Krenlek, Miner Bordakn, A Sarnak rebel, Varithyx, Eldak Howlingbear, Goblin Iksar Slayer, Snaorf, mountain giant prospector
Adjacent Zones: Burning Wood, Dreadlands, Lake of Ill Omen, The Overthere, Mines of Nurga, Temple of Droga
Name in /who: frontiermtns
ZEM Value: 1.00
Type Outdoor
Expansion The Ruins of Kunark


Map frontiermtns.jpg

Frontier Mountains

  • 1. Iksar Ruins with Sarnaks
  • 2. Mountain Giant Fortress
  • 3. Iksar Guardian Statues
  • 4. Ruins with Goblins
  • 5. Tower with Goblins
  • 6. Empty Ruins, Bind Spot
  • A. Entrance to Burynai Mines
  • B. Entrance to Burynai Mines
  • C. Entrance to Mountain Giant Mines
  • Levant location: -633.00, -4286.00, 118.78 (near zoneline to Lake of Ill Omen)
  • Note there is another Sarnak Ruins at approx +2000, -1800 on the map above.
  • The tunnel to Dreadlands is at approximately -3668, -3327
  • The entrance to Droga is at 3400, 2800/

Safe/Evac Spot

Succor/Levant point: -633 -4286 (Right Next to LOIO)


The mountains are dangerous since every creature here is looking out for itself and is highly aggressive. Invisibility alone will not completely protect you, as the mountain giants are able to see you even with that magical protection. Every creature in this area will attack you on sight, and they will all join in the chase if you happen to be the prey.

There is one specific danger to hunting in the mountains. The mountains. This area is very rough, which can cause several problems. First is that it is very difficult to travel quickly through this area without the use of Levitate, for many of the drops off of some of these peaks are fatal to all due to their great height. The other problem is that they cut down significantly on visibility while hunting the area. It is often difficult to see when an aggressive monster approaches you, or when you approach it, until too late. Then, unless you have Levitate, it may be just as painful to flee the creature as it might be to fight it...


These mountains have several areas within them that provide some open hunting grounds for groups to pull from, and also provide some visibility for safety. Some of the more popular ones are near the zones to Lake of Ill Omen and to the Burning Woods. This zone is also very useful because it provides a bind spot for melee types in an abandoned ruin in the southwest corner.

There is also an abundance of rare creatures and, presumably, rare items that these creatures drop. Without tracking this may not be that interesting to you around here, but with tracking a person could take up hunting rares as a full time hobby in the mountains.

The Mountain Giant fort is a great place for EXPing in the 30s and the spawns are plentiful enough that it can often support two groups or multiple soloers and duos at once as the spawns appear to be quick (6:40). All of the giants with the exception of the two at the gate will single pull (just watch out for the ones that wander around the interior walls).

Overall, this zone provides good hunting opportunities for any group able to handle the opposition.

Frontier Mountains is also home to a two "named cycles" of mobs, which can be killed for various loot. You can read more about the cycle here: Frontier Mountains Named Cycle.

Travelling To and From Frontier Mountains

Lake of Ill Omen can be reached at approximately -675, -4000. In the Lake, this corresponds to approximately -600, 3200.

It should be noted that the indention that leads to the Lake of Ill Omen zone is a little hard to see. There is a rock you need to travel due east from found at (-664,-3728)

The Burning Wood is reached through a tunnel located at -2580, 3760. Following this tunnel into the mountains leaves you at -2800, -4625 in Burning Wood.

The Overthere can be reached through a pass in the northern edge of the mountains at 4000, 1530. This eventually leaves you in the Overthere at 6000, 1580.

The Dreadlands are reached through a small tunnel located hidden in the wall of the mountain at location -3675, -3330. This places you at 2340, -3475 in the Dreadlands.

Frontier Mountains cave to Dreadlands -3678, -3327

There is one surface entrance to the goblin underground that leads to Temple of Droga located at approximately 3430, 2880. The entrance to the Mines of Nurga are located through an entrance that is similar in appearance at approximately -2800, -700.

Garden Variety's Glorious Adventures and Travel Guide to the Frontier Mountains

Factions in this Zone

Forageable Items

Zone Item Edible Stack Lore Magic Nodrop Comment
All Fruit Y Y N N N can be used in brewing and baking
All Berries Y Y N N N can be used in brewing and baking
All Vegetables Y Y N N N can be used in brewing and baking
All Rabbit Meat Y Y N N N can be used in baking to make a stew
All Roots Y Y N N N can be used in brewing
All Pod of Water Y Y N N N can be used in brewing to make normal flasks of water
All Fishing Grubs N Y N N N Used w/ Fishing Skill
Frontier Mountains Drench Flower N Y N N N  
Frontier Mountains Frontier Stink Beetles Y Y N N N  
Frontier Mountains Gold Nugget N N N N N 2 types can be foraged, see page
Frontier Mountains Honey Berry Y Y N N N  
Frontier Mountains Lichenclover N Y ? ? N  
Frontier Mountains Moss Root N Y ? ? N Use with purification tablet and tracker's water extractor for Purified Water


There are a total of 0 known NPC's in Frontier Mountains.

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Found 0 items that drop in Frontier Mountains:

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  • None

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