Swamp of No Hope

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This Swamp of No Hope was named by a group of humans who tried in vain to establish a colony within its murky borders. It is home to many creatures, including frogloks and beautiful, but deadly, carnivorous plants.

Krup, the capital city of the frogloks of the Swamp of No Hope, is a spiraling structure of wooden platforms and huts. Adventurers are advised to be cautious when attempting to climb this awkward structure, else they will plummet to the murky swamps below - often to their deaths. AS can be expected, frogloks swarm throughout the city, making it all the more dangerous and exciting for brave and daring adventurers.

The gates of Cabilis lay close by, as the marsh the city was built upon evolved from The Swamp of No Hope. Many Iksar can be found patrolling the swampland, protecting the city of Eastern Cabilis from unwanted intruders. It is also believed that the Iksar are attempting to extend their boundaries of influence across the continent, sending out more advanced troops in their attempts to resurrect the glory of the Empire of Old.

Opposite Cabiklis' gates, the swamp of No Hope borders the deadly, tropical mountain range of Trakanon's Teeth andd the ruins of Sebilis, the former capital of the Iksarian Empire. A cave system, which feeds a large waterfall, connects the dangerous jungle to the lowland swamp.[1]

A view of the swamp from the path
Level of Monsters: 10 - 25
Types of Monsters: Decaying Skeleton, Skeleton, Scalebone Skeleton, Lesser Charbone Skeleton, Lesser Icebone Skeleton, Icebone Skeleton, War Boned Skeleton, Frogloks of all Types, including: Tad, Skipper, Escort, Bounder, Fisher, Berserker, Raider, Ton Shaman, Tuk Warrior, Tuk Knight, Tuk Warder, Gaz Warrior, Gaz Knight, Gaz Shaman, Vis Shaman, Shin Shaman, Mosquito, Large Mosquito, Giant Mosquito, Scourgewing Mosquito, Bloodvein Mosquito, Large Bloodvein Mosquito, Giant Bloodvein Mosquito, Swamp Leech, Giant Swamp Leech, Marsh Leech, Morass Leech, Giant Morass Leech, Mire Leech, Giant Mire Leech, Venomous Lamprey, Iksar Footpad, Iksar Brigand, Iksar Manslayer, Iksar Marauder, Iksar Exile, Iksar Pariah, Heartblood Plant, Man Eating Shrub, Man Eating Fern, Man Eating Creeper, Man Eating Plant, Man Eating Vine, Insatiable Nibbler, Insatiable Gnawer, Insatiable Devourer, Black Avengers
Notable NPC's: Bloodgorge, an escaped froglok, Deadeye, Dreesix Ghoultongue, Dugroz, Fakraa the Forsaken, Fangor, Frayk, a froglok repairer, Grik the Exile, Grimewurm, Grizshnok, Soblohg, Two Tails, Ulump Pujluk, Venomwing
Adjacent Zones: Cabilis East, Field of Bone, Firiona Vie, Trakanon's Teeth
Name in /who: swampofnohope
ZEM Value: 1.00
Type Outdoor
Expansion The Ruins of Kunark


Map swampofnohope.jpg

Swamp of No Hope

  • 1. Ruined Tower - Contains Ssessthrass for Necromancer epic
  • 2. Cabilis Outpost Ruins - Merchants selling Patch Hide Armor, Newbie Weapons, Survival Gear, and Food Items
  • 3. Outcast Iksar Camp
  • 4. Outcast Iksar Hideout
  • 5. Froglok Temple (Dugroz spawns nearby)
  • 6. "Frogtown" - Froglok Village
  • 7. "The Ramp" - only entrance to Froglok Village
  • 8. Haunted Ruins

Safe/Evac Spot

2761, 2945, 6 (Outside Gates to East Cabilis)


The swamp's close proximity to the Iksar city of Cabilis is misleading since most of the swamp's inhabitants are far more deadly and cunning than fledgling Iksarian adventurers can withstand. The young novices can easily fall prey to the dangers of the swamp, never to be heard from again. Still, many young Iksar will eventually develop skills to the point of being able to successfully hunt this dank, marshy region.[1]

Overall, the swamp is not very dangerous to travel through if you are careful and keep your eyes open. The only aggressive creatures are banished Iksar and skeletons, both of which stick out like a sore thumb in the green swamp, and the frogloks, which you can usually hear coming from quite a ways away. The problem comes when traveling through the swamp quickly, where it is easy to come over the crest of a hill or through the dense underbrush and run directly into one of these creatures. This is especially dangerous anywhere outside of the safer area near Cabilis, as many of the frogloks and banished Iksar are at least in their teens in levels.

That being said, fighting in the swamp is actually quite dangerous. There are a lot of wandering monsters, especially in the area near Frogtown where the frogloks are constantly wandering, but the same problem exists in all places. It is very difficult to find a place to fight monsters where others will not walk by and join in the fight, and any group hunting here has to be prepared for that.

There are several small outposts of banished Iksar and some haunted ruins scattered throughout the swamp, but the area of major importance is Frogtown, the home of the frogloks. This area has high concentrations of frogloks all living closely together. They also have roaming patrols around the area at all times. These factors make it dangerous for anything other than a well-orchestrated attack by a good group when attacking the town itself. There is only one ramp, although you can flee readily off of the platforms of the town itself. Just be sure to save some extra hit points for the fall...


The Swamp of No Hope is a suitable hunting environment for Iksar who have graduated in strength and power from the Field of Bone. The drastic climactic change from the desolate, desert-like wasteland of the Field of Bone to the lush, tropical swampland of the Swamp of No Hope may be somewhat refreshing to those eager for a change.

The frogloks of Krup should also be of value to the young and growing Iksar students. Gold and other desirable items to young trainees are plentiful in the belongings of the amphibious humanoids.[1]

This area is a vast area that at most times seems to be underpopulated, both by monsters and by adventurers seeking a fortune. However, this is mostly due to difficulties in finding out what to do in the swamp, and not for lack of something to do.

There are many isolated camps throughout the swamp that make good hunting for people of the appropriate levels. Also, it is relatively safe to hunt along the edges, and there are many creatures in the swamp, between the everpresent leeches and mosquitos and the other wandering monsters.

"Frogtown" itself provides a good opportunity for groups. There are many places on the platform that provide relatively safe spots to pull from, with a little bit of difficulty in getting to them. Once established, a group could pull a whole section of platform quite well, and escape off of the edge if need be to the swamp below.

Traveling To and From

The city of Cabilis has a small outpost in the northwestern section of the swamp, with a small area of relative safety surrounding this. Slightly to the east of this safe area is a small pass that leads to the Field of Bone. The southern edge of the swamp has many small passes into the forest near the elven fortress of Firiona Vie. To the east, the spring that feeds the swamp lies in a small tunnel that leads into the hills. The intrepid explorer could sneak past the Iksar outcasts that call this cave home and into the ancient mountains of Trakanon's Teeth, home of Sebilis itself.

The cave to Trakanon's Teeth is located at 1200, -3500.

Nazwadi's Glorious Adventures and Travel Guide to the Swamp of No Hope

Factions in this Zone


The merchants are found in the 2nd floor of the ruined buildings on either side of the gates to East Cabilis.

Forageable Items

Zone Item Edible Stack Lore Magic Nodrop Comment
All Fruit Y Y N N N can be used in brewing and baking
All Berries Y Y N N N can be used in brewing and baking
All Vegetables Y Y N N N can be used in brewing and baking
All Rabbit Meat Y Y N N N can be used in baking to make a stew
All Roots Y Y N N N can be used in brewing
All Pod of Water Y Y N N N can be used in brewing to make normal flasks of water
All Fishing Grubs N Y N N N Used w/ Fishing Skill
Swamp of No Hope Hopeless Willow Moss N Y ? ? N  
Swamp of No Hope Maneater Bud N Y N N N  
Swamp of No Hope Moss Root N Y N N N  
Swamp of No Hope Muckskipper Fish Y Y N N N  


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  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Excerpt taken from Everquest Atlas: The Maps of Myrist by Amanda Flock. Published December 31st 2002 by Sony Online Entertainment, Inc. ISBN10: 0972149503 (ISBN13: 9780972149501).