Skill Harm Touch

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Revision as of 13:28, 5 May 2023 by Nazwahdi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div style="margin-bottom: 20px;"> link=|border|left A Shadow Knight only ability which deals a large amount of damage to a single target, with a 72-minute timer. It has a range somewhat larger than melee range, but much shorter than the usual range of most spells. Once used the Ability key will not display the cooldown correctly. You can reset it by zoning or camping and then it will display correctly. '''The damage formula is: ''' :'''D...")
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A Shadow Knight only ability which deals a large amount of damage to a single target, with a 72-minute timer. It has a range somewhat larger than melee range, but much shorter than the usual range of most spells.

Once used the Ability key will not display the cooldown correctly. You can reset it by zoning or camping and then it will display correctly.

The damage formula is:

DMG = (LEVEL * 10) + 1 for levels up until 1 to 40. Harm Touch gains 10 damage per level until level 40.
DMG = ((LEVEL - 40) * 30) + 401 for levels 41 to 50. Harm Touch gains 30 damage per level after level 40 to a maximum of 601 at level 50.

NPC Shadow Knights will use this ability immediately, as soon as a valid target aggros them and is within range. Many players strategize the use of pets or tanks to eat the HT, so it is not used on weaker pullers or casters. HTs from multiple NPCs can be a significant hazard to pullers, especially in areas heavily populated by shadow knights such as Charasis.

This ability may be enhanced by players using the Unholy Aura Discipline for 25% increased damage and decreased resistance.



Mana 0 Skill Ability
Casting Time Instant Recast Time 72 Minutes
Fizzle Time n/a Resist Magic
Range 50 Target Type Target
Spell Type Detrimental Duration Instant
Cast on You You writhe in the grip of agony
Cast on Other Someone writhes in the grip of agony.
Wears Off
Spell: AbjurationAlterationChannelingConjurationDivinationEvocationMeditateSpecialization
Specialize: AbjurationSpecialize: AlterationSpecialize: ConjurationSpecialize: DivinationSpecialize: Evocation
Weapon: Archery1H Slash1H Blunt2H Slash2H BluntPiercing2H PiercingThrowing
Combat: BashBlockDefenseDisarmDodgeDouble AttackDual WieldHand to HandHarm Touch
IntimidationKickLay on HandsOffenseParryRiposteSlamTaunt
Rogue: BackstabApply PoisonDisarm TrapsPick LockPick PocketSense Traps
Monk: Dragon PunchEagle StrikeFeign DeathFlying KickMendRound KickSafe FallTail Rake (Iksar)Tiger Claw
Bard: Brass InstrumentsPercussionStringed InstrumentsWind InstrumentsSinging
Non-Combat: Alcohol ToleranceBeggingBind WoundFishingForagingHide (Evade)Sense HeadingSneakSwimmingTracking