Skill Defense

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Defense improves your survivability by increasing your AC.


Class Trainable Cap Until 50 Cap Above 50 Feb 21, 2001 Oct 8, 2001
Warrior Level 1 ? 252
Monk Level 1 ? 252
Rogue Level 1 ? 252
Paladin Level 9 ? 230 252
Shadow Knight Level 9 ? 230 252
Bard Level 1? 200 200 252
Ranger Level 9 200 200 220
Cleric Level 1 200 200
Shaman Level 1 200 200
Druid Level 1 200 200
Enchanter Level 1 145 145
Magician Level 1 145 145
Necromancer Level 1 145 145
Wizard Level 1 145 145

Defense Cap Per Level

For the cloth casters, it appeared for their Defense skill up to level 10:

Defense(max) = ((level x 4) + 5)

since my three casters had Defense = 45 at level 10. But from what I have gathered since a few have experienced into higher levels, the Defense skill drops to three points per level gain. That is, level 11 = 48, level 12 = 51, level 13 = 54, level 14 = 57. But since the maximum of all maximum is 145, three per level does not evenly divide into (145 - 45) = 100.

Anybody have any insight, especially at higher levels? Does it reach a point to dropping to two points per level, down to one?

So far, this is consistent with my experience as a cloth caster:

Level Defense Cap
10 45
15 60
20 75
25 90
30 105
35 120
Spell: AbjurationAlterationChannelingConjurationDivinationEvocationMeditateSpecialization
Specialize: AbjurationSpecialize: AlterationSpecialize: ConjurationSpecialize: DivinationSpecialize: Evocation
Weapon: Archery1H Slash1H Blunt2H Slash2H BluntPiercing2H PiercingThrowing
Combat: BashBlockDefenseDisarmDodgeDouble AttackDual WieldHand to HandHarm Touch
IntimidationKickLay on HandsOffenseParryRiposteSlamTaunt
Rogue: BackstabApply PoisonDisarm TrapsPick LockPick PocketSense Traps
Monk: Dragon PunchEagle StrikeFeign DeathFlying KickMendRound KickSafe FallTail Rake (Iksar)Tiger Claw
Bard: Brass InstrumentsPercussionStringed InstrumentsWind InstrumentsSinging
Non-Combat: Alcohol ToleranceBeggingBind WoundFishingForagingHide (Evade)Sense HeadingSneakSwimmingTracking