Skill Tracking

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This skill enables you to locate nearby targets. When you click the "Tracking" button a tracking window opens, listing all of the mobs within your character's tracking range. After selecting any of those mobs the game will inform you, every few seconds, which direction that mob is in.

The higher your skill, the farther away you can detect your prey. Your class also matters: rangers track better than druids, who track better than bards. Rangers especially excel at tracking and are able not only to track by spawn order (the default sort order for the tracking list), but also by mob level, via the "track sort" drop-down box.

Players often informally refer to the activity of waiting for or searching for an NPC as tracking, even if the proper skill is not used or available. Face tracking specifically refers to waiting for an NPC to spawn on a known location without the tracking skill. Pet tracking refers to using the /pet attack command to check if an NPC is up (pets will echo a response if the NPC is up within the zone, regardless of distance).


  • Ranger (Max: 200): Distance = (Tracking Skill) x 12
    • Max range of 2325 at 200 skill.
  • Druid (Max: 125): Distance = (Tracking Skill) x 10
    • Druid tracking is limited to 20 prior to Plane of Sky patch, and increased to 50 cap with Sky.
    • Capped at 50 through level 30, then 5 per level post-30.
  • Bard (Max: 100): Distance = (Tracking Skill) x 7
    • Bard tracking is less distance than you can see with your clipping plane set to max distance, and so is mainly useful in zones where there is dense cover blocking line of sight (eg. Trakanon's Teeth or Warsliks Woods).

For example, a Ranger with skill 75 would have a tracking distance of = 12 x 75 = 900 range. Note that the units of range are the same as the units of /loc, so a max-level Ranger (skill 200, range 2325) standing at 0,0 in a zone could track anything from 2325,2325 to -2325,-2325.

(Testing was performed on tracking distance in Western Karana.)

Spell: AbjurationAlterationChannelingConjurationDivinationEvocationMeditateSpecialization
Specialize: AbjurationSpecialize: AlterationSpecialize: ConjurationSpecialize: DivinationSpecialize: Evocation
Weapon: Archery1H Slash1H Blunt2H Slash2H BluntPiercing2H PiercingThrowing
Combat: BashBlockDefenseDisarmDodgeDouble AttackDual WieldHand to HandHarm Touch
IntimidationKickLay on HandsOffenseParryRiposteSlamTaunt
Rogue: BackstabApply PoisonDisarm TrapsPick LockPick PocketSense Traps
Monk: Dragon PunchEagle StrikeFeign DeathFlying KickMendRound KickSafe FallTail Rake (Iksar)Tiger Claw
Bard: Brass InstrumentsPercussionStringed InstrumentsWind InstrumentsSinging
Non-Combat: Alcohol ToleranceBeggingBind WoundFishingForagingHide (Evade)Sense HeadingSneakSwimmingTracking