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PC necromancer.gif

Necromancers are the Death Magi of Norrath. They seek out darkness and evil, and thrive when surrounded by pain and death. Necromancers are the masters of the dead, reaching beyond the bounds of the grave to magically manipulate their dark minions.

Wholly dedicated to the practice of their magic, Necromancers are physically weak and unable to provide much of a defense. Due to their lack of physical prowess, they have developed spells that enable them to command powerful undead beings, and have their own peculiar spells that summon loyal servants to do their bidding. Their main offensive spells focus on time-based means of dealing with their opponents. These spells generally draw on pain and suffering and are grounded in poison and disease, causing their enemies to suffer and perish in terrible ways. This mastery of torment lets Necromancers suck the very life out of their victims and heal themselves in the process. However, pain is a means to an end, rather than an end in itself, and a Necromancer will even inflict suffering on himself to restore magical energies, if that is the most efficient way to accomplish his goals.

Necromancers are considered evil merely because they choose to delve into the arts and practices that many find repulsive. Even if a Necromancer’s goals are aligned with the forces of Light, few would think that these ends can justify their foul means. Necromancers are oftentimes shunned in the world because of their peculiar looks and ways, but none doubt the powers of the Necromancer, for they are the stuff of nightmares.

Although a Necromancer might have a personal preference for the comradeship of others, she is fully powerful enough to face the world and triumph, with only her pet at her side.It is just as well that the Necromancer can fend for herself, for unless her race is evil she is not well liked even among her own kind. In many cases she is an outcast, and branded a heretic. The Erudites, for example, ostracize Necromancers from their home town, forcing them to live in caverns and deep within forests. Even though labeled a heretic, there is usually someone who can use the services of a Necromancer, especially anyone who is searching for a lost corpse. It can be very easy to lose a corpse, especially when you are exploring a new area and are in unfamiliar surroundings. A Necromancer’s skills include the ability to locate someone’s corpse, and even in some cases summon it, although at quite a high price.

The Necromancer is one of the most difficult classes, due to the many different ways in which it may be played, but in the end can be one of the most gratifying. Because of the hostilities toward Necromancers, it can be difficult to purchase supplies without long and time-consuming journeys. Expect to use people skills to make friends who’ll purchase supplies for you from the local stores, or more often than not you’ll go hungry.

by Jason Mash “Jacinn Masche”

Class Titles

Level 1-50 Level 51-54 Level 55-59 Level 60
Necromancer Heretic Defiler Warlock

Creation Guide

It is important to make good decisions on Race, Starting Stats, and Religion. These things combined will allow you to create the Necromancer that makes you most happy.

Choosing Race

Choosing a race for any class can be a difficult decision--do not choose a race based on abilities alone. Choose the Race that provides you with the right mix of racial benefits, religion, cultural armor sets, and statistics that benefit your class. Here are some considerations for your Necromancer:

Race Benefit Detractor
Dark Elf Master race, hide/sneak, Ultravision, high starting intelligence, Thex Mallet Quest So-called "good" vendors may not trade at lower levels, difficult to build faction compared to more neutral races, Lower charisma
Erudite Many class-specific quests (Noclin's Femur Quest), highest starting intelligence, high charisma Poor night vision
Gnome High starting int, Small size is handy in dungeons, Infravision, easiest "evil" faction fixes, Tinkering Lower Charisma
Human Well-rounded starting stats, Highest Charisma Poor night vision, Low starting intelligence
Iksar Forage, natural AC Bonus, Health Regen Bonus, Infravision Hated in all cities except own (even evil cities), Racial experience penalty of 20%, Low starting Int, Lowest Starting Cha

Note: All Necromancers had a 10% class-based experience penalty until the January 14, 2001 patch on EQLive. When combined with the Iksar racial experience penalty, this becomes 32% (110% * 120%).

Starting Statistics

It is important to note that each race has slightly different starting statistics. For Necromancers, your INT is important for a larger mana pool, and STA contributes to your overall available hitpoints (which means more mana by using lich). You will likely find that it is easiest to max INT if you pursue raiding and high-end gear, however, so depending on your play style you may wish to allocate more points to STA.

Dark Elf 60 85 90 65 109 83 60 30
Erudite 60 80 70 70 117 83 70 30
Gnome 60 95 85 70 108 67 60 30
Human 75 85 75 75 85 75 75 30
Iksar 70 95 90 70 85 80 55 30

Each race gets 30 bonus points to apply to the base stats of their choosing.


Religion is not of a huge concern to Necromancers as they are already hated. Most choose to worship either Cazic-Thule, or Innoruuk the Prince of Hate, as it fits their role. Necromancers cannot be agnostic, as their dark powers are directly linked to their worship of their god.

Innoruuk is the best choice for faction in Neriak, which is the most convenient city for newer non-Iksar Necromancers.

Iksars are limited to choosing Cazic-Thule.


Male Necromancer from Casters Realm ~2000

See also Languages for a skill listing of available Languages.

Spell Specialization Skill

Necromancers have three choices of Specialization: Alteration, Evocation and Conjuration.

Alteration is a popular choice. It covers DoT, Lifetap and Undead Charm spells. These spells are your bread and butter, especially if you would like to solo.

Evocation is a lesser choice, as Necromancers get very few Direct Damage nukes. You may find this a useful choice if you intend to join a raiding guild and want to contribute to faster DPS.

Conjuration is also a lesser choice. It covers pet summoning, as well as your Darkness and Disease spells.

Casting Skills

Level Trained Skill Cap Until 50 Cap Above 50
1 No Abjuration 235 235
1 No Alteration 235 235
1 No Channeling 200 200
1 No Conjuration 235 235
1 No Divination 235 235
1 No Evocation 235 235
8 Yes Meditate 235 252
16 Yes Research 200 200
30 Yes Specialization 200 200

Combat Skills

Level Trained Skill Cap Until 50 Cap Above 50
1 No 1 Hand Blunt 110 110
1 No 2 Hand Blunt 110 110
1 No Bind Wound 100 100
1 No Defense 145 145
1 No Hand to Hand 100 100
1 No Offense 140 140
1 No Piercing 110 110
1 No Throwing 75 75
15 Yes Dodge 75 75

Miscellaneous Skills

Like all classes, Necromancers can raise the following skills:

Level Trained Skill Cap Until 50 Cap Above 50
1 No Alcohol Tolerance 200 200
1 No Beg 200 200
1 No Fishing 200 200
1 No Forage (Iksar Only) 50 50
1 No Sense Heading 200 200
1 No Swimming 200 200


Level 1

Spell Name Mana Cast Time Recast Time Skill Duration Target Range Description Expansion
Cavorting Bones 15 5 4 Con 0 Self 0 Summon Skeleton Pet: skel_pet_1_, Uses: Bone Chips x 1 Original.gif
Coldlight 15 2 6 Con 0 Self 0 Summon Item: Summoned: Coldlight Original.gif
Disease Cloud 10 1.5 6 Con 6m Single 200 Increase Disease Counter by 1, Decrease HP when cast by 5, Decrease Hitpoints by 1 per tick Original.gif
Invisibility versus Undead 40 4 4 Div 27m Single 100 Invisibility versus Undead Original.gif
Lifetap 9 1.5 2.25 Alt 0 Lifetap 200 Decrease Hitpoints by 3 (L1) to 5 (L4) Original.gif
Locate Corpse 5 1.5 3 Div 0 Self 10000 Locate Corpse, (Area 1000) Original.gif
Minor Shielding 10 2.5 2.25 Abj 27m Self 0 Increase Max Hitpoints by 6 (L1) to 10 (L5), Increase AC by 3 (L1) to 4 (L5) Original.gif
Reclaim Energy 5 2.5 2.25 Con 0 Pet 100 Reclaim Energy Original.gif
Sense the Dead 5 2 2.25 Div 0 Self 0 Sense Undead, (Area 240) Original.gif
Siphon Strength 5 1.5 6 Alt 6m Single 200 Decrease STR by 5 (L1) to 10 (L10) Original.gif

Level 4

Spell Name Mana Cast Time Recast Time Skill Duration Target Range Description Expansion
Clinging Darkness 20 1.75 4 Alt 36s Single 200 Decrease Hitpoints by 5 per tick, Decrease Movement by 24% (L4) to 30% (L10) Original.gif
Endure Cold 20 2.5 2.25 Abj 27m Single 100 Increase Cold Resist by 11 (L1) to 20 (L10) Original.gif
Fear 40 3.5 7 Alt 18s Single 200 Fear(1) Original.gif
Gate 70 5 8 Alt 0 Self 0 Gate Original.gif
Grim Aura 25 3 2.25 Alt 27m Self 0 Increase ATK by 7 (L4) to 10 (L10) Original.gif
Leering Corpse 40 6 9.5 Con 0 Self 0 Summon Skeleton Pet: skel_pet_5_, Uses: Bone Chips x 1 Original.gif
Lifespike 18 1.75 2.25 Alt 0 Lifetap 200 Decrease Hitpoints by 9 (L4) to 11 (L8) Original.gif
Numb the Dead 20 2 3 Abj 2m Und 200 Frenzy Radius(15/30), Reaction Radius(25/30), Pacify Original.gif
Poison Bolt 30 1.75 2.25 Con 42s Single 200 Increase Poison Counter by 1, Decrease HP when cast by 6, Decrease Hitpoints by 5 per tick Original.gif
True North 5 2 4 Div 0 Self 0 True North Original.gif

Level 8

Spell Name Mana Cast Time Recast Time Skill Duration Target Range Description Expansion
Bone Walk 80 7 9.5 Con 0 Self 0 Summon Skeleton Pet: skel_pet_9_, Uses: Bone Chips x 1 Original.gif
Dark Empathy 20 4 7.5 Alt 0 Single 100 Increase Hitpoints by 30 Original.gif
Dark Pact 5 3 6 Alt 7:30 Self 0 Increase Mana by 2 per tick, Decrease Hitpoints by 4 per tick Original.gif
Deadeye 35 3 2.25 Div 27m Self 0 See Invisible(1), Infravision Original.gif
Gather Shadows 35 5 2.25 Div 20m Self 0 Invisibility Original.gif
Impart Strength 15 4 5 Alt 6m Single 100 Increase STR by 10 Original.gif
Lesser Shielding 25 4 2.25 Abj 27m Self 0 Increase Max Hitpoints by 20 (L8) to 30 (L18), Increase AC by 6 (L8) to 9 (L18), Increase Magic Resist by 7 (L8) to 10 (L20) Original.gif
Mend Bones 25 3.5 6.5 Alt 0 Und 100 Increase Hitpoints by 33 (L8) to 50 (L25), Decrease Disease Counter by 10 Original.gif
Shadow Step 10 1 5 Alt 0 Self 900 Shadowstep Original.gif
Vampiric Embrace 30 3 6 Alt 7:30 Self 0 Add Proc: VampEmbraceNecro Original.gif
Ward Undead 30 2.1 2.25 Evo 0 Und 200 Decrease Hitpoints by 35 (L5) to 41 (L11) Original.gif

Level 12

Spell Name Mana Cast Time Recast Time Skill Duration Target Range Description Expansion
Bind Affinity 100 6 12 Alt 0 Grp 100 Bind Affinity Original.gif
Convoke Shadow 120 8 11 Con 0 Self 0 Summon Skeleton Pet: skel_pet_11_, Uses: Bone Chips x 1 Original.gif
Endure Disease 20 2.5 2.25 Abj 27m Single 100 Increase Disease Resist by 19 (L9) to 20 (L10) Original.gif
Engulfing Darkness 60 2.45 4 Con 1m Single 200 Decrease Hitpoints by 11 per tick, Decrease Movement by 40% Original.gif
Heat Blood 72 2.45 4 Alt 1m Single 200 Decrease Hitpoints by 17 per tick Original.gif
Leech 72 2.4 10 Alt 54s Single 200 Decrease Hitpoints by 8 per tick Original.gifPaineel Era[1]
Lifedraw 63 2.45 2.25 Alt 0 Lifetap 200 Decrease Hitpoints by 39 (L12) to 45 (L18) Original.gif
Scent of Dusk 50 3.00 6.00 Alt Duration 3.4 minutes @L12 to 14 minutes @L65 Single 200 Decreases fire, poison and disease resist by 7 to 9. Original.gifPaineel Era[1]
Sight Graft 10 5 10 Div 27m Pet 100 Bind Sight Original.gif
Spook the Dead 10 2 4 Alt 18s Und 200 Fear(1) Original.gif
Wave of Enfeeblement 40 2.5 5.5 Alt 4m PB AE 0 Decrease STR by 11 (L12) to 15 (L20), (Area 30) Original.gif

Level 16

Spell Name Mana Cast Time Recast Time Skill Duration Target Range Description Expansion
Banshee Aura 60 5 9.5 Abj 15m Self 100 Increase Damage Shield by 8 (L16) to 12 (L36), Focus: Pearl Original.gif
Cancel Magic 30 3.5 5 Abj 0 Single 200 Cancel Magic(1) Original.gif
Cure Disease 20 2 3 Alt 0 Single 100 Decrease Disease Counter by 1 (L1) to 4 (L12) Original.gif
Feign Death 60 1.5 15 Abj 0 Self 0 Feign Death Original.gif
Heart Flutter 80 2.75 7 Alt 1:12 Single 200 Decrease STR by 15 (L16) to 20 (L26), Decrease AC by 7 (L16) to 9 (L24), Decrease Hitpoints by 12 per tick Original.gif
Hungry Earth 30 2 7.5 Alt 48s Und 200 Decrease HP when cast by 26 (L16) to 80 (L70), Root Original.gif
Infectious Cloud 78 2.75 2.25 Con 5ms AoE 200 Increase Disease Counter by 1, Decrease Hitpoints by 5 per tick, Decrease HP when cast by 20, (Area 15) Original.gif
Restless Bones 160 9 2.25 Con 0 Self 0 Summon Skeleton Pet: skel_pet_16_, Uses: Bone Chips x 1 Original.gif
Shielding 50 5 2.25 Abj 36m Self 0 Increase Max Hitpoints by 46 (L16) to 50 (L20), Increase AC by 12 (L16) to 13 (L21), Increase Magic Resist by 12 Original.gif
Shieldskin 41 3.5 2.25 Abj 36m Self 0 Increase Absorb Damage by 27 (L16) to 55 (L21), Uses: Cat's Eye Agate x 1 Original.gif
Spirit Armor 75 6 2.25 Abj 36m Single 100 Increase AC by 11 (L16) to 13 (L24) Original.gif
Voice Graft 10 6 12 Div 27m Pet 100 Voice Graft Original.gif

Level 20

Spell Name Mana Cast Time Recast Time Skill Duration Target Range Description Expansion
Allure of Death 5 3 6 Alt 14m Self 0 Increase Mana by 4 per tick, Decrease Hitpoints by 8 per tick Original.gif
Animate Dead 200 10 2.25 Con 0 Self 0 Summon Skeleton Pet: skel_pet_19_, Uses: Bone Chips x 1 Original.gif
Dominate Undead 100 5 10 Alt 20:30 Und 200 Charm(1) Original.gif
Expulse Undead 60 2.75 2.25 Evo 0 Und 200 Decrease Hitpoints by 88 (L14) to 94 (L20) Original.gif
Harmshield 85 1 600 Abj 18s Self 0 Decrease HP when cast by 20, Invunerability Original.gif
Identify 50 5 2.25 Div 0 Single 100 Identify Original.gif
Shadow Compact 10 2 12 Alt 24s Single 100 Increase Hitpoints by 20 per tick Original.gifPaineel Era[1]
Shadow Vortex 40 1.5 6 Alt 7:30 Single 200 Decrease AC by 9 (L20) to 12 (L30) Original.gif
Siphon Life 72 3.1 2.25 Alt 0 Lifetap 200 Decrease Hitpoints by 65 (L20) to 75 (L25) Original.gif
Track Corpse 15 1.5 3 Div 12m Self 10000 Locate Corpse, (Area 1000) Kunarkicon.gif
Word of Shadow 85 2.75 9 Evo 0 PB AE 0 Decrease Hitpoints by 52 (L19) to 58 (L25), (Area 20) Original.gif

Level 24

Spell Name Mana Cast Time Recast Time Skill Duration Target Range Description Expansion
Breath of the Dead 45 2.5 2.25 Alt 27m Self 0 Water Breathing(1), Uses: Fish Scales x 1 Original.gif
Haunting Corpse 240 11 2.25 Con 0 Self 0 Summon Skeleton Pet: skel_pet_22_, Uses: Bone Chips x 1 Original.gif
Intensify Death 50 6 30 Alt 7:30 Pet 100 Increase Attack Speed by 22% (L24) to 30% (L40), Increase STR by 26 (L24) to 33 (L52), Increase AC by 6 (L24) to 8 (L48) Original.gif
Leatherskin 83 4 2.25 Abj 54m Self 0 Increase Absorb Damage by 71 (L24) to 118 (L30), Uses: Bloodstone x 1 Original.gif
Major Shielding 80 5 2.25 Abj 45m Self 0 Increase Max Hitpoints by 69 (L24) to 75 (L30), Increase AC by 16 (L24) to 18 (L28), Increase Magic Resist by 14 Original.gif
Rapacious Subversion 200 Alt Twitch. Restores targets mana by 60 at the cost of 200 mana. Original.gifPaineel Era[1]
Resist Cold 50 4.5 2.25 Abj 36m Single 100 Increase Cold Resist by 39 (L24) to 40 (L25) Original.gif
Rest the Dead 75 3 2.25 Abj 3m Und 200 Frenzy Radius(1/45), Reaction Radius(1/45), Pacify, Memblur(1%) Original.gif
Scent of Shadow 100 Alt Decreases fire, poison and disease resist by 14 to 18. Original.gifPaineel Era[1]
Screaming Terror 60 2.6 6.5 Alt 18s Single 200 Mesmerize(1/55), Memblur(1%) Original.gifFear Era
Shadow Sight 50 3 2.25 Div 27m Self 100 Ultravision, See Invisible(1) Original.gif
Shock of Poison 100 3.5 2.25 Con 0 Single 200 Decrease Hitpoints by 146 (L24) to 160 (L29) Original.gif

Level 29

Spell Name Mana Cast Time Recast Time Skill Duration Target Range Description Expansion
Boil Blood 150 4 2.25 Alt 2:6 Single 200 Decrease Hitpoints by 24 per tick Original.gif
Dismiss Undead 90 3.3 2.25 Evo 0 Und 200 Decrease Hitpoints by 140 (L24) to 162 (L35) Original.gif
Dooming Darkness 120 4 2.25 Con 1:30 Single 200 Decrease Hitpoints by 20 per tick, Decrease Movement by 49% (L29) to 59% (L48) Original.gif
Panic the Dead 50 2 4 Alt 54s Und 200 Fear(4) Original.gif
Renew Bones 125 4.5 7.5 Alt 0 Und 100 Increase Hitpoints by 154 (L29) to 175 (L50), Decrease Disease Counter by 10 Original.gif
Spirit Tap 144 4 2.25 Alt 0 Lifetap 200 Decrease Hitpoints by 132 (L29) to 150 (L35) Original.gif
Summon Dead 290 12 2.25 Con 0 Self 0 Summon Skeleton Pet: skel_pet_25_, Uses: Bone Chips x 1 Original.gif
Vampiric Curse 144 4 10 Alt 54s Single 200 Decrease Hitpoints by 21 per tick Original.gif
Word of Spirit 133 3.5 9 Evo 0 PB AE 0 Decrease Hitpoints by 97 (L29) to 103 (L32), (Area 20) Original.gif

Level 34

Spell Name Mana Cast Time Recast Time Skill Duration Target Range Description Expansion
Beguile Undead 170 6 12 Alt 20:30 Und 200 Charm(9) Original.gif
Call of Bones 5 3 6 Alt 20:30 Self 0 Illusion: Skeleton, Increase Mana by 8 per tick, Ultravision, Decrease Hitpoints by 16 per tick, (Area 2) Original.gif
Greater Shielding 120 6 2.25 Abj 54m Self 0 Increase Max Hitpoints by 94 (L34) to 100 (L40), Increase AC by 21 (L34) to 22 (L39), Increase Magic Resist by 16 Original.gif
Invoke Fear 100 2.5 7 Alt 42s Single 200 Fear(1) Original.gif
Invoke Shadow 340 13 2.25 Con 0 Self 0 Summon Skeleton Pet: skel_pet_29_, Uses: Bone Chips x 1 Original.gif
Resist Disease 50 4.5 2.25 Abj 36m Single 100 Increase Disease Resist by 40 Original.gif
Root 30 2 2.25 Alt 48s Single 200 Root Original.gif
Steelskin 149 4.5 2.25 Abj 72m Self 0 Increase Absorb Damage by 168 (L34) to 230 (L41), Uses: Jasper x 1 Original.gif
Surge of Enfeeblement 100 3.5 5.5 Alt 6m PB AE 0 Decrease STR by 22 (L34) to 30 (L50), (Area 30) Original.gif
Torbas' Acid Blast 130 4.00 2.25 Conj Instant Single 200 Strikes your target with a jet of poison, causing between 207 and 220 damage. Veliousicon.gif
Venom of the Snake 160 4.6 2.25 Con 42s Single 200 Increase Poison Counter by 7, Decrease HP when cast by 40, Decrease Hitpoints by 59 per tick Original.gif

Level 39

Spell Name Mana Cast Time Recast Time Skill Duration Target Range Description Expansion
Augment Death 200 6 30 Alt 15m Pet 100 Increase Attack Speed by 49% (L39) to 55% (L45), Increase STR by 39 (L39) to 45 (L50), Increase AC by 10 (L39) to 12 (L50) Original.gif
Chilling Embrace 200 5.50 2.25 Alt 16 ticks Single 200 Fills your target's blood with poison, causing 40 damage every six seconds for 1.6 minutes (16 ticks) for a total of 640 damage. 3.2 damage per mana Veliousicon.gif
Counteract Disease 50 4 2.25 Alt 0 Single 100 Decrease Disease Counter by 8 Original.gif
Drain Spirit 189 5.3 2.25 Alt 0 Lifetap 200 Decrease Hitpoints by 207 (L39) to 223 (L43) Original.gif
Expel Undead 130 4.3 2.25 Evo 0 Und 200 Decrease Hitpoints by 261 (L34) to 273 (L38) Original.gif
Malignant Dead 390 14 2.25 Con 0 Self 0 Summon Skeleton Pet: skel_pet_33_, Uses: Bone Chips x 1 Original.gif
Nullify Magic 50 4.5 6 Abj 0 Single 200 Cancel Magic(4), Cancel Magic(4) Original.gif
Scent of Darkness 150 3.00 6.00 Alt 8.8 minutes @L39 to 14 minutes @L65 Single 200

Spellicon G.png

Surrounds your target in the scent of darkness, causing them to be more susceptible to fire, poison, and disease.

Original.gifPaineel Era[1]
Scourge 170 4.6 2.25 Con 2:6 Single 200 Increase Disease Counter by 4, Decrease Hitpoints by 24 per tick, Decrease HP when cast by 40 Original.gif
Summon Corpse 700 5 12 Con 0 Self 10000 Summon Corpse(max level 70), Uses: Jade Inlaid Coffin x 1 Original.gif
Word of Souls 171 4.6 9 Evo 0 PB AE 0 Decrease Hitpoints by 147 (L39) to 155 (L42), (Area 20) Original.gif

Level 44

Spell Name Mana Cast Time Recast Time Skill Duration Target Range Description Expansion
Arch Shielding 200 12 2.25 Abj 72m Self 0 Increase Max Hitpoints by 144 (L44) to 150 (L50), Increase AC by 25 (L44) to 27 (L48), Increase Magic Resist by 20 Original.gif
Asystole 210 6.1 2.25 Alt 1m Single 200 Increase Disease Counter by 4, Decrease STR by 37 (L44) to 40 (L50), Decrease AC by 16 (L44) to 18 (L50), Decrease Hitpoints by 69 per tick Original.gifPaineel Era[1]
Cackling Bones 450 15 2.25 Con 0 Self 0 Summon Skeleton Pet: skel_pet_37_, Uses: Bone Chips x 1 Original.gif
Corporeal Empathy 200 Alt The caster loses 215 health to heal the target for 215 instantly. Veliousicon.gif
Covetous Subversion 300 Alt Twitch. Restores targets mana by 100 at the cost of 300 mana. Original.gifPaineel Era[1]
Dead Man Floating 150 6 6 Abj 72m Single 100 Water Breathing(2), See Invisible(1), Levitate(2), Increase Poison Resist by 64 (L44) to 70 (L50) Original.gif
Diamondskin 236 5 2.25 Abj 90m Self 0 Increase Absorb Damage by 305 (L44) to 394 (L50), Uses: Peridot x 1 Original.gif
Ignite Bones 210 6.1 12 Evo 18s Single 200 Decrease HP when cast by 494 (L44) to 500 (L50), Illusion: Skeleton, Stun(0.00 sec), (Area 1) Original.gif
Incinerate Bones 210 Evo Deals 494 to 500 damage to the target. (Chardok revamp drop) (2.38dpm) Veliousicon.gifChardok Revamp Era
Pact of Shadow 10 2 12 Alt 24s Single 100 Increase Hitpoints by 80 per tick Original.gif
Summon Companion 50 Con Summons your pet to your location. Veliousicon.gif

Level 49

Spell Name Mana Cast Time Recast Time Skill Duration Target Range Description Expansion
Banish Undead 225 5.5 2.25 Evo 0 Und 200 Decrease Hitpoints by 585 Original.gif
Bond of Death 360 7 10 Alt 54s Single 200 Decrease Hitpoints by 80 per tick Original.gif
Cajole Undead 245 9 20 Alt 20:30 Und 200 Charm(16) Original.gif
Cascading Darkness 300 7 2.25 Con 1:36 Single 200 Decrease Hitpoints by 72 per tick, Decrease Movement by 60% Original.gif
Dead Men Floating 375 9.00 6.00 Abj 1 hour 12 minutes Group v2 0 Applies Dead Man Floating to the caster's entire group. Veliousicon.gifChardok Revamp Era
Drain Soul 225 6.1 2.25 Alt 0 Lifetap 200 Decrease Hitpoints by 332 (L49) to 338 (L50) Original.gif
Ignite Blood 250 4 2.25 Alt 2:6 Single 200 Decrease Hitpoints by 56 per tick Original.gif
Invoke Death 490 16 2.25 Con 0 Self 0 Summon Skeleton Pet: skel_pet_41_, Uses: Bone Chips x 1, Focus: Encyclopedia Necrotheurgia Original.gif
Lich 5 3 6 Alt 20:30 Self 0 Illusion: Skeleton, Increase Mana by 20 per tick, Ultravision, Decrease Hitpoints by 32 per tick Original.gif
Paralyzing Earth 100 2.5 2.5 Alt 3m Single 200 Root Original.gif

Level 50

Spell Name Spell Description School Location Mana Expansion
Improved Invisibility Self Only Fixed Duration Invisibility Div. NPC Drop 75 Veliousicon.gif

Level 51

Spell Name Spell Description School Location Mana Expansion
Dread of Night Single target Fear for 8 ticks. Alt. Kunark Vendor 100 Kunarkicon.gif
Envenomed Bolt Deals 110 direct damage, and then 146 damage per tick for 8 ticks. (3.994dpm..1278 total) Con. Vendor 320 Kunarkicon.gif
Sacrifice Kills target player to create an Essence Emerald. The player target must consent, will lose experience, and cannot be resurrected to regain experience. Consumes an emerald when cast. Alt. Quest 100 Kunarkicon.gif
Splurt Deals 11 damage on the first tick, and damage increases by 12 per tick for 17 ticks to a final tick of 203 damage. (7.579dpm..1819 Total) Alt. NPC Drop 240 Kunarkicon.gif

Level 52

Spell Name Spell Description School Location Mana Expansion
Defoliation Deals 645 to 725 damage to target plant. Evo. NPC Drop 250 Kunarkicon.gif
Manaskin Absorbs 521 to 600 damage. Increases mana regeneration by 1. Consumes a peridot. Abj. Kunark Vendor 330 Kunarkicon.gif
Plague Deals 60 direct damage and then 55 per tick for 22 ticks. (1270 damage. 4.23 DPM) Con. Vendor 300 Kunarkicon.gif
Scent of Terris Decreases fire, poison and disease resist by 33 to 36. Alt. Quest 200 Kunarkicon.gif

Level 53

Spell Name Spell Description School Location Mana Expansion
Annul Magic Dispels magic effects from the target. Abj. Vendor 75 Kunarkicon.gif
Convergence Returns target player to life, restoring 93% experience. Consumes an Essence Emerald when cast. Alt. NPC Drop 700 Kunarkicon.gif
Enstill Root. Adheres the target's feet to the ground, preventing movement. Lasts 16 ticks. Breaks randomly, and on direct damage. Alt. Vendor 60 Kunarkicon.gif
Minion of Shadows Skeleton Rogue, Level 40-44. Con. Quest 525 Kunarkicon.gif

Level 54

Spell Name Spell Description School Location Mana Expansion
Deflux Drains 310 to 330 health from the target. Fast cast. Alt. Kunark Vendor 198 Kunarkicon.gif
Shadowbond The caster loses 125(?) health per tick, and the target is healed for 125 health per tick for 4 ticks. Alt. Quest 10 Kunarkicon.gif
Shield of the Magi Grants the caster +232 to +250 HP, +29 to +31 AC, and +22 to +24 Magic Resist. Abj. Kunark Vendor 300 Kunarkicon.gif
Thrall of Bones Charms target undead creature to act as the caster's minion for 17 to 20 minutes. Breaks randomly. Alt. NPC Drop 300 Kunarkicon.gif

Level 55

Spell Name Spell Description School Location Mana Expansion
Augmentation of Death Increases the caster's minion's attack speed by 65%, STR by 52 to 55, and AC by 14 to 15. Alt. NPC Drop 250 Veliousicon.gif
Chill Bones Deals 505 to 540 cold damage to the target. Applies a skeleton illusion to the target. Evo. NPC Drop 210 Kunarkicon.gif
Conglaciation of Bone Deals 505 to 540 cold damage to the target. (Chardok revamp drop) Evo. NPC Drop 210 Veliousicon.gifChardok Revamp Era
Infusion Restores 1000 mana to the caster's mana pool. Consumes an Essence Emerald when cast. Alt. NPC Drop 1 Kunarkicon.gif
Levant Teleports the caster to a relatively safe spot in zone. Self-only evacuation. Only works at night. Alt. NPC Drop 500 Kunarkicon.gif
Skin of the Shadow Grants the caster invisibility, ultravision, and increases area of sight by 115%. Only works at night. Alt. Kunark Vendor 85 Kunarkicon.gif

Level 56

Spell Name Spell Description School Location Mana Expansion
Cessation of Cor Deals for 100 damage per tick for 11 ticks. Reduces the target's STR by 50, and the target's AC by 19 to 21. Alt Kunark Vendor 250 Kunarkicon.gif
Sedulous Subversion Twitch. Restores targets mana by 150 at the cost of 400 mana. Alt NPC Drop 400 Kunarkicon.gif
Servant of Bones Skeleton Monk, Level 41-43. Con. NPC Drop 525 Kunarkicon.gif
Trepidation Single Target Fear for 6 ticks. Alt Kunark Vendor 200 Kunarkicon.gif

Level 57

Spell Name Spell Description School Location Mana Expansion
Conjure Corpse Summons the target's corpse to the caster's location. Must be in the same zone as the corpse. Consumes a Tiny Jade Inlaid Coffin. Con. NPC Drop 700 Kunarkicon.gif
Exile Undead Deals 675 to 725 damage to an undead target. Evo. Kunark Vendor 250 Kunarkicon.gif
Vexing Mordinia Deals 111 per tick for 10 ticks. Heals the caster for 111 per tick for 9 ticks (Possible Bug). Alt. Kunark Vendor 495 Kunarkicon.gif

Level 58

Spell Name Spell Description School Location Mana Expansion
Immobilize Root. Adheres the target's feet to the ground, preventing movement. Lasts 10 ticks. Breaks on direct damage. Alt. Vendor 80 Kunarkicon.gif
Pyrocruor Deals 111 per tick for 19 ticks. Alt. Kunark Vendor 400 Kunarkicon.gif
Quivering Veil of Xarn Heals the caster for 150. Grants the caster immunity to damage for 18 seconds. Cannot attack or cast spells while immune. Only works at night. Abj. NPC Drop 135 Kunarkicon.gif

Level 59

Spell Name Spell Description School Location Mana Expansion
Devouring Darkness Deals 107 damage per tick for 13 ticks. Reduces movement speed by 69% to 70%. Con. NPC Drop 400 Kunarkicon.gif
Emissary of Thule Spectre Warrior, Level 43-47. Con. NPC Drop 650 Kunarkicon.gif
Touch of Night Drains 720 health from the target. Alt. Kunark Vendor 405 Kunarkicon.gif

Level 60

Spell Name Spell Description School Location Mana Expansion
Arch Lich Lich. The caster loses 20 health per tick, and restores 20 mana per tick. Spectre Illusion. Alt. NPC Drop 1 Veliousicon.gif
Banishment of Shadows Destroys target undead creature up to level 51. Consumes a Star Ruby when cast. Evo. NPC Drop 750 Kunarkicon.gif
Demi Lich Lich. The caster loses 48 health per tick, and restores 31 mana per tick. Bloody Skeleton Illusion. Alt. NPC Drop 1 Kunarkicon.gif
Enslave Death Charms target undead creature to act as the caster's minion for 5 ticks. Very difficult to resist. Alt. NPC Drop 500 Kunarkicon.gif
Gangrenous Touch of Zum`uul Drains 720 health from the target. Disease-based spell. Alt. NPC Drop 415 Veliousicon.gifChardok Revamp Era
Trucidation Drains 1100 health from the target. Consumes an Essence Emerald when cast. Alt. NPC Drop 375 Kunarkicon.gif

Pet Information

Focus Item

The only pet focus item that Necromancers can obtain is the Encyclopedia Necrotheurgia. Similar to the Magician pet focus items, this focus item makes the pet larger in size. It also provides a +1 level bonus to all summoned pets from spell levels 46-60. This allows for pets that can exceed the hit points, melee, and spell damage listed in the tables. The +1 level is added to the RNG of the level of pet you would have summoned. When you finish casting a pet spell, RNG will determine the level of pet you summoned in that pet's level range. If using the focus item for that pet, the pet's level will be RNG+1.

As an example, the Emissary of Thule pet has a level range of 43-47. When you cast that spell, at the end of the cast RNG determines the pet level to be level 47.
If you are using the focus item, it adds +1 to the RNG so the pet would be level 48.


  • Abilities listed in the Pet Skills column apply to all subsequent pets, unless otherwise noted.
Spell Player Level Pet Level (Min-Max) Pet Class Pet ~HP Melee Damage (Max) Bash/Kick Damage (Max) Backstab Damage (Max) Lifetap Damage (Max) Pet Skills Appearance
Cavorting Bones 1 1-2 Warrior 20-30 8-10 - - - - File:Npc skeleton lrodd.png
Leering Corpse 4 3-5 Warrior 70-90 8-12 - - - -
Bone Walk 8 7-9 Warrior 180-200 9-14 7/12 - - Bash, Kick
Convoke Shadow 12 7-11 Warrior 180-200 11-16 11/15 - - Magic hit 11+
Restless Bones 16 12-16 Warrior 260-300 13-20 13/16 - - -
Animate Dead 20 15-19 Warrior 325-375 14-22 14/16 - - Double Attack, Dual Wield 19+ (requires weapons)
Haunting Corpse 24 18-22 Warrior 650-700 18-26 15/17 - - - File:Npc a helot skeleton.png
Summon Dead 29 21-25 Warrior 675-775 20-28 16/18 - - -
Invoke Shadow 34 25-29 Warrior 750-850 23-32 17/19 - - -
Malignant Dead 39 29-33 Warrior 800-1000 31-39 18/20 - - Innate Dual Wield 33+ (Fists or weapons), Fast regen
Cackling Bones 44 33-37 Warrior 1100-1400 39-47 20/22 - 11 Lifetap
Invoke Death1 49 37-41 Warrior 1900-2300 47-55 22/24 - 42 -
Minion of Shadows1 53 40-44 Rogue 1200-1400 49-56 (59†) - 147-171 (177†) 45 Backstab, no Bash/Kick
Servant of Bones1 56 40-44 Monk 1400-1700 52-59 (61†) 65/69 (71†) - 45 Flying Kick, no Bash
Emissary of Thule1 59 43-47 Warrior 2700 52-61 26 - 44-48 Immune to fear2 File:Spectres.png

1 The pet can be focused with Encyclopedia Necrotheurgia. 2 This was implemented post-Velious, pre-Luclin. (ref)
‡ Needs testing for the focus effect.
† Tested

Necromancer-specific Quests

Original - SolRo Temple Era

Original - Plane of Sky Era

  • Necromancer Plane of Sky Tests

Original - Paineel Era

Kunark Core Era

Kunark Epic Era

Velious Era

  • Necromancer Thurgadin Armor Quests
  • Necromancer Kael Armor Quests
  • Necromancer Skyshrine Armor Quests


Best in Slot


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 February 17, 2000 patch on EQLive: "New Necromancer spells are now in game. Check your spell vendors.". Full patch message available at