Skill Hide

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Revision as of 13:13, 5 May 2023 by Nazwahdi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This skill causes you to hide in the shadows, granting you an effect similar to Invisibility as long as you do not move. While you will always appear to hide on your own screen, you may still be visible to other players and NPCs/mobs. Having a higher skill level increases the chance that a hide attempt will succeed. Methods to identify a successful Hide (if you are not a Rogue): * Consider (with <code>/con</code> or by pressing "c") a '''non'''-indifferent mob afte...")
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This skill causes you to hide in the shadows, granting you an effect similar to Invisibility as long as you do not move.

While you will always appear to hide on your own screen, you may still be visible to other players and NPCs/mobs. Having a higher skill level increases the chance that a hide attempt will succeed.

Methods to identify a successful Hide (if you are not a Rogue):

  • Consider (with /con or by pressing "c") a non-indifferent mob after the hide attempt: if the mob is now indifferent, then hiding was successful. (You can sometimes find a non-indifferent mob using a spell like Sense Summoned or Sense Animal. This will target the nearest summoned/animal for you to Consider.)
  • Try to target yourself by using the /target <your character name> command. If you hide and are able to /target yourself then your hide has failed. If you hide and do /target <your name> but no target comes up then you know your hide is successful. This technique only works if you don't have a way to See Invis at the moment (spell, items, etc.)
  • Other players can tell you if your hide was successful.

Rogues get extra benefits when using hide:

  • Rogues get an in-game message indicating success or failure when activating Hide.
  • When used in conjunction with Sneak, Rogues can move without breaking Hide. aka Hide-Sneak or Rogue Stealth.
  • Rogue Hide is a combination of Invisibilty, IVU, and immunity to the 'see-invisible' NPC ability. (A select few mobs have 'see-hide' which is specifically meant to thwart Rogues.)
  • Evade (hiding during combat) can be used to reduce aggro (hatred) for an actively attacking mob. *Evade works against 95% of the mobs in the game (including undead).

Evade was added February 17, 2000 with the Template:Era Era [1]

Reuse Timer: 10 seconds



Note: All Dark Elves, Wood Elves, and Halflings, regardless of class, start out with 50 skill in Hide. This can be very useful in a tight spot. However, this skill cannot be raised above 50 unless the character is also one of the aforementioned classes with access to Hide. Then the Hide skill may be raised once the character reaches the appropriate level.

Spell: AbjurationAlterationChannelingConjurationDivinationEvocationMeditateSpecialization
Specialize: AbjurationSpecialize: AlterationSpecialize: ConjurationSpecialize: DivinationSpecialize: Evocation
Weapon: Archery1H Slash1H Blunt2H Slash2H BluntPiercing2H PiercingThrowing
Combat: BashBlockDefenseDisarmDodgeDouble AttackDual WieldHand to HandHarm Touch
IntimidationKickLay on HandsOffenseParryRiposteSlamTaunt
Rogue: BackstabApply PoisonDisarm TrapsPick LockPick PocketSense Traps
Monk: Dragon PunchEagle StrikeFeign DeathFlying KickMendRound KickSafe FallTail Rake (Iksar)Tiger Claw
Bard: Brass InstrumentsPercussionStringed InstrumentsWind InstrumentsSinging
Non-Combat: Alcohol ToleranceBeggingBind WoundFishingForagingHide (Evade)Sense HeadingSneakSwimmingTracking