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PC paladin.gif

The Paladin of Norrath are champions of their patron deity, and heroes of all that is good and just; the very image of a knight (by which name they are often called). A Paladin’s duty is to fight the forces of darkness at all costs, and to assist those who are too weak to defend themselves. The good people of Norrath will always welcome a Paladin to their homes and stores, often giving the knight a cheaper price on their wares than is offered to adventurers of other classes. Many are the Paladin’s enemies, however. Foul perversions of darkness will stop at nothing to see him ripped limb from limb. Only if a Paladin places his trust in his god, his sword and his friends can he overcome.

Paladins are part Warrior, part Cleric. They possess skills of both, but are masters of neither. Most people consider a Paladin more Warrior than Cleric, and for good reason. A knight can take blows from a monster and fight back with his sword from level 1. All but one of his spells, however, are gained only after he reaches the level 9.

The only spell a Paladin can use before level 9 is a special ability, unique to the Paladin class. They can Lay on Hands, which will almost completely heal a person of similar level to the Paladin. This can only be used once a day, but saves the life of many a friend or stranger who would otherwise surely die. Lay on Hands is used throughout the life of a Paladin, even at level 60! Rest assured that this is a worthy ability.

When a Paladin does get the use of his first spells, which are also healing in nature, he can become an even more valuable asset to a group by helping to ease the strain on the group healer during downtime. It is rare, however, that a Paladin stops fighting mid-battle to use his spells, because they are much weaker in power than a healer’s of the same level. In fact, many are discouraged from being a Paladin because they consider the spells a Paladin can cast too inferior to be of any use. Making full use of a Paladin’s limited magical repertoire is simply a matter of knowing when to do what. For example, using the paltry Minor Healing several times to heal a caster who has attracted the attention of a monster can save an entire party at a crucial juncture.

One of the easier classes to play, the Paladin’s life is simple and straightforward at the lower levels. She taunts the monsters off of the weaker classes in a group, while attempting to damage the monsters with her weapon.

The life of a Paladin may sound glamorous, but keep in mind a few things. Once spells are learned, the Paladin sometimes needs to sit and rest to regain his mana. After level 12, a Paladin can learn to Meditate. Although this regains his mana faster, he must sit and stare at his spellbook. This means he cannot be used to pull monsters while meditating. A Paladin gets all of his spells from the Cleric class, but does not get all of the Cleric spells. The only offensive spells a Paladin can use for most of his life are only effective against undead. A Paladin can never summon food and water. Being mainly a melee class, he will never be able to Bind himself; a Paladin is limited to getting a bind in select zones (usually city zones). Healing and buffing spells are in a Paladin’s spell-book, but anything he can use is vastly inferior to a Cleric’s spells at the same level. For example, the spells a Paladin can buy at level 9 are all level 1 and 4 Cleric spells. This is a drawback, indeed.

If your ideal class is primarily a healer, then do not be a Paladin. If you are overly concerned with leveling up quickly, then do not be a Paladin. If you have ever wanted to be a knight in shining armor, quest diligently for powerful weapons, be a hero to the people, or fight against all that is evil, march forward proudly as a Paladin.

by Samuel Varian

Class Titles

Level 1-50 Level 51-54 Level 55-59 Level 60
Paladin Cavalier Knight Crusader

Creation Guide

It is important to make good decisions on Race, Starting Stats, and Religion. These things combined will allow you to create the Paladin that makes you most happy.

Choosing Race

Choosing a race for any class can be a difficult decision--do not choose a race based on abilities alone. Choose the Race that provides you with the right mix of racial benefits, religion, cultural armor sets, and statistics that benefit your class. Here are some considerations for your Paladin:

Race Benefit Detractor
Dwarf High STR/DEX, Barrel rolls! Small size is handy in dungeons, night vision Low AGI
Erudite Poor night vision, low primary stats
Gnome* Small size is handy in dungeons, night vision, awesome plate graphics Low STR / STA
Half-Elf Good AGI / DEX Low WIS
Halfling* Small size is handy in dungeons, hide/sneak, faster leveling You look like a halfling
High Elf Night vision Low STR / STA
Human Poor night vision, lower starting stats

Starting Statistics

It is important to note that each race has slightly different starting statistics. For Paladins, your WIS is important for a larger mana pool, and AGI contributes to your AC. You will likely find that it is easiest to max WIS if you pursue raiding and high-end gear.

Dwarf 100 90 70 95 60 88 55 20
Erudite 70 70 70 75 107 88 80 20
Gnome* 70 85 85 75 98 72 70 20
Half-Elf 80 85 90 75 75 65 85 20
Halfling* 80 90 95 80 67 85 60 20
High Elf 65 70 85 70 92 100 90 20
Human 85 75 75 80 75 80 85 20

The * denotes races that were not originally allowed to be paladins. While this is permitted on FV server, on Live these combinations were not possible until the March 19, 2002 patch (4 months after the December 2001 Shadows of Luclin launch)

Each race gets 20 bonus points to apply to the base stats of their choosing.

Spending Your Bonus Points

Paladins are a tanking support class with great defensive skills and a powerful spells set to help you keep your group alive. As a paladin you are expected to have a high amount of hit points and AC to perform your main role as a tank and a decent mana pool to cast your aggro spells (flash of light and stun). With that in mind the most agreed upon is your agility should be 75 (erudites and dwarves must increase this), and you should dump as much as you can after that into stamina. After those two, weigh your options:

  • Wisdom: Will increase your manapool
  • Strength: Will increase your damage output (albeit slightly)
  • Dexterity: Will increase the likelihood of procs (Ghoulbane, Fiery Avenger, and Fiery Defender come to mind)
  • Charisma: Will increase the success rate of the Lull line of spells

Realistic/Modern statistic allocation:

  • Dwarf: Add 15 to Stamina and 5 to Agility.
  • Erudite: Add 15 to Stamina and 5 to Agility.
  • Half Elf: Add 20 to Stamina.
  • High Elf: Add 20 to Stamina.
  • Human: Add 20 to Stamina.


Paladins must choose a religion, as their magic powers flow from their devotion to their chosen god. There will be some gear that is deity-specific (i.e. Natures Defender in the Velious expansion). Your religion will also impact on where your character can start. Selections include Karana, Rodcet Nife, Erollisi Marr, Brell Serilis, Mithaniel Marr, Prexus, Tunare, and Quellious. Depending on your race you will be given a different number of these deities to choose from.


Casting Skills

Level Trained Skill Cap Until 50 Cap Above 50
9 No Abjuration 235 235
9 No Alteration 235 235
9 No Channeling 200 220
9 No Conjuration 235 235
9 No Divination 235 235
9 No Evocation 235 235
12 Yes Meditate 185 235

Combat Skills

Female Paladin from Casters Realm ~2000
Level Trained Skill Cap Until 50 Cap Above 50
1 No 1 Hand Blunt 200 225
1 No 1 Hand Slashing 200 225
1 No 2 Hand Blunt 200 225
1 No 2 Hand Slashing 200 225
1 No Archery 75 175
1 No Bind Wound 100 (or 105?) 210
1 No Defense 200 230
1 No Hand to Hand 100 100
1 No Lay Hands 200 200
1 No Offense 200 225
1 No Piercing 200 225
1 Yes Taunt 180 180
6 Yes Bash 175 200
10 Yes Dodge 125 155
17 Yes Parry 175 200?
20 Yes Double Attack 200 235
30 Yes Riposte 175 200
40 Yes Disarm 70 70

Miscellaneous Skills

Like all classes, Clerics can raise the following skills:

Level Trained Skill Cap Until 50 Cap Above 50
1 No Alcohol Tolerance 200 255
1 No Begging 200 200
1 No Fishing 200 200
1 No Sense Heading 200 200
1 No Swimming 200 200


Disciplines first appeared in the Ruins of Kunark expansion for pure melee classes. However, Paladin disciplines weren't introduced until the Scars of Velious expansion; they offer short term advantages with a long re-use: These are most useful in dragon/boss encounters.

Discipline Name Level Obtained Description Duration Reuse Time Expansion
Resistant Discipline 51 +10 to all resistances. The reuse time for this discipline will decrease as you level. 5 Min 60 Min Veliousicon.gif
Fearless Discipline 54 Immunity to "Fear" and all spells that cause "fear". The reuse time for this discipline will decrease as you level. 11 Sec 60 Min Veliousicon.gif
Holyforge Discipline 55 Critical Hits versus everything and Crippling Blows versus undead with an increased probability of going off. 5 Min 72 Min Veliousicon.gif
Sanctification Discipline 60 100% Spell resistance. You will resist all spells that are not unresistable. 18 Sec 72 Min Veliousicon.gif

Hybrid Casting

The following patch message was included in the February 21, 2001 patch on EQ Live just over two months after the launch of The Scars of Velious. It will not apply to FV server until the project reaches Velious:

Hybrids that cast spells in combat were taking double penalties at higher levels. The casting times of their spells went up, and the amount of melee damage they do per second went up. This results is having to take longer to cast spells, and losing more damage/second for each second taken in casting. To help offset this, Rangers, Paladins and Shadowknights casting non-beneficial spells that have casting times greater than or equal to 3 seconds, now get a 3 % reduction in casting time for each level over 50. 3% at 51, 6% at 52, etc., to 30% at 60. Again, this applies only to non-beneficial spells.


Level 9

Spell Name Mana Cast Time Recast Time Skill Duration Target Range Description Expansion
Courage 12 2 3 Abj 27m Single 100 Increase AC by 3 (L1) to 4 (L10), Increase Max Hitpoints by 11 (L1) to 20 (L10), Increase HP when cast by 10 Original.gif
Cure Poison 20 2 3 Alt 0 Single 100 Decrease Poison Counter by 1 (L1) to 4 (L12) Original.gif
Flash of Light 12 1.5 3 Div 12s Single 200 Blindness(-1), Decrease ATK by 5 Original.gif
Minor Healing 10 1 2.25 Alt 0 Single 100 Increase Hitpoints by 10 Original.gif
Spook the Dead 10 2 4 Alt 18s Und 200 Fear(1) Original.gif
True North 5 2 4 Div 0 Self 0 True North Original.gif
Yaulp 1 0.5 18 Abj 24s Self 0 Increase STR by 10, Increase AC by 6 Original.gif

Level 15

Spell Name Mana Cast Time Recast Time Skill Duration Target Range Description Expansion
Cure Disease 20 2 3 Alt 0 Single 100 Decrease Disease Counter by 1 (L1) to 4 (L12) Original.gif
Hammer of Wrath 50 4 12 Con 0 Self 0 Summon Item: Summoned: Hammer of Wrath Original.gif
Holy Armor 20 2 2.25 Abj 27m Single 100 Increase AC by 6 Original.gif
Light Healing 25 2 2.25 Alt 0 Single 100 Increase Hitpoints by 26 (L5) to 33 (L18) Original.gif
Lull 10 1.5 3 Alt 2m Single 200 Frenzy Radius(15/30), Reaction Radius(15/30) Original.gif
Sense the Dead 5 2 2.25 Div 0 Self 0 Sense Undead, (Area 240) Original.gif
Ward Undead 30 2.1 2.25 Evo 0 Und 200 Decrease Hitpoints by 35 (L5) to 41 (L11) Original.gif

Level 22

Spell Name Mana Cast Time Recast Time Skill Duration Target Range Description Expansion
Center 40 4 8 Abj 27m Single 100 Increase AC by 5 (L9) to 6 (L14), Increase Max Hitpoints by 44 (L9) to 105 (L70), Increase HP when cast by 44 (L9) to 105 (L70) Original.gif
Endure Poison 20 2.5 2.25 Abj 27m Single 100 Increase Poison Resist by 19 (L9) to 20 (L10) Original.gif
Halo of Light 40 5 10 Con 0 Self 0 Summon Item: Summoned: Halo of Light Original.gif
Invigor 20 3.5 3.5 Alt 18s Single 100 Decrease Stamina Loss by 35 (Note: Removed due to client limitations: See December 18, 2003 patch when Stamina was changed to Endurance) Original.gif
Invisibility versus Undead 40 4 4 Div 27m Single 100 Invisibility versus Undead Original.gif
Reckless Strength 30 3 6 Alt 3m Single 100 STR unknown calc: 107 range: 20 -> 0 Original.gif
Root 30 2 2.25 Alt 48s Single 200 Root Original.gif

Level 30

Spell Name Mana Cast Time Recast Time Skill Duration Target Range Description Expansion
Endure Magic* 40 2.50 2.25 Abj 27 minutes Single 100 Increases magic resistance Veliousicon.gif
Expulse Undead 60 2.75 2.25 Evo 0 Und 200 Decrease Hitpoints by 88 (L14) to 94 (L20) Original.gif
Hammer of Striking 100 6 12 Con 0 Self 0 Summon Item: Summoned: Hammer of Striking Original.gif
Healing 60 3 2.25 Alt 0 Single 100 Increase Hitpoints by 84 (L14) to 100 (L30) Original.gif
Soothe 30 2 4 Alt 2:30 Single 200 Frenzy Radius(10/40), Reaction Radius(10/40), Pacify Original.gif
Spirit Armor 75 6 2.25 Abj 36m Single 100 Increase AC by 11 (L16) to 13 (L24) Original.gif
Stun 35 1.5 12 Evo 0 Single 200 Stun(4.00 sec/55) Original.gif
Symbol of Transal 55 3.5 2.25 Abj 27m Single 100 Increase Max Hitpoints by 34 (L14) to 73 (L21), Increase HP when cast by 34 (L14) to 73 (L21) Original.gif

Note: Endure Magic was added for Paladins at Level 30 in the February 21, 2001 3:00 am patch a few months after Velious launch.

Level 39

Spell Name Mana Cast Time Recast Time Skill Duration Target Range Description Expansion
Cancel Magic 30 3.5 5 Abj 0 Single 200 Cancel Magic(1) Original.gif
Counteract Poison 50 4 2.25 Alt 0 Single 100 Decrease Poison Counter by 8 Original.gif
Daring 60 2.5 2.25 Abj 36m Single 100 Increase AC by 7 (L19) to 9 (L26), Increase Max Hitpoints by 84 (L19) to 135 (L70), Increase HP when cast by 84 (L19) to 135 (L70) Original.gif
Divine Purpose 1 4.50 6.00 Alt 15m Self Self Only Health Regneration Spell Veliousicon.gif
Endure Disease 20 2.5 2.25 Abj 27m Single 100 Increase Disease Resist by 19 (L9) to 20 (L10) Original.gif
Greater Healing 150 3.75 2.25 Alt 0 Single 100 Increase Hitpoints by 288 (L24) to 300 (L30) Original.gif
Guard* 80 3 2.25 ABJ 45m Single 100 Increase AC by 18 (L29) to 19 (L34) Veliousicon.gif
Symbol of Ryltan 111 4 2.25 Abj 36m Single 100 Increase Max Hitpoints by 94 (L24) to 158 (L31), Increase HP when cast by 94 (L24) to 158 (L31) Original.gif
Yaulp II 1 0.5 18 Abj 24s Self 0 Increase STR by 20, Increase AC by 9 Original.gif

Note: Guard was moved from L49 to L39 for Paladins in the February 21, 2001 3:00 am patch a few months after Velious launch.

Level 49

Spell Name Mana Cast Time Recast Time Skill Duration Target Range Description Expansion
Armor of Faith* 150 6 2.25 ABJ 63m Single 100 Increase AC by 24 (L39) to 25 (L44) Veliousicon.gif
Calm 50 2.5 5 Alt 42s Single 200 Frenzy Radius(5/50), Reaction Radius(5/50), Pacify Original.gif
Dismiss Undead 90 3.3 2.25 Evo 0 Und 200 Decrease Hitpoints by 140 (L24) to 162 (L35) Original.gif
Divine Might 100 3 6 Alt. 60m Self 0 Self Only Weapon Proc Enchantment (Add Proc: Divine Might Effect) Kunarkicon.gif
Guard* 80 3 2.25 ABJ 45m Single 100 Increase AC by 18 (L29) to 19 (L34) Original.gif
Holy Might 60 2 18 Evo 0 Single 200 Stun(6.00 sec/55), Decrease Hitpoints by 29 (L19) to 60 (L50) Original.gif
Revive 300 6 20 Alt 0 Body 200 Resurrect and restore 30% experience Original.gif
Symbol of Pinzarn 200 4.5 2.25 Abj 45m Single 100 Increase Max Hitpoints by 224 (L34) to 307 (L41), Increase HP when cast by 224 (L34) to 307 (L41) Original.gif
Valor 90 3 2.25 Abj 54m Single 100 Increase AC by 12 (L34) to 13 (L40), Increase Max Hitpoints by 168 (L34) to 200 (L50), Increase HP when cast by 168 (L34) to 200 (L50) Original.gif

Note: Guard was moved from L49 to L39 for Paladins in the February 21, 2001 3:00 am patch a few months after Velious launch.

Note: Armor of Faith was moved from L53 to L49 for Paladins in the February 21, 2001 3:00 am patch a few months after Velious launch. It was initially made available to Paladins at Level 53 at Kunark launch.

Level 50

Spell Name Mana Cast Time Recast Time Skill Duration Target Range Description Expansion
Flame of Light 85 2.50 18.00 Evo Instant Single 200 Single Target Fire Based Direct Damage (Max: 125hp; 1.5 DPM) Veliousicon.gif

Level 51

Spell Name Mana Cast Time Recast Time Skill Duration Target Range Description Expansion
Pacify 100 3.00 6.00 Alt 4.9 minutes @L39 to 6.9 minutes @L59 Single 200 Reduces the target's aggression Kunarkicon.gif
Resist Disease* 50 4.50 2.25 Abj 36 minutes Single 100 Increases disease resistance by 40 Veliousicon.gif

Note: Resist Disease, originally a classic era spell for other classes, was added for Paladins at Level 51 shortly after the launch of Scars of Velious; possibly in the January 17, 2001 3:00am patch.

Level 52

Spell Name Mana Cast Time Recast Time Skill Duration Target Range Description Expansion
Force 90 2.50 18.00 Evo Instant Single 200 Stuns target with a small amount of damage (6s; 74-90 MR0) Kunarkicon.gif
Frenzied Strength 90 3.00 2.25 Alt 3 minutes Single 100 Increase STR by 40 (effect decreases over time) Kunarkicon.gif

Level 53

Spell Name Mana Cast Time Recast Time Skill Duration Target Range Description Expansion
Armor of Faith* 150 6 2.25 ABJ 63m Single 100 Increase AC by 24 (L39) to 25 (L44) Kunarkicon.gif
Divine Glory* 60 4.00 2.25 Alt 50 minutes Single 100 Single Target 100 HP Buff Veliousicon.gif

Note: Armor of Faith was moved from L53 to L49 for Paladins in the February 21, 2001 3:00 am patch a few months after Velious launch. It was initially made available to Paladins at Level 53 at Kunark launch.

Note: Divine Glory was added in the February 21, 2001 3:00 am patch a few months after Velious launch.

Level 54

Spell Name Mana Cast Time Recast Time Skill Duration Target Range Description Expansion
Enstill 60 2.50 2.25 Alt 1.2 minutes @L20 to 1.6 minutes @L27 Single 200 Stops target's movement Kunarkicon.gif
Expel Undead 130 4.30 2.25 Evo Instant Undead 200 Undead DD spell (261-273; 2.0-2.1 DPM) Kunarkicon.gif

Level 55

Spell Name Mana Cast Time Recast Time Skill Duration Target Range Description Expansion
Divine Aura 10 1.00 900.00 Abj 3 ticks Self Self-only 18-second invulnerability Kunarkicon.gif
Divine Favor 150 1.00 360.00 Abj 5 minutes Single 100 Emergency Damage Absorbing Shield Kunarkicon.gif
Resist Magic* 85 4.50 2.25 Abj 36 minutes Single 100 Increases magic resistance Veliousicon.gif
Wave of Healing 450 2.00 60.00 Alt Instant Group v2 100 Group Heal Spell (270 to 285 hp) Veliousicon.gif

Note: Resist Magic, originally a classic era spell for other classes, was added for Paladins at Level 55 in the February 21, 2001 3:00 am patch a few months after Velious launch.

Level 56

Spell Name Mana Cast Time Recast Time Skill Duration Target Range Description Expansion
Counteract Disease 50 4.00 2.25 Alt Instant Single 100 Cures target of disease effects Kunarkicon.gif
Yaulp III 25 0.50 12.00 Abj 4 ticks Self Self only Strength and AC Buff Kunarkicon.gif

Level 57

Spell Name Mana Cast Time Recast Time Skill Duration Target Range Description Expansion
Superior Healing 250 4.50 2.25 Alt Instant Single 100 Healing spell (2.1 HPM; 116.5 HPS) Veliousicon.gif

Level 58

Spell Name Mana Cast Time Recast Time Skill Duration Target Range Description Expansion
Nullify Magic 50 4.50 6.00 Abj Instant Single 200 Removes magical effects Veliousicon.gif
Symbol of Naltron 315 5.00 2.25 Abj 54 minutes Single 100 Increase Hitpoints Kunarkicon.gif

Level 59

Spell Name Mana Cast Time Recast Time Skill Duration Target Range Description Expansion
Celestial Cleansing* 225 1.50 30.00 Alt 4 ticks Single 100 Single Target Heal Over Time (3.1 HPM; 29.2 HPS) Veliousicon.gif
Resurrection 700 6.00 20.00 Alt Instant Corpse 200 Summons a player to their corpse with 90% experience restored Veliousicon.gif

Note: Celestial Cleansing was added in the February 21, 2001 3:00 am patch a few months after Velious launch.

Level 60

Spell Name Mana Cast Time Recast Time Skill Duration Target Range Description Expansion
Divine Strength 75 5.00 2.25 Alt 50 minutes Single 100 Single Target Hitpoint Buff (Max: 200) Veliousicon.gif
Resolution 110 3.50 2.25 Abj 1 hour 3 minutes Single 100 HP and AC buff Veliousicon.gif
Shield of Words 300 8.00 2.25 Abj 1 hour 12 minutes Single 100 AC buff Veliousicon.gif
Yaulp IV* 1 0.50 18.00 Abj 4 ticks Self Self Only Combat Buff Veliousicon.gif

Note: Yaulp IV was added for Paladins in the February 21, 2001 3:00 am patch a few months after Velious launch.

Paladin-Specific Quests


Original - SolRo Temple Era

  • Armor of Ro Quests

Original - Plane of Sky Era


  • Paladin Thurgadin Armor Quests
  • Paladin Kael Armor Quests
  • Paladin Skyshrine Armor Quests

Holy Weapons


Best in Slot

A * denotes raid gear.
